Disclaimer: This is cutting edge info of which all cannot be totally trusted (but that’s absolutely true of the mainstream media too). It’s good to put it in your seed box to see what will sprout.
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From: SteveQuayle.com…
Spanish Authorities Using a New EMP Weapon on Citizens: In Spain three weeks ago in a town called Alzira population (maybe about 50,000 people) 30 kilometres south of Malaga a big shot politician flew in by helicopter. The landing zone was in the local police station which was based close the centre of the town .The politician was coming to the town to sort out the compensation claims and worries of the peoples where a nearby local forest and bush fire had damaged property .These forest and bush fires are a common event in the dry October end of summer tinderbox Spanish country side. more
US Plot To Wage Syria War Revealed: The sources said the US strategy includes attacks on Syrian diplomatic missions abroad. According to the American scenario, the Syrian opposition abroad would engage in taking over the country’s diplomatic missions and use them as bases for directing and carrying out terrorist activities within the country. The US plan is set to refer Syria to UN’s human rights commission and the General Assembly on November 23 as well as the the International Criminal Court in an effort to formally declare the Damascus government as a “war criminal,” sources say. more
EPA Targets Families That Generate Heat Off The Grid Using Traditional Wood-Burning: Traditional wood-burning stoves are still one of the most cost-efficient, sustainable, and renewable sources of energy production that families can use to heat their homes. But the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is not a huge fan of them, as was evidenced by its recent decision to push those who use traditional models to convert to EPA-approved — and oftentimes much more expensive — alternative models. more
‘Super Soldiers’: The Quest For The Ultimate Human Killing Machine: The ancient Spartans believed that battlefield training began at birth. Those who failed the first round of selection, which took place at the ripe old age of 48 hours, were left at the foot of a mountain to die. The survivors would, in years to come, often wonder if these rejects were the lucky ones. Because to harden them up, putative Spartan warriors were subjected to a vigorous regime involving unending physical violence, severe cold, a lack of sleep and constant sexual abuse. more
Nov 18 |
Federal Reserve Passed out $16 Trillion Dollars
EU Gold Investment Demand Surges 135% – World Demand Up 6% in Q3 2011
Celente: CME Did Not Guarantee Oversight in MF Global Scandal
German Fourth Reich Bankers Creates New Alliance With Italy
Why The Mounting Energy Crisis And Debt-Bomb Will Lead To The Meltdown Of Japan
60 Minutes Catches Nancy Pelosi With Her Dress Down
Insider Called It – Staged Threat Against Obama
Hello, Anybody Home?
EPA Targets Families That Generate Heat Off The Grid Using Traditional Wood-Burning
German Memo Shows Secret Slide Towards A Super-State
Obama Praises Australia’s Draconian Carbon Tax
Series Of Strong To Very Strong Earthquakes Out of the New Zealand North Island Coast
Etna Volcano (Italy): 18th Paroxysm of New SE Crater On 15 Nov In Progress
Volcano Watch: Be Prepared For The Zombie Apocalypse—And Other Emergencies
Spanish Authorities Using a New EMP Weapon on Citizens
The End Times
US Plot To Wage Syria War Revealed |
$443 Million For A Smallpox Drug Some Experts Say We Don’t Need
CDC Admits Not A Single Person Has Died From Consuming Raw Milk Products In 11 Years |
The Intersection of Mormonism and Transhumanism |
Congress Fears Chinese Telecom Gear May Phone Home
2,400 Miles in Minutes? No Sweat! Hypersonic Weapon Passes ‘Easy’ Test
Big Bang Machine To Get Huge Upgrade in 2020
‘Super Soldiers’: The Quest For The Ultimate Human Killing Machine
Secret Lab Hides Google’s Boldest Future Projects
Scripture of the Day
Nov 17 |
The Assault on Financial Privacy Goes Parabolic
The Crisis Eats Its Way Into The Core
MF Global Looted Customers’ Accounts Via Internal Bank Run
Platinum is Downright “Cheap” Relative to ALL Other Precious Metals! Have You Any in Your Portfolio?
Kyle Bass Un-Edited: “Buying Gold Is Just Buying A Put Against The Idiocy Of The Political Cycle. It’s That Simple!”
