Los Angeles
(75 miles of coastline, 7200 miles of roads)

Los Angeles has over 7200 miles of roads, but their traffic congestion is still among the worst in the country. Excessive wear combined with frequent earthquakes constantly damages our streets.

Even if we only repair our roads every 100 years, that means continuously rebuilding 72 miles per year!

The streets of Los Angeles are so bad that some have never been repaved since they were originally paved over 50 years ago. (source)

(34,000 miles of shoreline, 14000 miles of roads)

The list of our State’s opportunities remains promising. We have vast coal reserves and enormous potential in oil and gas both on and off our shores. Trillions of feet of gas hydrates lie beneath our permafrost. Our State’s 34,000 miles of shoreline are the gateway to some of our Nation’s most promising tidal and ocean energy prospects. Our forests contain much of the Nation’s timber and pulp. Sixty percent of our country’s commercial fish harvest is caught in the waters off of our State’s shores. …

The list of our State’s opportunities is long, but we are still a young State. For each of our opportunities, there is a challenge to overcome. The Federal Government owns more than 60 percent of our lands. We have only 14,000 miles of roads. Seventy percent of our towns, villages, and cities can be reached only by boat or air. (source)