Freedom from Alaska!

Month: April 2009 Page 3 of 4

Got 10-Minutes? Alex Jones Sums Up NWO: U.S. is a Puppet of the Private Bankers — A Corrupted, Hijacked Nation


Ron Paul INTERVIEWS Historian Ivan Eland on ” Recarving Rushmore: Ranking the Presidents on Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty” C-SPAN 4/04/09


Alex Jones Predicts 9/11 on 7/25 (2001)

[googlevideo=]Alex Jones Predicts 9/11-like Terrorist attack in U.S.
on his July 25, 2001 Show

“The point is, if any terrorism comes, it’s from this government, and if there was an outside threat like a “bin Laden” – who was a known CIA asset in the 80’s running the Mujahideen war, and whose family builds all the military bases over in Saudi Arabia right now,  and sits on the board of Iridium Satellite. He’s the boogeyman they need in this Orwellian phony system.”

“I want the White House numbers up there now. A big part of this solution after you research government sponsored terrorism and check out what I’m saying is true, call the White House and tell them ‘we know that the government is planning terrorism, we know Oklahoma City and World Trade Center was [government sponsored domestic] terrorism. We know the Joint Chiefs of Staff wanted to blow up airliners, Baltimore Sun; if you do it, were gonna blame you, because we know who’s up to it. Or if you let some terrorist group do it, like the World Trade Center, we know who to blame.”

– Alex Jones

Review Of Henry Makow’s Book, “Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order”

From: Rense

Review Of Henry Makow’s
Book, Cruel Hoax

By Gregory M. Zeigler

Henry Makow has summed up years of his research on the modern so-called feminist movement in an important new collection of essays, published by Silas Green in book form under the title Cruel Hoax.

The two principal conclusions of Dr. Makow’s research can be summed up simply. First, contrary to its professed nature, the so-called feminist movement is anything but a grassroots, liberal, spontaneous Zeitgeist. Quite to the contrary, Makow traces its origins to a long-term plan by very elite banking interests to destroy the family as part of a grand goal of remaking a world social environment more conducive to absolute, despotic control. Second, Makow arrays a battery of facts to show that the so-called feminist movement is to the disadvantage of men, women, and children… but above all to the detriment of women, thus making it the Cruel Hoax.

As a collection of essays, Makow’s work makes for easy reading. One can bookmark it and read it in bite-sized chunks during a busy week of work. The 239-page book is broken down into four major sections. Book I is entitled “Feminism, Communism, and the NWO.” Book II is “Homosexuality and Heterosexuality.” Book III bears the bold title “How Heterosexuality Works.” The fourth and final book is “Freemasonry, Brainwashing and the Illuminati.” Each of these books is broken down into about ten separate essays, making their absorption a manageable task for a busy reader.

Dr. Makow is the ultimate big-picture thinker. With a doctorate in English literature, his initiation into the world of sexual politics got a rough start when he praised the heterosexual vision of D.H. Lawrence in college courses, arousing the ire of faculty feminists. As his personal pilgrimage progressed, Makow’s wide reading and penetrating curiosity took him into many other areas that he discovered to be relevant to the issue of sexual politics.

Religion is a central concern of his book. Makow, who is a Jew, is intensely interested in the seventeenth and eighteenth century doctrines of Sabatai Zvi and Jacob Frank. Although Makow, echoing the sentiments of some Orthodox rabbis of their times, refers to these doctrines as heretical, the lack of a universally accepted formal mechanism for identifying Judaic doctrines as heretical makes this assessment somewhat subjective. Be that as it may, Makow links these doctrines to elements of the Kabbalah, rather than the Torah, and traces some roots of their doctrines in ancient near-eastern cults such as those of Astarte, and to more modern movements such as Satanism. Makow is emphatic that the inherent enmity between the patriarchal vision of classical Judaism and the sex-worshipping world view of the Astarte cult has been revived in modern feminism.

Makow is also deeply interested in history, particularly the history of the communist era and the world wars. He traces the origins of communism to the same banking interests that have a long-term commitment to the destruction of the nuclear family. He does not hesitate to name names of individuals or organizations. The Tavistock Institute, Ford Foundation, Council on Foreign Relations, and many other influential organizations come under fire in his book. So also do some of their most powerful and wealthy supporters.

Above all, Makow is interested in human psychology.

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Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order at Amazon


The Purpose of Feminism articles at ToBeFree

Feminist At The End Of Her Rope: Millions of women who outsourced their common sense and trusted the media, their teachers, their leaders and their society are now high-and-dry

From: Rense

Feminist At The End
Of Her Rope

By Henry Makow

What better example of stupid, self-defeating behavior than the latest advice of a veteran feminist?

In an article entitled “Marry Him” (Atlantic Monthly, March 2008) Lori Gottlieb advises her sisters to “settle”–marry anything in sight…and fast. This kind of abject surrender, while satisfying in an “I told you so” way, is also sad.

Millions of women who outsourced their common sense and trusted the media, their teachers, their leaders and their society are now high-and-dry. They were told they could have it all but most can’t.

(“Most can’t” 9912whitehead.htm)

There are three times as many single women in their 30’s now than there were in the 1970’s. By the time these women have established their careers, many are too hard bitten and used, and the good men are all gone.

They are the victims of the most evil, most successful, social engineering program in history. It was designed to turn out exactly as it has: give them career instead of family. But until feminists acknowledge that they are victims of a cruel hoax, they won’t be able to salvage whatever is left.

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The Purpose of Feminism articles at ToBeFree

How The Rockefellers Re-Engineered Women — The hidden goal of feminism is to destroy the family, which interferes with state brainwashing of the young

From: Rense

How The Rockefellers
Re-Engineered Women

By Henry Makow PhD

Feminism is an excellent example of how the Rockefeller mega cartel uses the awesome power of the mass media (i.e. propaganda.) to control society.

