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More Ultra-Vivid Headlines from
G. Edward Griffin’s


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See the entire collection here.

Mitt Romney says he has little concern for the ‘very poor’ as there are ample safety nets to help them but is concerned about the middle class because it is being pushed into the ranks of the poor. His political opponents make hay of that remark and spin it as a lack of compassion for the poor. [We are not Romney fans because he is part of the CFR-approved elite and, if elected, will follow the same policies of his predecessors, but we find political spin to be insulting to one’s intelligence.] SF Gate 2012 Feb 3 (Cached)

Goldman Sachs is hit with a class-action lawsuit by the Public Employees’ Retirement System of Mississippi for offering fraudulent mortgage investments. [This likely will cost Goldman Sachs a bundle but, if all goes according to past performance, ex-bankers who now control the Treasury Department will bail out their friends at GS and pass the cost to taxpayers. We shall see.] Yahoo 2012 Feb 3 (Cached)

US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta expresses concern that Iran is poised to launch missiles against the US in retaliation of an attack by Israel – on the (valid) assumption that the US and Israel are actually working as hostile partners against Iran and that the US has sufficient influence to call off the attack if it wants to. [If this retaliation should materialize, it will be part of the price Americans must pay for the interventionist foreign policy of its leaders. The other part will be the exhaustion of its once thriving economy.] DailyMail 2012 Feb 3 (Cached)

China rejects GMO rice, its primary staple crop. [What do the Chinese know that US government officials pretend not to know?] 
 2012 feb 2 (Cached)

Microsoft buys gene-targeted vaccine technology from Merck, becomes a drug development partner with the world’s top vaccine manufacturer. [Bill Gates has said he is hopeful that vaccines will REDUCE world population! You fill in the dots.] 
 2012 Feb 2 (Cached)

New ‘smart bullets’ are being developed that can hit a target a mile away. They will self-steer to follow a laser beam. Yahoo 2012 Feb 1 (Cached)

UK: Whistleblower accuses mega-bank HSBC of laundering billions through phantom business for Mexican drug cartels. He says he has bank records to prove it. [HSBC currently is under a US Senate investigation.] WND 2012 Feb 1 (Cached)

California Public Utility Commissioner offers consumers an option to reject SmartMeters, because of public opposition to them on the basis of health risks. There will be a one-time fee to replace them with traditional, analog meters and a monthly fee to read them. Mercury News 2012 Feb 1 (Cached)

 China is on a gold buying spree. RT 2012 Feb 1

Montana: Legislator is target of investigation by federal DEA because of her support of medical marijuana, which is legal in the state.
Yahoo 2012 Feb 1 (Cached)

US: ‘One Subject at a Time’ bill is introduced into Congress that limits only one issue per bill. This would stop Congress from attaching unrelated and unpopular items to bills that are popular and sure to pass. [This is a great idea, but it remains to be seen if the same Congress that freely uses the ploy of burying bills within bills now will vote to prevent itself from doing so. That’s like expecting Congress, which routinely spends beyond its budget, to pass an irrevocable law to limit its own spending. Until a whole new batch of Congressmen are in office with a different mindset, none of this will happen.] Biz Journals 2012 Jan 31 (Cached)

US: FDA’s new claim: “Your body’s stem cells are a drug, and we have the authority to regulate them, even for your own use.” It says stem-cell therapy is interstate commerce, because it affects the sale of FDA-approved drugs in other states.
Alliance for Natural Health 2012 Jan 31 (Cached)

 Charles Goyette explains how the US embargo against Iran and her trading partners is backfiring and causing countries to form trade agreements based on gold instead of dollars. This may lead, not only to more problems for the US economy, but a return to gold as an international currency.DailyPaul Radio 2012 Jan 31

$23 billion is added to the US budget deficit caused by decline in value of GM and AIG stock, which the Treasury previously acquired in return for bailing out these companies at taxpayer expense. [The government has claimed that the bailout produced a profit for taxpayers, because stock value had risen. Now we learn that stock value did not rise at all but was merely overstated by the government, which was the so-called buyer. Now, based on what investors are willing to pay in the stock market, its true value emerges as nowhere near what the public was told and the the loss to taxpayers finally shows up as an increase in the national deficit.] Yahoo 2012 Jan 31 (Cached)

Amazonian mushrooms are discovered that can decompose polyurethane plastics that are not biodegradable. [That’s good news, but we wonder what they might do to plastic sewer pipes.]
Gizmodo 2012 Jan 31 (Cached)

Sixteen very distinguished scientists publish a letter in the Wall Street Journal stating that CO2 (even at 10x the current amount) is beneficial, not harmful, global warming alarmism is motivated by money and power, and that governments fund academics who promote alarmism because it justifies more political control and higher taxes.
WSJ Posted 2012 Jan 31 (Cached)

  An amazing ‘stroke of insight’ into how the two sides of the human brain work.

