Herman Cain Describes Ron Paul Supporters’ Concerns As “Stupid”
Suggests Paul campaign is deliberately out to “nail” him
Steve Watson
Sept 27, 2011

Businessman Herman Cain has made remarks somewhat unbecoming of a presidential candidate, declaring his annoyance at “stupid” questions continually put to him by Ron Paul supporters.
The former Godfather’s Pizza CEO, who is running for the GOP nomination on a broadly libertarian platform, seems to have a problem with Paulites’ concerns regarding the Federal Reserve.
“I get the same stupid question at almost every one of these events,” Cain writes in a forthcoming book “This is Herman Cain,” to be released in early October.
According to the Daily Caller, which has obtained an advance copy of the book, Cain claims that Paul’s supporters are “threatened by me” and are “trying to destroy me on the fact that I was once affiliated with” the Federal Reserve.
Cain even has his own conspiracy theory that Paul’s campaign is deliberately sending people out to Cain events to attempt to discredit him:
“I know it’s a deliberate strategy.” Cain writes, “How can a person randomly show up at a hundred events and ask the same stupid question to try to nail me on the Federal Reserve?”
Is Cain serious? Clearly he has no concept of the determination and reach of Ron Paul’s grassroots support base. Paulites are focused and unwavering, just as their chosen candidate has been for thirty plus years.
Ron Paul has warned his supporters for three decades and more about the dangerous of a fraudulent fractional reserve banking system in the hands of private central bankers, and no one can legitimately argue any longer that those concerns have not been justified. Why is it so hard for Cain to accept that every Ron Paul supporter would share the same concerns?
Paul’s supporters have argued that Cain is not serious about reigning in the power of the Federal Reserve over US monetary policy, pointing to the fact that he was chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in 1995 and 1996.
While Ron Paul has continually pushed to audit the Fed, Cain seemingly does not believe an audit is necessary:
“I have said: ‘I don’t think you’re going to find anything to audit on the Federal Reserve.’” Cain writes. “But they (Ron Paul supporters) want you to believe that Herman Cain doesn’t want the Federal Reserve to be audited.”
“It’s really becoming annoying more than anything else.” Cain states.
Polls have consistently revealed that at least 75% of the American people want a full audit of the Fed, and the majority were against reconfirming Bernanke.
Bloomberg noted last December:
A majority of Americans are dissatisfied with the nation’s independent central bank, saying the U.S. Federal Reserve should either be brought under tighter political control or abolished outright, a poll shows.
Americans across the political spectrum say the Fed shouldn’t retain its current structure of independence. Asked if the central bank should be more accountable to Congress, left independent or abolished entirely, 39 percent said it should be held more accountable and 16 percent that it should be abolished. Only 37 percent favor the status quo.
In light of these facts, Cain seems totally out of touch with what voters core concerns are, especially libertarian leaning republican and independent voters. To describe questions over the Federal Reserve as “stupid” and “annoying” betrays a disconnect with the American people on the whole.
Furthermore, for Cain to insinuate that Ron Paul’s campaign is deliberately seeking to sabotage Cain’s own platform smacks of desperation and paranoia to say the least.
Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’ Infowars.net, and Prisonplanet.com. He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.
This Herman Cain is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out there. This man is uncouth.