In 40 short years, many women have lost touch with their natural loving instincts. Consequently, the family is in disarray, sexual depravity is rampant and birth rates have plummeted.

I’ll expand on the Rockefeller’s role, but first we need to remember that for a woman, love is an instinctive act of self-sacrifice.

She gives herself to her husband and children and is fulfilled by seeing them thrive and receiving their love, respect and gratitude.

A woman makes this supreme sacrifice to only one man who will cherish her and provide for his family. Men instinctively want to fulfill this responsibility.

This is the essence of the heterosexual contract (i.e. marriage): female power in exchange for male power expressed as love. Sex is the symbol of this exclusive bond. Marriage and family may not be for everyone but it is the natural path for most.

Feminism has trained women to reject this model as an “old fashioned, oppressive stereotype” even though it reflects their natural instincts.

On Thursday a British writer reported overhearing two young women:

“All men are useless these days,” one said. “Yeah,” said the other. “The trouble is that they haven’t risen to the challenge of feminism. They don’t understand that we need them to be more masculine, and instead they have just copped out.”

That’s their logic? If women are less feminine, men will be more masculine? Men aren’t designed to fight with women. They need to be affirmed by a woman’s acquiescence and faith. When women constantly challenge them, men will “cop out” of marriage and family.

Now that love and marriage have been “discredited,” women have nothing left to exchange for love but sex. Thus, many are unnaturally obsessed with appearance and pathetically give their bodies to all and sundry.

Permanent love is not based on a woman’s sex appeal, or personality or achievements. Ultimately, it is based on self-sacrifice. We love the people who love us.


People do not realize that feminism is mass indoctrination because they cannot identify the perpetrator, the means or the motive.

Recently Aaron Russo, the producer of Bette Middler’s movies and “America: From Freedom to Fascism” identified all three confirming what I have been saying.

(See this shocking 14 minute interview excerpt)

While trying to recruit Russo for the CFR, Nicholas Rockefeller told him that his family foundation created women’s liberation using mass media control as part of a long-term plan to enslave humanity. He admitted they want to “chip us.” Google “Rockefeller Foundation” and “Women’s Studies” and you’ll get a half million citations.

The hidden goal of feminism is to destroy the family, which interferes with state brainwashing of the young. Side benefits include depopulation and widening the tax base. Displacing men in the role of providers also destabilizes the family.

A drastic paradigm shift is required to make sense of the world. The Rockefellers are part of the private central banking cartel that also controls media, defence, pharmaceutical and other cartels. To protect their monopoly of credit and wealth, they are instituting a world police state (“world government”) using the bogus 9-11 attack and endless war as a pretext. Rockefeller told Russo about this plan a year before 9-11.

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(video) Feminism Was Created To Destabilize Society, Tax Women and Set Up the NWO – Aaron Russo

Satanists used “sexual liberation,” to undermine humanity: “we corrupt in order to conquer” — For a woman, sex is an act of self-sacrifice and surrender. By definition, it requires trust, i.e. love and devotion to one man. When she has casual sex, inevitably she is disappointed and feels used. She starts to hate men and falls victim to feminism and lesbianism

Scientists: WOMEN better at MULTI-TASKING, MEN better at CONCENTRATING on SINGLE Complex TASKS; Women have better connections between the LEFT & RIGHT sides of the brain • Men have better connections between the FRONT & BACK — ‘COMPLEMENTARY’ PROVEN!

Study: The hardwired ‘stark’ difference between male and female brains explains why women are more intuitive — “It’s quite striking how COMPLEMENTARY the brains of women and men really are.” | God knew what He was doing : )

Adrian Rogers on MEN and WOMEN: Celebrate the Difference — “God made us different that He might make us ONE.” It’s time to stop trying to be the be the same or resenting each other because of our differences

(video) David Pawson: “Leadership is Male” (in the home and in the church) — “The demand for IDENTITY between the sexes has caused so many problems. …  I’ve found that every woman, deep down in their heart, want to see their men-folk taking responsible leadership”

All of my The Purpose of Feminism articles (10 posts per page, latest appear first)

Betty Friedan: ‘Mommy’ Was A Commie — Feminism As Classic ‘Popular Front’

From: Rense

Betty Friedan: ‘Mommy’
Was A Commie
Feminism As Classic ‘Popular Front’

By Henry Makow, PhD

“Comrades, you will remember the ancient tale of the capture of Troy … The attacking army was unable to achieve victory until, with the aid of the famous Trojan Horse, it managed to penetrate to the very heart of the enemy camp.”

–George Dimitrov, Comintern General Secretary, August, 1935.

Betty Friedan, the “founder of modern feminism” pretended to be a typical 1950’s American mother who had a “revelation” that women like her were exploited and should seek independence and self-fulfillment in career.

What Friedan (nee: Betty Naomi Goldstein) didn’t say is that she had been a Communist propagandist since her student days at Smith College (1938-1942) and that the destruction of the family has always been central to the Communist plan for world government. See “The Communist Manifesto” (1848).

Friedan dropped out of grad school to become a reporter for a Communist news service. From 1946 -1952 she worked for the newspaper of the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America, (UE) “the largest Communist-led institution of any kind in the United States.” In 1947, Congress targeted the UE as a Communist front and its membership began a steady decline.

Daniel Horowitz, a History Professor at Smith with impeccable Liberal and Feminist credentials documents all this in his book, Betty Friedan and the Making of the Feminine Mystique: The American Left, the Cold War and Modern Feminism (University of Massachusetts Press 1999). Horowitz cites a union member who described how a Communist minority “seized control of the UE national office, the executive board, the paid-staff, the union newspaper and some district councils and locals.”

Betty Frieden doesn’t want anyone to know her radical antecedents. Throughout her career, she said she had no interest in the condition of women before her “revelation.” She refused to cooperate with Professor Horowitz and accused him of “Red-baiting.”