JPMorgan Joins Goldman Keeping Italy Derivatives Risk in Dark
The Next Financial Crisis Will Be Hellish, And It’s On Its Way
Zuccotti Park Protester Arrested After Threatening To Burn Down City
Occupy the Skies! Protesters Could Use Spy Drones |
Obama Pushing Shooters Off Public Lands
Supreme Court Justice Breyer Warns of ‘Orwellian’ Government
Coming to a City Near You – Surveillance Plane to Monitor California City Ten Hours a Day
43 Members of Congress Now Call for Holder’s Resignation
Homeland Security Coordinated 18-City Police Crackdown on Occupy Protest |
Turkey On Brink Of Open Confrontation With Syria
The Riddle Of The Iranian Base Blast
Barak: Iran Is Testing Uranium- And Plutonium-Based Bombs – Not Tactical Arms
Airstrike Against Iranian Nuclear Facilities Could Kill 100s of North Koreans and Russians
Nuclear Missile Silos 1980-2010
Doomsday 2012 Mega Volcano ‘Unlikely’ – NASA
Beautiful Destruction: 11 Gorgeous Geological Maps of Volcanoes
Primerlife: More Human Than Human |
Stop Sopa, Save The Internet |
How to Build a Computer Model of God
Scripture of the Day
Nov 16 |
How Can The American People Ever Trust Congress Again After Learning Of The Rampant Insider Trading That Has Been Going On?
Keynote Speech At Sydney Gold Symposium 14-15 November 2011 By Alf Field
Gerald Celente’s Gold Account Was Emptied by MF Global – SQ NOTE: Want any more proof that if you can’t touch it you don’t own it?
It’s All About Gold Now
Platinum: The “Cheapest” Precious Metal…
Jumbo Mortgages May Be Next In Line To Default
U.S. Sheriffs Rise Up Against Federal Government: Sheriff Threatens Feds With SWAT Team ~ Grass Roots Take Charge!
HR 1505 Is A Fatal Betrayal of America
Will You Support American Companies And Workers This Christmas?
The American Tragedy Of Joe Paterno
American ‘Bunker Bomb Axis’ Against Iran?
Hizbullah on Alert, Preparing for War
Attack On Iran Could Risk Gulf Oil Supplies
Breakthrough: Israel Develops Cancer Vaccine
The Greater Good
The Art Of Pathogenic Warfare
Alaskan Category 3 Ice Storm Geoengineered! Here Is Your Proof! |
Why Is China Building These Gigantic Structures In the Middle of the Desert? (Update 3) |
How MOAB Works
B-2 Bomber Gets Boeing’s New 30,000-Pound Bunker-Buster Bomb
Rift Over Tim Tebow Custom ‘Jesus’ Jerseys
The Alexander Backman Show® – Spiritual Warfare Training Center/Derek Prince Spiritual Conflict Series
Reviving Witchcraft: Spiritual War is on the Rise
The Bible-Belt is Unbuckled
Scripture of the Day
Nov 15 |
This Will Be The Decade Of Silver – Interview With Eric Sprott
Is Gold Headed to $2,200?
European Debt Crisis: You Haven’t Seen Anything Yet
Obama’s New Job Plan: Kill 400,000 Jobs Immediately
Ron Paul: “It Is Estimated That US Banks Have Over A Trillion Dollars Tied Up At-Risk With German And French Banks”
Letter From Reader–Wait Until Someone Connects The Dots
It’s Official – A Cold La Nina Winter!
Congo’s Nyamuragira Volcano Eruption Biggest For A Century
Unusual Geological Event – Multicountries |
Israel and Iran: Covert Warfare Raises Risks of Retaliation, and Conflagration
30,000 Suicide Bombers to Infiltrate Israel
Reports: U.S. Military to Help Fight Nigerian Terrorists
Iran Will Have Five Nukes By April 2012. Only 2-3 Months Left For Military Option |
Why Is China Building These Gigantic Structures In the Middle of the Desert?
Radioactive Iodine Blankets Much of Europe … Everyone Points Fingers
Secret Snoop Conference for Gov’t Spying: Go Stealth, Hit a Hundred Thousand Targets
Penn State Scandal: Judge Connected to Accused Child Molester Sandusky’s Charity Lets Him Out on Unsecured Bail, No Ankle Monitor
Socializing Losses: Trilateral Takeover Of Europe?
They are Coming for Your Children
Anti-Hacking Law Criminalizes Most Computer Users, Former Prosecutor Says
The Brave New World of Genetically Modifying a ‘New Human Species’ |
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Generates a ‘Mini-Big Bang’
Army Wants an Honest-to-God B.S. Detector
Darpa’s Robo-Ostrich Will Outrun Usa in Bolt
Scripture of the Day |
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