More Ultra-Vivid Headlines from
G. Edward Griffin’s

2011 DECEMBER 10 – 16

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  Ron Paul in Iowa debate explains that government spending is out of control because of welfare and warfare advocates. He says that threatening war with Iran because they captured a CIA spy drone is insane. While he doesn’t want more nuclear weapons in the world, he says the U.S. pays more respect to countries that have them. YouTube 2011 Dec 16

US: Last-minute deal reached in Congress to avoid government shutdown … again. How did they do it? By authorizing the spending of another trillion dollars they don’t have. DailyMail 2011 Dec 16 (Cached)

US: Suspected WikiLeaks informant, Private Bradley Manning, faces lifetime imprisonment for releasing classified documents and video of a US helicopter attack in Iraq that killed civilians and two journalists. Yahoo 2011 Dec 16 (Cached)

Tenth Amendment Center founder Michael Boldin explains the origin and importance of the Bill of Rights. Very important history lesson. [Be sure to listen to the audio.] TAC 2011 Dec 15 (Cached)

France: Former President Jaques Chirac is found guilty of embezzling taxpayer money to fund his political party. Although found guilty, he was given a suspended sentence and will serve no jail time. [The elites seldom are punished for their crimes.]
2011 Dec 15 (Cached)

Nuclear engineer, Arnie Gunderson, explains why it is unlikely that Fukushima will create a ‘China Syndrome’ with a groundwater steam explosion, but he also tells why the situation is very serious. Radioactive water is seeping into groundwater and spilling into the Pacific Ocean.
posted 2011 Dec 14

US: An adviser to Barack Obama who played a key role in developing the energy provisions of the so-called stimulus bill has served on the boards of several companies that recently received government funds, including hundreds of millions in “stimulus” money. [Insider influence in Washington is the rule, not the exception.] WND 2011 Dec 14 (Cached)

Synthetic biology, in which scientists are altering and creating new life forms, is out-pacing natural adaptation. It is expected that man-made viruses soon will allow control over human minds. DailyMail 2011 Dec 14 (Cached)

US: The House passed a revised version of the indefinite-detention bill that allows US citizens to be imprisoned without charges or trial. [The wording was made deliberately vague so that no one can argue for certain whether Americans will be exempt and, if so, under what circumstances. This will cause it to be tested in the courts and, ultimately, the Supreme Court will decide – unless the states discover their backbone and nullify the law under the 10th Amendment.]
Voice of America
2011 Dec 14 (Cached)

Obama backed away from his threat to veto the indefinite detention bill. [Obama’s threat was showmanship, because it was he who insisted that American citizens be included in the first place.]
The Atlantic
2011 Dec 14 (Cached)

US: 30 top corporations that spent more on lobbying than they paid in federal taxes. [They received huge tax breaks because they lobbied Congress.] DailyMail 2011 Dec 14 (Cached)

US: Sheriff Richard Mack (a member of the Freedom-Force Hall of Honor) plans to file a lawsuit against the Southern Poverty Law Center for slandering Constitutionalists. Mack also plans to run for Congress in Texas.
New American
2011 Dec 14 (Cached)

The beauty of pollenation. Click & be amazed.

US: Dick Cheney urges outright military attack on Iran over loss of CIA spy drone.
2011 Dec 13 (Cached)

US Troops from Iraq have been secretly transferred to the Syrian border, as NATO prepares for another so-called humanitarian intervention.
2011 Dec 13 (Cached)

The total of Federal Reserve emergency lending to Wall Street is not $1.2 trillion, as Fed Chairman Bernanke contends, nor the $7.7 trillion figure reported by Bloomberg News. The real number, says Professor of Economics, L. Randall Wray, is a staggering $29 trillion! Newsmax 2011 Dec 13 (Cached)

Pennies are used to represent how much money the Federal Reserve has taken from taxpayers and given to US and foreign banks and corporations. Very graphic. YouTube 2011 Dec 13

UN Climate conference resulted in several vague agreements for “legally binding” emission reductions per the Kyoto Treaty and the establishment of the $100 billion-a-year Green-Climate Fund to redistribute wealth. Canada dropped out of the treaty, but the UN says that country is not free of its “voluntary” responsibilities. Watts Up With That 2011 Dec 13 (Cached)

US presidential candidate, Newt Gingrich, proposed the death penalty for possession of 200 marijuana joints (the equivalent of a carton of cigarettes). Mediaite 2011 Dec 13 (Cached)

US: Ron Paul blasts Justice Department chief Eric Holder on the ‘Fast & Furious’ gun scandal and says criminal charges should be be filed against him. Examiner 2011 Dec 13 (Cached)