Why? Because her book “The Feminist Mystique” (1963) would not have sold over five million copies if her subversive background were known. Communists operate by subterfuge — pretending to be just like us. This is the “Popular Front” strategy that consisted of starting idealistic movements in order to ensnare well-meaning people, usually students, workers, women, artists or intellectuals. The membership was ignorant that their organization was funded and controlled by people with a totally different agenda.

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The Purpose of Feminism articles at ToBeFree

When Love Is A One-Night Stand: Natural female charm has been crushed under the jackboot of feminism

From: Rense

Makow – When Love Is A
One-Night Stand
What Do Women Want?

By Henry Makow, PhD

When I was younger, I couldn’t understand what women wanted.

This is because women themselves didn’t know.

Feminism told them to be independent, to have careers and lovers. But their instincts told them to get married and have children.

Recently Mary, an American woman living in London England wrote:

“I am 39, twice divorced, childless and could not understand why it is so difficult for me to find Mr Right. Thanks to your website now I know exactly why. I will show one of your articles to my lady friends [who] are very unhappy and complain that most of the men they meet (and we are talking about men over the age of 30, not 15) just want sex and refuse to commit. I have become spiritual as a result of my loneliness and eagerness to procreate.

In the meantime, I will read your articles faithfully and thank God that someone has the guts to come out with the truth. For the past five years I kept asking myself why my life has turned out as unfulfilling as it has whereas my mother didn’t have that problem (she was born in 1929).”

Mary is one of millions of men and women (including myself) who do not have families because of a covert campaign of psychological warfare against heterosexuals. This Rockefeller-sponsored program of social engineering and eugenics is waged under the guise of “feminism” and “equality.” The pill, sexual liberation and the mainstreaming of homosexuality are all part of it. See “Sexism is Heterosexuality ( and “Playboy and the (Homo)sexual Revolution” (

The aim is to degrade depopulate and destabilize humanity by divorcing sex from procreation and by pretending gender roles are social and not biological in origin. Women have been brainwashed to usurp the male role and abandon the female. The resulting conflict and confusion has led to a breakdown of marriage and family. This produces dysfunctional people who are obsessed with sex and look to the corporate media and state for values and direction.


Mary identifies the nub of the problem: men “just want sex and refuse to commit.” Young women today act like sex is the only way to attract men. They try to parlay sex appeal into lasting love and family. This is self-defeating. It is sending the wrong message to men.

Ladies, if you want love and family, do not present yourself in sexual terms. How can you differentiate yourself in terms that practically any young woman can provide? No wonder you are dumped!

Instead present yourself as potential life partners: wives and mothers. In other words, dress modestly and prepare to be indispensable to the man and children you love. Learn the skills of a homemaker and helpmate.

Yesterday, a female cashier at Safeway shocked me by smiling. I quickly realized that it was part of her job description. Natural female charm (warmth, grace, cheerfulness, attentiveness, modesty) has been crushed under the jackboot of feminism.

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The Purpose of Feminism articles at ToBeFree

General Motors Psy-Op Ad Castrates Men By Using Feminism

From: Rense

GM Psy-Op Ad Castrates
Men By Using Feminism

By Henry Makow PhD

I am old enough to remember when the word “Cadillac” was synonymous with success. It was the ultimate masculine status symbol.

A recent Cadillac commercial sells cars to feminists as a symbol of their success in degrading and humiliating men.

It’s part of an ongoing psychological operation waged by the London-based central banking cartel designed to destroy heterosexuality and the family. The bankers perceive real men as a threat to their plan for world government tyranny. General Motors and other multinationals are all singing from the banker’s homosexual/lesbian songbook.

The commercial (entitled “Khakis”) depicts white males scurrying like mice at the appearance of the office cat. To a chorus of “Here Comes Success” a young woman strides confidently through the office intimidating the young slackers who are in various states of idleness.

In one office, a man smells his armpit. Another man is doing Tai Chi. Another takes his feet off his desk. Another is eating. Another throws up his arms in submission. There is no way to impress her; she is unattainable. While they include minorities, there is not one women among these losers!

The young goddess finds herself alone in an elevator with a male co-worker. When she says, “Hi Chris,” the pen in his pocket spurts ink, suggesting he cannot contain his excitement. Premature ejaculation = impotence.

The goddess notices and smirks. In the next scene, she is driving away in her Cadillac. She thinks about Chris and laughs triumphantly. It is not enough that she is “successful”; the satisfaction is in lording it over men.

The message on the screen is “Enjoy the Driver’s Seat.” Then the Cadillac emblem appears with another message “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of [Success]”.

Contrast this commercial with a 1987 Cadillac ad featuring a male who exudes Charleton Heston-like masculinity, maturity and pride. How far we have fallen in just 20 years!

The new commercial demonstrates that female empowerment is really about degrading and emasculating men so they will accept subjugation in the New World Order.

These corporations also promote homosexuality in numerous TV dramas they sponsor. In shows like “Ugly Betty”, “Desperate Housewives”, “ER”, “Brothers and Sisters” and “Grey’s Anatomy,” homosexuality is “portrayed in a positive manner, as a normal and accepted lifestyle,” according to a recent study .

“Some scenes include homosexual kisses and bedrooms scenes. In instances where opposition to homosexuality is portrayed, the opposing character is publicly ridiculed or condemned by the other characters on the program.”

This isn’t about tolerance; it is about teaching heterosexuals to be homosexuals.

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The Purpose of Feminism articles at ToBeFree

The Male Fallout From Feminism: Let’s Men “Off the Hook” — Satanic Forces Have Hijacked This Planet

From: Rense

The Male Fallout
From Feminism
Don’t Give Up On American Women

By Henry Makow, PhD

Martha Kirkland is a “happy but poor” 30-something NYC artist who laments that she is dateless despite being “bright, thin, attractive, funny” and traditional.

In an email, she writes that she and many women friends “all possess certain idealism about the very distinct differences between men and women and applaud them.”

