More Ultra-Vivid Headlines from
G. Edward Griffin’s

2011 DECEMBER 24 – 30

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US: Civilians now are helping decide who to kill with military drones. Business Insider 2011 Dec 30 (Cached)

US: Talk about New Years’ resolutions, here is one of the best: Run for office! Richard Michael, Director of Project City Hall, explains that 2012 is potentially the most important political year in America’s history, not because of who will be elected President or which party will dominate Congress, but because it is the year in which freedom-loving citizens like YOU can acquire political influence in thousands of local public offices across the country. Iowa is the first state to open up for candidates; all others will follow soon. Take this first step now and learn how easy it is. PCH 2011 Dec 29 (Cached)

China and Japan (the 2nd and 3rd largest economies in the world) agreed to trade directly without using US dollars as an intermediate currency, as in the past. The world is backing away from the dollar as a reliable international currency. The result will be even more loss of purchasing power for the dollar at home and abroad. [Those who keep their primary savings or investments in the form of US dollars will pay dearly for their mistake.] New American 2011 Dec 29 (Cached)

The US sent an aircraft carrier directly into an area where the Iranian navy was conducting war games. Officially, the purpose was to make a show of force to dissuade Iran from closing the Hormuz Strait.

[Another purpose may have been to cause accidental damage to the American ship or to goad Iran into firing on it. The US military has long considered ways to inflict damage on its own ships to justify starting a war with Iran, not as an aggressor, but as a victim.]
Prison Planet
2011 Dec 29 (Cached)

Beetles are becoming resistant to Monsanto’s genetically engineered corn. The old method of dealing with this is to rotate crops, but the EPA, under the influence of biotech companies, recommends additional chemical insecticides, which generates cash flow for the biotech companies. [Natural foods are being driven out of existence by genetically engineered crops that depend on commercial chemicals.] DailyMail 2011 Dec 29 (Cached)

African American man remembers Ron Paul in the 1970s. He tells of being desperate to get medical help for his wife at a local hospital but being ignored because he was black and his wife was white. Ron Paul, who is a doctor and who was on duty that night, came forward and provided the medical care. He charged nothing for his service and saw to it that there was no bill from the hospital, either. [This is a very moving story, especially now that his political opponents are claiming that Ron Paul is a racist.] RevolutionPAC 2011 Dec 28

Floating debris field the size of California from Japanese tsunami begins to wash up on the west coast shores of Canada. IntelHub 2011 Dec 28

Montana judge is unable to gather a jury that is willing to convict a man on marijuana-possession charges. This is a sign of growing public disapproval of the so-called War on Drugs. Huff Post posted 2011 Dec 27 (Cached)

Dow Chemical steps up competition with Monsanto and plans to introduce a new herbicide that contains Agent-Orange ingredients to be used on corn, soy, & cotton. [This contest over leadership in the production of GMO plants and poisons does not bode well for the health of the human race.] Activist Post 2011 Dec 27 (Cached)

The media are attempting to smear Ron Paul as a racist. These testimonials by black Americans who are familiar with his personal and political principles say otherwise. These are powerful and thought-provoking endorsements. YouTube 2011 Dec 26

US: Only Ron Paul and Mitt Romney will be allowed on the Virginia GOP primary ballot. None of the others were able to collect 10,000 valid signatures. CSM 2011 Dec 26 (Cached)

Mother’s hug and love brings baby back to life.
Click & be amazed

Montana: Stewart Rhodes of Oathkeepers has launched a campaign to recall the Senators who voted in favor of the National Defense Authorization Act that allows the indefinite detention of US citizens. Daily Kos 2011 Dec 25 (Cached)

US: Austin president of the NAACP confirms that Ron Paul is NOT a racist, as his political opponents have claimed. Right Perspective 2011 Dec 24 (Cached)

Pineapple enzyme is found to be more effective against cancer than chemotherapy. [Like many other treatments from nature, it will never be approved by the FDA because it cannot be patented.]
Activist Post
2011 Dec 24 (Cached)

US: FDA so-called “safe levels” of toxins in Gulf seafood, following the BP Oil spill, are 100 to 10,000 more carcinogenic (cancer-causing) than what is actually safe. NaturalSociety Posted 2011 Dec 24 (Cached)

US: FDA abandons its promise to restrict the use of antibiotics (penicillin and tetracycline) in animal feed that eventually ends up in meat and is harmful to humans. Instead, the FDA will depend on the agriculture companies themselves to protect the public even if doing so reduces their profits. [Yeah, that should work.] Wired Posted 2011 Dec 24 (Cached)

