This is the 1-hour video Alex is talking about:

Charlotte Iserbyt: Skull & Bones, The Order at Yale Revealed | More on the Secret History of Western Education & Psychology!

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“It hit me again this morning…. The globalists really are demon possessed. … That’s a real element of this. It’s the top element. It’s the main element. It’s the center of this system — the globalists are into a religion. … They believe Lucifer is God.”

“At the top, a very small core of the New World Order are heavily deceived, but actually believe that they are bringing in this enlightened, new age, world government to cleanse the Earth of the human scourge — to reduce the majority of the world population, and to bring in the Age of Lucifer, or the Age of Aquarius.”

– Alex Jones

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]The Luciferian Religion: Alex Jones Friday Edition 1/3

Uploaded by on Nov 11, 2011

Alex breaks down the blood ritual blood cult religion behind the Nwo and what their future intentions are toward Americas Youth.



iserbyt part 1