We Are Change Iowa & Minnesota
Posted September 28, 2011
Activists from We Are Change in both Iowa and Minnesota confront 2012 candidate Herman Cain with the quotes of the founders themselves on the danger of banking powers. Cain later denies being ‘familiar’ with the agenda and aims of the Council on Foreign Relations.
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=OWxVgtbvGJg]Herman Cain Featuring: Iowa & MNChange. We Are NOT Stupid, Mr.Cain. We Are Change!
Uploaded by dwrocker1 on Aug 12, 2011
Herman Cain Spoke in Cedar Falls IA before a group of GOP Supporters. He got Flustered and said “I don’t think you have any hard questions for me.” Yet in his book we are accused of being Paul Bots. Herman you need to Google We Are Change. Soon Herman and his entourage will know the name and he will know we are not endorsed nor ordered to do anything except as the hard questions. Herman it was nice to see some Ghetto come out. Hope you see this. Until next time Herman! Ps Next Time We Are Change talks with you we will confirm we are not doing this by any instruction by anyone. We are doing what we do because the Constitution is not being followed and the Cowards who hide behind the Bankers and lies will be held accountable! He must be used to being asked questions by the (MSM) Campaign! Do Some more research on the CFR Herman, we will see you again soon
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