“None of us wants to either lead or compete in ANY relationship, most specifically, an intimate partnership. We are, at a relatively young age dinosaurs.”

Often the first question she is asked on a date is how much does she earn. The second is, does she “have a trust fund?”

“I find it so demoralizing that I lose interest in these men right away…I understand the financial imperative of the NYC area…. What I do not understand is how grace, charm and feminine essences no longer seemingly have value. The last thing my men friends want is ANY woman to be dependent upon them, especially emotionally and secondarily financially.”

Feminism lets men “off the hook.” We no longer have to take responsibility for families. Instead we can do as we please. In my case, that meant search for meaning and identity.

Ironically, I learned that these are rooted in the masculine role that feminism allowed me to forego. That’s the hidden agenda. Feminism unravels heterosexuality by blurring inherent sexual differences.

As a result, many men are turning off American women, marriage and children. The latest version of Hugh Hefner’s playboy is the “metro sexual.” He is a straight gay, fastidious about his appearance and possessions, interested in sex but not in emotional commitments.


I don’t enjoy being the bearer of bad tidings, but things have gone terribly wrong. Satanic forces have hijacked this planet. Of course, they are not going to tell you about it.

The super-rich have more in common with each other than with people like you and me who are “squatters” in their view. United in secret societies, they have infiltrated and subverted our political, economic, cultural and religious institutions. They are waging a secret war on humanity and are responsible for the political and economic upheavals of the past 200 years including the slaughter of millions.

The ultimate goal is to organize a weakened and reduced world population in an Orwellian police state. The attack on the World Trade Centre, the “War on Terror” and “Patriot Act” is really about this.

So is feminism. The correct male response to feminist subversion is to uphold rather than eschew the traditional vision of masculinity, marriage and family.


Henry Makow Ph.D is the inventor of Scruples and the author of “A Long Way to go for a Date.” His past essays on feminism and the new world order are stored at He enjoys receiving comments at henry at

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The Purpose of Feminism articles at ToBeFree

Gloria Steinem — How The CIA Used Feminism To Destabilize Society

From: Rense

Gloria Steinem – How The CIA
Used Feminism To Destabilize Society
By Henry Makow, Ph.D

“In the 1960´s, the elite media invented second-wave feminism as part of the elite agenda to dismantle civilization and create a New World Order.”

Since writing these words last week, I have discovered that before she became a feminist leader, Gloria Steinem worked for the CIA spying on Marxist students in Europe and disrupting their meetings. She became a media darling due to her CIA connections. MS Magazine, which she edited for many years was indirectly funded by the CIA.

Steinem has tried to suppress this information, unearthed in the 1970´s by a radical feminist group called “Red Stockings.” In 1979, Steinem and her powerful CIA-connected friends, Katharine Graham of the Washington Post and Ford Foundation President Franklin Thomas prevented Random House from publishing it in “Feminist Revolution.” Nevertheless the story appeared in the “Village Voice” on May 21, 1979.

Steinem has always pretended that she had been a student radical. “When I was in college, it was the McCarthy era,” she told Susan Mitchell in 1997, “and that made me a Marxist.” (Icons, Saints and Divas: Intimate Conversations with Women who Changed the World 1997. p 130) Her bio-blurb in June 1973 MS. Magazine states: “Gloria Steinem has been a freelance writer all her professional life. Ms magazine is her first full-time salaried job.”

Not true. Raised in an impoverished, dysfunctional family in Toledo Ohio, Steinem somehow managed to attend elite Smith College, Betty Friedan´s alma mater. After graduating in 1955, Steinem received a “Chester Bowles Student Fellowship” to study in India. Curiously, an Internet search reveals that this fellowship has no existence apart from Gloria Steinem. No one else has received it.

In 1958, Steinem was recruited by CIA´s Cord Meyers to direct an “informal group of activists” called the “Independent Research Service.”

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The Purpose of Feminism articles at ToBeFree

The “Sugar Daddies” Behind Feminism

From: Henry Makow

The “Sugar Daddies” Behind Feminism

April 4, 2009

(Left, John D. Rockefeller and his son, John Jr.)

by Richard Evans

The “Patriarchy” is the Plutocracy and it’s Funding Feminism!

When big changes happen,  follow the money.  Feminist  funding comes from big foundations. Google “Women’s Studies” and Rockefeller Foundation and you’ll get 132,000 links. Google “Women’s Studies” and Ford Foundation and you’ll get 217,000 links. Carnegie Foundation yields 197,000 links. They frequently acknowledge foundation funding and expose a massive social engineering program designed to reduce population, emasculate men and undermine the institutions of marriage & family.

Yet, horror to tell, these foundations are dominated by men, not women. Feminism, ostensibly dedicated to “smashing the Patriarchy,” is bankrolled by the Patriarchy.

* A 1990 report by Women and Foundations/Corporate Philanthropy found that 23% of foundations surveyed had no women or people of color as trustees. Furthermore, women of color made up only 5% of all foundation trustees.

* 71% of foundation members are male. A similar bias exists among foundation directors. At 14%, women are better represented among chief executive officers of foundations, but they tend to head the smaller foundations. The largest independent foundations are headed by men.

If you take the time to really trace NGO funding, the faces change from radical chic hell raiser women gradually into very old white men.

Feminists drawing large salaries in universities and NGO’s, all have these unseen sugar daddies.  The rank and file don’t know this. They’re too busy picking on men who don’t pull any more strings in this culture than they do.

I’ll show you how to check it out yourself.  First, you’ll need the Grants Foundation Index. Using this you can look up foundations and see where their money goes.

