‘MSM’ is apparently the main stream media
– –
Ron Paul
He’s the one we want
Ron Paul
To take those lies apart
They told us
One too many times…
Ron Paul
He’s the one we want
Ron Paul
It takes a patriot’s heart
To make sure
That this will always be
The land of the Free…
From: Daily Paul
I’m not a videographer by any means (obviously)! The first half of the video still needs work – the second half is more interesting. If anyone has photos or videos that they think would work well in the first half of the song and want to share them, please send them to me – I would really appreciate it. For example:
Does anyone have a Ron Paul 2012 sign on their barn or in a farm field? (“from the farmlands of Iowa…”)
Or a photo that evokes both RP and L.A.? (“to the freeways of L.A….”)
Or a photo of college-age RP supporters partying with RP logos visible? (“to the campuses, where they pay to play…”)
Do any DP surfers have RP stickers on their boards?
These are just a few ideas…
Anyway, I hope you are able to listen to the lyrics – they are posted under the “Show more” section at Youtube for those of you who are interested.
P.S. You all know me, only under a different name…
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wdmP8PRThQ]Ron Paul Free – Carolyn Karger (Ron Paul 2012 Song)
Uploaded by CarolynKarger on Aug 18, 2011
“Ron Paul Free”
by Carolyn Karger
In honor of the one and only Ron Paul, on the occasion of his 76th birthday. Donate what you can today for the RON PAUL BIRTHDAY MONEY BOMB at www.ronpaul2012.com!
Every day
Somebody wakes up awake
From the farm lands of Iowa
To the freeways of L.A.
Every day
You hear the people say
We’ve had enough and
We’re too tough to take this
Sitting down –
Ron Paul
He’s the one we want
Ron Paul
To take those lies apart
They told us
One too many times…
Ron Paul
He’s the one we want
Ron Paul
It takes a patriot’s heart
To make sure
That this will always be
The land of the Free…
Every day
Somebody wakes up awake
From the warm sands of Florida
To the campuses, where they pay to play
Every day
They do a double take
Who’s this man who speaks the truth to the
Powers that be and the MSM?
Ron Paul
He’s the one we want
Ron Paul
To take those lies apart
They told us
One too many times…
Ron Paul
And the time is now
Ron Paul
Because we know how to ensure
That this will always be
The land of the Free
We want to be FREE
We don’t want war
We don’t want pain
We don’t want bloodshed
We don’t want shame
We don’t want debts
We don’t want chains
We don’t want theft
We don’t want to be slaves
We don’t want crowns
We don’t want kings
We don’t want pawns
Telling us what to think
We don’t want hope
We don’t want change
We don’t want lies
Or more of the same
We are the people
Born to liberty –
We want to be FREE! (Ron Paul)
We want to be FREE! (Ron Paul)
We want to be FREE! (Ron Paul)
We want to be FREE! (Ron Paul)…
Every day
Somebody wakes up awake
From sea to shining sea and the
Purple mountains majesty….
© ℗ 2011 Carolyn Karger
My thanks to Siouxshie for the awesome photo of Ron Paul ringing the liberty bell; thanks to Jenny Salter, Ryan Treat, Joshua Holmes and everyone at Veterans for Ron Paul; thanks to Young Americans for Liberty; thanks to the brave mom consoled by Ron Paul on the loss of her son to war; and thanks to the beautiful family of homeschooling children and the beautiful little girl in Ron Paul’s arms!
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