Vermont wants to close down its nuclear power plant because it is leaking radioactive material.  However, a federal judge says that only the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission has the authority to do that. [In truth, the 10th Amendment gives states the power to do what they want so long as it does not conflict with constitutionally designated power to the federal government, which does not include regulation of nuclear power plants. It’s just a matter of political backbone to stand up against the feds which are the source of massive funding for state projects.]
Activist Post 2012 Jan 31 (Cached)

US: Oakland ‘Occupy’ protests turn violent again as 400 people are arrested. Mayor Quan calls for the national ‘Occupy’ organizers to disown the Oakland chapter. Protesters say that police have overreacted and triggered the violence. [The strategy on both sides is to encourage violence as an excuse to impose martial law and a permanent police state that the public will accept as the only means of restoring peace.]
SF Gate 2012 Jan 31 (Cached)

FDA is sued by whistleblower employees (scientists and doctors) for spying on their personal e-mails leading to harassment or firing. The whistleblowers were expressing concern over dangerous X-ray screening devices. Bloomberg 2012 Jan 30 (Cached)

 Ron Paul advocates a gold-backed US dollar that would stop the Fed’s unlimited power to print money. [This would force the government to decrease spending, because money could no longer be created from government IOUs.] YouTube 2012 Jan 30

US: Freddie Mac, financed by taxpayer bailouts, is investing in programs that profit when borrowers lose their mortgages because they cannot make payments. At the same time, they are refusing to reduce interest rates on existing mortgages to match those offered to new borrowers. [In other words, they are handicapping their old customers and then betting against them.] Dailymail 2012 Jan 30 (Cached)

The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) measures global shipping and is a good indicator of financial trends based on demand for raw materials and bulk items. The BDI dropped precipitously by 65% last month.[The attached chart is startling and does not bode well for the global economy in the immediate future.]
Alt-Market 2012 Jan 30 (Cached)

Germany tells Greece that, in order to receive a second bailout of $190 billion, an EU ‘budget commissioner’ must be given power to decide Greece’s tax and spending. [That would mean the end of Greece as a sovereign nation. Without the bailout, Greece could default by March.] DailyMail 2012 Jan 30 (Cached)

The UN & EU will promote eating insects as an alternative to meat in response to anticipated food shortages. DailyMail 2012 Jan 30 (Cached)

Syria: Next government to fall under banner of ‘Regime Change’? The US and UK say that Syrian President Assad must leave or be ousted (just like in Libya). Russia says it will block any UN resolution to unseat him, because it is the first step toward intervention from the West. BBC 2012 Jan 30 (Cached)

US, EU, and Japan raise their ‘safe’ radiation levels and virtually stop testing for environmental radiation in order to keep the public from becoming alarmed. Washington’s Blog Posted 2012 Jan 28 (Cached)

Virginia: House of Delegates votes to repeal the state’s mandatory HPV vaccine law that has caused death and injury. The bill now goes to the state Senate. Washington Post Posted 2012 Jan 28 (Cached)


Reports and commentaries that look beyond the news to identify historical facts and trends that must be understood to place the news into perspective. This is our “think-tank” section that makes it possible to anticipate future events.

The Fed, the UN, IMF, and European Central Bank all are creating money by the trillions behind the scenes to bail out EU banks and governments. [This will destroy the purchasing power of all currencies and collapse all economies. They do this because that is all they know how to do. Returning to sound money and free markets is completely foreign to their collectivist mind set.] GoldMoney Posted 2012 Jan 31 (Cached)

 US: Judge Napolitano delivers a moving oration on how the Constitution has been distorted to expand federal control over the states and the people. On the positive side, he points out that this generation has been granted the great privilege of defending freedom in its darkest hour.
YouTube posted Posted 2012 Jan 31

John Stossel explains that Ron Paul’s foreign policy is not isolationism but non-interventionism, and that the US should focus on defense instead of offense.YouTube Posted 2012 Jan 31

Dioxin is one of the most toxic and cancer-causing class of chemicals known to man, yet it continues to be used in common herbicides and pesticides. [The EPA has held back a report on the toxicity of Dioxin since 1985. There is no logical reason for this delay except to accommodate the agriculture and chemical companies who profit greatly from its use. If the report were to be released, Monsanto and Dow Chemical likely would face thousands of law suits for suppressing information about Dioxin’s health hazard.]NaturalSociety 2012 Jan 30 (Cached)