Start with an organization’s website and where possible, find who funds them, and the list of their board.  Save to a notepad or word.doc.   When you’ve collected a lot of donors names, most you won’t recognize, some you will, but you’ll see names crop up over and over again.  They’re not all American names either listed on these US foundations.  You’ll find many names listed in Who’s Who in America consisting of mostly Anglo-Americans, Jews, and a smattering of Spanish, German, Italian, Japanese, and some Russian.  But nationalities don’t matter.  What binds them more powerfully is that they’re all Plutocrats.

smash_patriarchy.gif When you have the names of the foundations that fund them upfront, check those foundations websites to find who their donors are. As you go, check each foundation with the Grants Foundation Index. This will tell you what other organizations they fund.

During the 20th century funding up through the 1970’s feminist/population control organizations used to be relatively easy to trace to two ‘prime mover’ sources.  These could be found either funding directly or through one or two ‘conduit’ foundations.

The big two were (are)

* Rockefeller Foundation (primarily funding US based feminism/population controller NGO’s in the Western hemisphere.)

* Carnegie Foundation (US based international NGO’s)

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The Purpose of Feminism articles at ToBeFree

It’s OK To Be A Woman: Feminism is Poison for Women — Top-down-elite Social Engineering

From: Rense

It’s OK To Be A Woman
By Henry Makow PhD

“In Spring, a young man’s thoughts turn to love” and so do a young woman’s.

Like pretty daffodils poking their heads above matted leaves, attractive young women are suddenly in evidence on neighborhood streets. They are usually alone and strike me as confused. They want male approval but are told men are evil. Their instincts say get married and have children but society tells them families are oppressive: “Get a career instead.”

If I could talk to these young women, I would say this:

You have been betrayed by society. Feminism, a lesbian ideology which denies gender differences, is poison for women. It has destroyed the things you most want and need, namely love, courtship and marriage.

Young men no longer think in terms of winning your friendship and love. They no longer need to marry or even commit to get sex. If you don’t go to bed, another girl will. No more dates. No more flowers. No more dinners,dances and movies. It’s booze, bed and “Good Bye.”

Women’s rights indeed!

Feminism is not a spontaneous grass roots social phenomena. It is top-down elite social engineering- i.e. behavior modification by the mass media, government and the education system. It was wholly sponsored by the central bankers in order to make women have careers instead of families.

Film producer, the late Aaron Russo was told this by the Rockefellers. Watch this video.


The purpose is to undermine the family as the basic social institution so people will be more dependent on government and corporations. It is part of a larger plan to bring in a veiled totalitarian world government by dynamiting the four legs of our human identity: race, religion, nation and family. The War on Terror and 9-11 are other aspects of this elite agenda.

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The Purpose of Feminism articles at ToBeFree

RON PAUL: Audit the ‘Federal’ Reserve!!! – HR 1207 — Sign the Petition (GREAT MUSIC!)


Encourage your representitive to support HR 1207 – the Federal Reserve Transparency Act. The Fed is a private institution and is therefore not subject to normal Governmental Freedom of Information requests, as Bloomberg recently found out.

HR 1207 will help to reveal where the Fed is funnelling trillions of dollars of taxpayer’s money.

Sign the petition

CBS News 4/2/09: China Rising


Beck: They’re marching us towards fascism, not socialism — towards 1984

“The people who said fascism is coming under Bush
and the people who are saying fascism,
it’s coming under Obama,
you’re both right.”

– Glenn Beck


Globalist kingpin, David Rockefeller’s beetle (bug) collection — names species after himself

From: Forbes

David Rockefeller Sr., the grandson of oil baron John D. Rockefeller, still keeps up the beetle collection he started during a family vacation to Maine when he was 10. The collection is now over 80 years old, and comprises 157,000 specimens of about 900 species.

Along with owning several “types,” or prime examples of species, Rockefeller has helped discover several new species, and has “two or three named after him,” according to his spokesman Peter Johnson. “He doesn’t travel looking for them, but if you’re on a walk and he sees one, he’ll go grab it before you even notice it’s there.”


[ 2-minute video ] Alex Jones: The Globalists See Us as Merely Bugs — The Power Paradox, We Are All Human

David Rockefeller: “I’m PROUD of” being “part of a SECRET CABAL working AGAINST the best interests of the United States”

All of my Rockefeller posts

[Alaska] Mt. Redoubt Has Blown 19 Times Since March 22

From: Breitbart

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) – Mount Redoubt is getting under the skin of Alaska, and it’s not just the irritation caused by volcanic ash.

For residents of Alaska’s largest city, living near an active volcano means sometimes wearing air-filtration masks and stretching panty hose over the air intake of cars and trucks.

The volcano also brings daily uncertainty about whether it will blow and, if it does, where the ash will go.

“I would like it to have a big boom and get it over with,” said Brad Sandison, a retired truck driver and avid cyclist who carries a face mask and goggles whenever he rides just in case the volcano starts spewing ash.

The mountain 100 miles southwest of Anchorage tends to erupt every decade or so and belch ash for months. Geologists have recorded at least 19 eruptions since March 22, including one on Saturday.

So far, Mount Redoubt’s almost daily ash clouds have canceled hundreds of airline flights, reduced the number of shipments flowing through a huge FedEx cargo facility and cut shipments of fresh Alaskan seafood.

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Sen. Rockefeller Introduces Bills to Give Obama Control of Internet

From: World Net Daily

A pair of bills introduced in the U.S. Senate would grant the White House sweeping new powers to access private online data, regulate the cybersecurity industry and even shut down Internet traffic during a declared “cyber emergency.”

Senate bills No. 773 and 778, introduced by Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.V., are both part of what’s being called the Cybersecurity Act of 2009, which would create a new Office of the National Cybersecurity Advisor, reportable directly to the president and charged with defending the country from cyber attack.

A working draft of the legislation obtained by an Internet privacy group also spells out plans to grant the Secretary of Commerce access to all privately owned information networks deemed to be critical to the nation’s infrastructure “without regard to any provision of law, regulation, rule or policy restricting such access.”

Who might be watching you without you knowing it? Get “Spychips” and see how major corporations and government are planning to track your every move!

Privacy advocates and Internet experts have been quick to sound the alarm over the act’s broadly drawn government powers.