US: Supporters of the bill to Stop Online Piracy (SOPA), especially CBS and CNET, have an embarrassing secret. They created, promoted, and profited from the software used to pirate copyrighted material — the very thing they say they want the government to prohibit. [This commentator thinks they did this to create a wave of copyright infringement as an excuse for legislation to give the government and its partner corporations control over the Internet.] YouTube Posted 2011 Dec 24

US: Occupy Wall Street is orchestrated by Socialists, Communists, publicly funded think tanks, universities, and radical activists. This is NOT representative of America’s 99%. New American Posted 2011 Nov 24 (Cached)

US: The Attorney General of Virginia is pursuing those in academia who are using taxpayer money to perpetuate the global-warming myth for political gain. In contrast, the federal Department of Justice is working with authorities in the UK to hunt down the person who leaked the ‘Climategate’ e-mails that exposed the fraud and derailed cap-and-trade legislation. What a contrast!
Washington Examiner
Posted 2011 Dec 28 (Cached)

US: New York Times submits Freedom-of-Information-Act request to the Justice Department to explain the legal justification to assassinate US citizens. The request was denied. Common Dreams Posted 2011 Dec 24 (Cached)


Reports and commentaries that look beyond the news to identify historical facts and trends that must be understood to place the news into perspective. This is our “think-tank” section that makes it possible to anticipate future events.

Here is what to expect now that China and Japan have dumped the dollar for use in trade within Asia. An Asian Union is being formed to wage trade war with the West. The U.S. is economically doomed, because the government and the Federal Reserve, by creating an endless fountain of fiat money to bail out banks and fund the warfare/welfare state, have killed the dollar as an international trade currency. Alt-Markets 2011 Dec 30 (Cached)

“Vote Ron Paul and let my people go.” This message from Israel is as unexpected as it is inspiring. The writer is Rafi Farber, a member of Jews for Ron Paul. He advocates an end to US foreign aid to Israel. SettlersOfSamaria 2011 Dec 29 (Cached)

Most vitamin studies are misleading because they use low quality vitamins and formulations that contain toxic additives. This is the reason many studies find that vitamin supplementation either is of no value or dangerous. Some of the most popular brands, such as Centrum, are in this category. [In short, not all vitamin supplements are beneficial.] NaturalSociety 2011 Dec 27 (Cached)

Vitamin D can radically reduce your chances of premature death, and it prevents many diseases. Here are the basics of what you need to know, including information on correct doses. [Sunlight is the best source but supplements also can do the job.] Mercola posted 2011 Dec 27 (Cached)

Precious-metals ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds) are risky. Here’s why: Banking cartels created the gold and silver futures market primarily to manipulate their prices and keep them artificially low. For decades, short-term futures and spot prices have been disconnected from the forces of physical supply and demand. Gold and silver

ETFs do not trade precious metals. They trade promises (contracts) to do so. Typically, sellers have very little bullion on hand but they promise to acquire it if buyers actually want to take physical delivery when their contracts mature. Most of the buyers are speculators, not users of precious metals, so they prefer payment in dollars, so most of the trades are merely a form of gambling. However, if many buyers really want physical bullion, this forces up the price as sellers bid against each other to obtain the real thing. If this rise in price is beyond the ability of sellers to honor their contracts, they declare bankruptcy, and buyers lose their money. This is what caused the recent collapse of MF Global, which was a reality check for many bullion buyers who now insist on physical-delivery only. Seeking Alpha 2011 Dec 27 (Cached)

Ron Paul is being attacked for racist comments he never made. Here are the facts. [Many years ago, he published a newsletter that, as often is the case with public figures, was written mostly by staff writers. A few of those letters have surfaced which did, indeed, contain racist comments. Ron Paul says he did not write those statements and didn’t even know about them until years later when political opponents dug them up while going through his background looking for something to discredit him. It is reasonable to expect the publisher of a newsletter to monitor what is written by his staff writers, but the overriding fact is that no one who has known or worked with Ron Paul has ever heard him say anything even close to racist. We may criticize his loose control over a newsletter with his name on it, but not for being a racist. His long public career is proof that he has been a consistent defender of minorities, particularly as they have been singled out and harassed within the judicial system.] DailyPaul 2011 Dec 22 (Cached)

What is meant by “Sustainable Development?” This is one of the best short summaries we have seen. [Clue: It has everything to do with Agenda 21 and the demise of the United States.] Bear Witness 2011 Dec 21 (Cached)

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Dubai in the fog. Rare view from top of skyscraper Burj Khalifa. Click to enlarge