US: Ron Paul (who also is a Medical Doctor) introduces legislation to prevent federal funding for mental health screenings of children. He says Big Pharma is lobbying for the screenings to generate a larger market for psychotropic drugs for children.
Ron Paul
2011 Dec 12 (Cached)

Pakistan has evicted the CIA from its drone base there after 25 Pakistani soldiers were killed last month by US drones. A senior Pakistani official said that US drones that invade its airspace will be shot down. MSNBC 2011 Dec 12 (Cached)

US: Occupy protesters try to shut down 3 ports on the West Coast that are partially owned by Goldman Sachs, but truck drivers and port workers are the ones who suffered. [The leaders of OWS claim they want to dismantle capitalism but fail to realize that capitalism in America was replaced by Socialism decades ago. Investment banks like Goldman Sachs are partners with government. Protestors should be demanding an end to that partnership and calling for restoration of the true free-market economy.] SFGate 2011 Dec 12 (Cached)

Montana home builder who uses 100% American-made products says that, if builders used only 5% more US products, it would create over 200,000 jobs immediately. Builders’ supply list is included in article. ABC News posted 2011 Dec 12 (Cached)

UK: Small town grows fruits and vegetables in public places and offers them free for the taking. Has many beneficial effects on local culture. May become world’s first food self-sufficient town. DailyMail 2011 Dec 10 (Cached)

Japan: Fukushima’s reactor # 4 is at serious risk because the water pools that are supposed to cool the spent fuel rods may be dry. Government and media blackouts prevent confirmation.
Washington Post
2011 Dec 8 (Cached)

Occupy Los Angeles protester (and sitcom writer) explains how LA police aggressively terrorized and arrested peaceful protesters. He contrasts this with the fact that criminals from Wall Street and Washington D.C. who stole trillions from taxpayers, are not pursued by the police. Newswy 2011 Dec 6 (Cached)

US: Senator Carl Levine reveals that the provision in the recent bill that allows American citizens to be imprisoned indefinitely without charges and without trial was requested by the Obama Administration.
2011 Dec 11

US: Local police now are using military drones to spy on Americans in their backyards without a warrant. DailyMail 2011 Dec 11 (Cached)

Ron Paul leads the pack again at the latest GOP debate in Iowa as he explains the problems with the Federal Reserve, big spending and big government. [He is the only candidate that addresses these issues squarely and honestly.] 2011 Dec 10

An international cancer expert says that the chief cause of cancer today is the use of vaccines. He says all of them are contaminated with harmful viruses, bacteria, and chemicals.
Salem News
Posted 2011 Dec 10 (Cached)

Scientists admit that recommended breast-cancer screening harms more than it helps. Here’s why. NaturalSociety Posted 2011 Dec 10 (Cached)

Sheriff in Elkhart County, Indiana, blocked federal agents from inspecting a local raw-milk farm without a warrant. [This is yet one more indication that county sheriffs increasingly are making a correct interpretation of the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution and the limits to federal power. TheCompletePatient Posted 2011 Dec 10 (Cached)


Reports and commentaries that look beyond the news to identify historical facts and trends that must be understood to place the news into perspective. This is our “think-tank” section that makes it possible to anticipate future events.

The George Bush You Forgot” is a wake-up call to the fact that collectivist politicians tell voters what they want to hear but don’t mean a word of it – and they do it so well. YouTube posted 2011 Dec 15

Eurozone defaults on government debt now are unavoidable, because politicians have refused to cut spending. It is impossible to borrow new money or even to roll over old debts. The European Central Bank has decided to let the governments default and hope something of value is left after the chaos. GoldMoney 2011 Dec 15 (Cached)

Financial analyst Jim Willie says that quantitative easing has never stopped and that JP Morgan crashed MF Global to avert a COMEX failure. [In November, there were thousands of investors in line to take delivery of gold and silver they had bought through contract. Comex, however, didn’t have the metals, so they stole the money from the buyers and closed their accounts so they no longer had a claim.]
Posted 2011 Dec 10 (Cached)

Dr. Don Huber, an expert on toxic effects of genetically engineered organisms, explains how GE crop herbicides destroy beneficial gut bacteria in humans and negatively affect plants and soil microbes. A new fungal organism is causing illness and spontaneous abortions in cattle.
2011 Dec 10 (Cached)

The so-called War on Drugs may have failed in its pretended objective of stopping drugs, but it is a huge success in its real objective, which is to benefit the special-interest groups that promote it. [Here is the disgusting story.] Activist Post 2011 Dec 8 (Cached)