“The cybersecurity threat is real,” says Leslie Harris, president of the Center for Democracy and Technology, which obtained the draft of S.773, “but such a drastic federal intervention in private communications technology and networks could harm both security and privacy.”

“The whole thing smells bad to me,” writes Larry Seltzer in eWeek, an Internet and print news source on technology issues. “I don’t like the chances of the government improving this situation by taking it over generally, and I definitely don’t like the idea of politicizing this authority by putting it in the direct control of the president.”

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Study: ‘highly engineered explosive,’ DoD-ap-only, super-thermite found in all WTC samples studied

From: Raw Story

A team of scientists claim to have unearthed startling data from dust and debris gathered in the days and weeks after the World Trade Center towers collapsed on Sept. 11, 2001.

In a study published by the Open Chemical Physics Journal — a peer-reviewed, scientific publication — Steven E. Jones and Niels Harrit level a stark allegation: that within the dust and rubble of the World Trade Center towers lays evidence of “a highly engineered explosive,” contrary to all federal studies of the collapses.

“We have discovered distinctive red/gray chips in all the samples we have studied of the dust produced by the destruction of the World Trade Center,” reads the paper’s abstract. “One sample was collected by a Manhattan resident about ten minutes after the collapse of the second WTC Tower, two the next day, and a fourth about a week later. The properties of these chips were analyzed using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).”

They claim their analysis has uncovered “active thermitic material”: a combination of elemental aluminum and iron oxide in form of thermite known as “nanostructured super-thermite.”

Thermite, used in steel welding, fireworks shows, hand grenades and demolition, can produce a chemical reaction known for extremely high temperatures focused in a very small area for a short period of time.

According to the Navy’s Small Business Innovation Research, super-thermite “is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services.”

“This finding really goes beyond anything that has previously been shown,” said Jones in a media advisory. “We had to use sophisticated tools to analyze the dust because this isn’t just a typical explosive, RDX or CD4 or something — this is a highly engineered material not readily available to just anyone.”

The cost and production rate of super-thermite composites has limited the use of these materials in DoD applications,” claims the Navy’s SBIR.

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Molten Steel Found at Ground Zero Weeks After 9/11

Rockefeller Predicted “Event” To Trigger War Eleven Months Before 9/11

All of my 9/11 truth posts in reverse chronological order

Fabled Enemies (Super High Quality, full movie)

Watch in full screen at:


Fabled Enemies: Spy Thriller Exposes Vast Intelligence Plot Behind 9/11

Depth of evidence presented in brand new 9/11 truth film buries official story for good

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Friday, August 29, 2008

Fabled Enemies is a departure from every other 9/11 truth film released so far. It comes off as more of a spy thriller than a mere conspiracy romp. With tight editing, slick presentation, and sublimely complimentary backing music, the documentary draws the viewer in for an eminently watchable experience.

The film begins by revealing how in the very hours after 9/11, Osama bin Laden’s conviction of guilt in the court of public opinion was assured simply by constant repetition in the news media, and how the fairytale of 19 hijackers with box cutters began to unravel.

The film does not try to invent an alternative scenario behind what really happened on 9/11, it expertly demolishes the official version by concentrating on how Bin Laden’s network was protected every step of the way by higher-ups and the hijackers issued visas while good FBI agents like Robert Wright attempted to penetrate the wider plot but were blocked from doing so.

The treatment of Anthony Shaffer, who attempted to inform the 9/11 Commission about Able Danger, an intelligence program that identified the hijackers before 9/11, highlights precisely why the Commission was a set-up from the very beginning. Shaffer and his team were gagged and slandered and the vital information they had passed on was ignored and buried.

Patrice O’Neal: Racial SEPARATION, HATRED helps the NWO! | We need to COME TOGETHER at the bottom of this pyramid | This country is NOT TEACHING HISTORY (where the banks came from, etc.) | WHO’S WORSE? The PEOPLE AT THE TOP… or the AVERAGE CITIZEN who helps these dudes DESTROY OTHER PEOPLE?

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from: The Infowarrior with Jason Bermas, 4/2/09

[youtube=]Patrice O’Neal on THE INFOWARRIOR with Jason Bermas:
The Problem is YOU!

“In terms of the New World Order, who’s worse? Is it the people at the top that are having these meetings, these G-20 meetings that people are protesting, or is it the average citizen who has got to help these dudes and these women perform this action?

Who do you blame for like the holocaust? Do you blame Hitler, who essentially was a little crazy man with a mustache? Or do you blame the thousands and thousands of soldiers, who at the whim of his command would kill their fellow citizens?

“‘Oh, it’s my job, and I have to feed my family. I’m going to destroy your family.'” “…why the pawn is so willing to be the pawn?” “There can’t be a New World Order, there can’t be these little old men in a room at the top of a pyramid making these decisions unless there are us(es) who are willing to destroy other people.”

London Telegraph Admits Plan For Bank Of The World, Global Currency

From: Infowars

The international business editor of the London Telegraph has today penned a piece admitting that the fallout of the G20 summit sets the stage for a global central bank and a global fiat currency.

After yesterday’s widespread announcement of a “new world order” by the world’s media, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the Telegraph writes “The world is a step closer to a global currency, backed by a global central bank, running monetary policy for all humanity.”

The economic analyst points to a clause in Point 19 of the communiqué issued by the G20 leaders, saying it “amounts to revolution in the global financial order.”

“We have agreed to support a general SDR allocation which will inject $250bn (£170bn) into the world economy and increase global liquidity,” The clause states.

SDRs are Special Drawing Rights, a synthetic paper currency issued by the International Monetary Fund that has lain dormant for half a century.

“In effect, the G20 leaders have activated the IMF’s power to create money and begin global ‘quantitative easing’. In doing so, they are putting a de facto world currency into play. It is outside the control of any sovereign body. Conspiracy theorists will love it.” Evans-Pritchard comments.

Read the Entire Telegraph article here.

Even though Evans-Pritchard directly admits the political agenda to diminish the power of sovereign states in favor of a move towards global governance, he still couches it under the term “conspiracy theory”, suggesting it is some sort of paranoid delusion.

It is time to face this agenda head on, expose it for what it really is and stop engaging in cognitive dissonance and blind ignorance.

Furthermore, why would we “love” to see unfold before our eyes the very diabolical strategy that we have consistently warned will eventually strip us of all our freedoms?

As we have exhaustively documented, the new world order has nothing to do with saving the world and everything to do with centralizing power and control into the hands of a gaggle of criminal globalists who are concerned about nothing other than increasing their domination over the planet – at the expense of the rest of the population.

The new world order is totalitarian by its very nature – shifting power away from sovereign countries to global institutions which have no accountability to the general public whatsoever, and through which the public has no voice or influence. That cannot be defined as anything else but undemocratic. There is no such thing as a “benign” new world order.

It’s about time the establishment media stopped parroting the words of globalists, stopped dismissing as trite their clear and outright agenda to seize power, and actually started exposing what is really happening in this world with purpose.

Related: How José Manuel Barroso (Bilderberg Member) quietly transformed the world’s financial future G20 summit

On ‘Coast’ Sunday & Monday: Arthur Blessitt & Rayelan Allan

Sunday, April 5

Joining George Noory, education reformer John Taylor Gatto reveals the real function of the American public school system: render the population manageable, and train subservience to the state. First Hour: Arthur Blessitt, the man who carried a cross around the world.

Monday, April 6

Researcher Rayelan Allan will discuss her family background of covert government ties, a shadowy mission to destroy the New World Order, the Knights Templar, and mind control.

Coast to Coast AM is live nightly from 10pm to 2am Pacific.

Pat Buchanan: Should We Kill the Fed? Real History—Hoover Did What Obama is Doing

From: Human Events

For the financial crisis that has wiped out trillions in wealth, many have felt the lash of public outrage.

Fannie and Freddie. The idiot-bankers. The AIG bonus babies. The Bush Republicans and Barney Frank Democrats who bullied banks into making mortgages to minorities who could not afford the houses they were moving into.

But the Big Kahuna has escaped.

The Federal Reserve.

(T)he very people who devised the policies that produced the mess are now posing as the wise public servants who will show us the way out,” writes Thomas Woods in “Meltdown.”

Already in its sixth week on the New York Times best-seller list, this eminently readable book traces the Fed’s role in every financial crisis since this creature was spawned on Jekyl Island in 1913.

The “forgotten depression” of 1920-21 was caused by a huge increase in the money supply for President Wilson’s war. When the Fed started to tighten at war’s end, production fell 20 percent from mid-1920 to mid-1921, far more than today.

Why did we not read about that depression?

Because the much-maligned Warren Harding refused to intervene. He let businesses and banks fail and prices fall. Hence, the fever quickly broke, and we were off into “the Roaring Twenties.”

But, the Fed reverted, expanding the money supply by 55 percent, an average of 7.3 percent a year, not through an expansion of the currency, but through loans to businesses.

Thus, when the Fed tightened in the overheated economy, the Crash came, as the stock market bubble the Fed had created burst.

Herbert Hoover, contrary to the myth that he was a small-government conservative, renounced laissez-faire, raised taxes, launched public works projects, extended emergency loans to failing businesses and lent money to the states for relief programs.

Hoover did what Obama is doing.

Indeed, in 1932, FDR lacerated Hoover for having presided over the “greatest spending administration in peacetime in all of history.” His running mate, John Nance Garner, accused Hoover of “leading the country down the path to socialism.” And “Cactus Jack” was right.

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Seymour Hersh: Secret US Forces Carried Out Assassinations in at Least a Dozen Countries, Including in Latin America

From: Democracy Now!

Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh created a stir earlier this month when he said the Bush administration ran an “executive assassination ring” that reported directly to Vice President Dick Cheney. “Under President Bush’s authority, they’ve been going into countries, not talking to the ambassador or to the CIA station chief, and finding people on a list and executing them and leaving,” Hersh said. Seymour Hersh joins us to explain. [includes rush transcript]

AMY GOODMAN: Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh created a stir last month when he said the Bush administration ran an executive assassination ring that reported directly to Vice President Dick Cheney. Hersh made the comment during a speech at the University of Minnesota on March 10th.

    SEYMOUR HERSH: Congress has no oversight of it. It’s an executive assassination wing, essentially. And it’s been going on and on and on. And just today in the Times there was a story saying that its leader, a three-star admiral named McRaven, ordered a stop to certain activities because there were so many collateral deaths. It’s been going in—under President Bush’s authority, they’ve been going into countries, not talking to the ambassador or to the CIA station chief, and finding people on a list and executing them and leaving.



OK, welcome to Democracy Now!, Sy Hersh. It was good to see you last night at Georgetown. Talk about, first, these comments you made at the University of Minnesota.



The evidence—the problem with having military go kill people when they’re not directly in combat, these are asking American troops to go out and find people and, as you said earlier, in one of the statements I made that you played, they go into countries without telling any of the authorities, the American ambassador, the CIA chief, certainly nobody in the government that we’re going into, and it’s far more than just in combat areas. There’s more—at least a dozen countries and perhaps more. The President has authorized these kinds of actions in the Middle East and also in Latin America, I will tell you, Central America, some countries. They’ve been—our boys have been told they can go and take the kind of executive action they need, and that’s simply—there’s no legal basis for it.

And not only that, if you look at Guantanamo, the American government knew by—well, let’s see, Guantanamo opened in early 2002. “Gitmo,” they call it, the base down in Cuba for alleged al-Qaeda terrorists. An internal report that I wrote about in a book I did years ago, an internal report made by the summer of 2002, estimated that at least half and possibly more of those people had nothing to do with actions against America. The intelligence we have is often very fragmentary, not very good. And the idea that the American president would think he has the constitutional power or the legal right to tell soldiers not engaged in immediate combat to go out and find people based on lists and execute them is just amazing to me. It’s amazing to me.

And not only that, Amy, the thing about George Bush is, everything’s sort of done in plain sight. In his State of the Union address, I think January the 28th, 2003, about a month and a half before we went into Iraq, Bush was describing the progress in the war, and he said—I’m paraphrasing, but this is pretty close—he said that we’ve captured more than 3,000 members of al-Qaeda and suspected members, people suspected of operations against us. And then he added with that little smile he has, “And let me tell you, some of those people will not be able to ever operate again. I can assure you that. They will not be in a position.” He’s clearly talking about killing people, and to applause.

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Unfiltered News from Freedom Force International

More Ultra Vivid Headlines from G. Edward Griffin’s

2009 MARCH 28 – APRIL 3

Click on headlines to see full articles
If original sources are missing, click on Cached.
Star indicates article worth printing for future reference.
Camera indicates video or slideshow.
Speaker indicates audio.
Asterisk indicates an amazing event or phenomenon.
(See them all together here.)

US: Bank of America considers raising salaries of key execs by as much as 70% as a means of avoiding bad publicity associated with bonuses. Clever, eh? Bloomberg 2009 Apr 3 (Cached)

British Prime Minister Brown says a “New World Order” is emerging from the global economic crisis. Makes it almost sound good. Breitbart 2009 Apr 3

Russian President Medvedev hails Obama as “My new comrade.” Yahoo 2009 Apr 2 (Cached)

Obama breaks presidential protocol and gives Islamic bow of submission to king of Saudi Arabia. See photo here. CFP 2009 Apr 2 (Cached)

US: House passes $3.6 trillion budget with a planned deficit of $1.2 trillion. The economic future of the nation grows darker by the minute.
2009 Apr 2 (Cached)

US: Anti-self-defense politicians say 90% of guns used for crime in Mexico come from the U.S. This is not even close to the truth. Here are the facts.
2009 Apr 2 (Cached)

US: Snopes says that concern over the proposed Food Safety Act is mostly unfounded. Here is the analysis, but we invite contrary opinion. Is it about what the bill now does or what it can be expanded to do? Snopes 2009 Apr 2 (Cached)

China: Government increases censorship of YouTube videos after scenes were shown of police beating pro-Tibetan demonstrators. Register 2009 Apr 1 (Cached)

Are governments more trustworthy than corporations? CFP 2009 Apr 2 (Cached)

US: Treasury Secretary Geithner says he will oust CEOs of bailed-out banks if they don’t run their banks correctly. (1) Since when does Geithner know how to run a bank correctly? and (2) If the government can oust bank CEOs, it already owns those banks. Reuters 2009 Apr 1 (Cached)

Irradiated foods cause neurological damage to cats. Researchers are quick to say they don’t think humans would be affected. Really! Natural News 2009 Apr 1 (Cached)

US: Government agency that insures the nation’s pension funds invested heavily in stock market just before it crashed. Pension funds were already in the stock market, which is why they needed insurance. Government usually makes things worse.
2009 Mar 30 (Cached)

US: Torture of prisoner claimed to be top Al Qaeda operative produced zero information to foil plots of terrorism. He was not a top operative after all. Washington Post 2009 Mar 29 (Cached)

China: Decline in exports accelerates with no end in sight. Epoch Times 2009 Mar 29 (Cached)

Spanish judge to hear torture case against six Bush officials. This appears to be serious.
2009 Mar 29 (Cached)

Global Warming scientist who taught and inspired Al Gore repudiated his own theories several years later. Brasscheck 2009 Mar 29

Investigation shows that pharmaceutical companies fund doctors’ medical education and create slanted view that favors drugs over non-drug therapies. SJOnline 2009 Mar 29 (Cached)

Now a bill has been introduced to bail out newspapers. Like in a whirlpool, all enterprises are being drawn into control of government in the name of stimulus.
2009 Mar 28 (Cached)

Last week, the Governor of Missouri apologized for labeling followers of 3rd-party candidates as terrorists. Now learn how this happened in the first place. Law enforcement is deeply compromised.
Posted 2009 Mar 26 (Cached)

Vacuum Pot Coffee Brewing

I haven’t tried this yet, but it’s supposed to be an inexpensive and fun way to make great tasting coffee.

[youtube=]Brewing With the Vacuum Pot

[youtube=]Siphon coffee in Tokyo

Bilderberg-chairman admits ‘Bilderberg helped create the Euro’

From: Prison Planet

According to Belgian viscount and current Bilderberg-chairman Étienne Davignon, the Euro was helped created by the Bilderberg Group in the 1990’s. He admitted this in an interview to the EUobserver online newspaper on March 16 2009.

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[video] George Humphrey on Alex Jones Tv, 4/2/09: The Game is Fixed! “The people of this nation are far, far more controlled subconsciously than they have any idea about.” “If we see this thing with CLEAR EYES and a FULL HEART, then we can have some LOVE IN OUR HEARTS and realize that we don’t have to go to this materialistic gulag that is being prepared for us.”

Alex talks with businessman, author and documentary film maker George Humphrey.

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske


If we see this thing with clear eyes and a full heart, then we can have some love in our hearts and realize that we don’t have to go to this materialistic gulag that is being prepared for us.”

[youtube=]Mostly internationally owned ‘Federal’ Reserve Bank
Fractional Reserve Banking Explained

Money from thin air—that we have to pay back with earned money

“The multiplication factors used to be much smaller. It was still wrong then, but then they upped it and upped and upped it and upped it. And now, for every dollar that comes into a private bank, they can multiply (if they do their work properly) by 72 times.”

“The fiat system is a system of theft, and it’s been around for a long, long time. And that’s why in the Bible is that there are 17 references against usury.”

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