Edward Griffin’s headline for this article:

Mitt Romney’s running mate Paul Ryan is widely acclaimed as a conservative, primarily because of his opposition to Obama Care. [However, his voting record reveals that he is a Bush-era Republican who supports the banking cartel called the Federal Reserve, the continued loss of American sovereignty to the UN, and big-spending programs – so long as they carry the Republican label.]

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From: The New American

Veep Pick Paul Ryan Is No Conservative

Ryan’s voting record shows a robust support of big-spending programs to enlarge the role of the federal government, especially when they are promoted by a Republican in the White House. Ryan voted for all of the big-ticket, budget-busting items of the administration of President George W. Bush, including…

Paul Ryan is, in short, a typical Bush-era Republican, whose selection as a vice presidential candidate is being trumpeted as a triumph by many of the same Republicans who are doing their best to flush the administration of George W. Bush down the memory hole. Republican candidates almost never invoke the Bush name and the most recent Republican President will not be attending the party’s convention in Tampa, where Romney and Ryan are expected to be officially nominated. Chances are the name of the 43rd president will be mentioned in rare fleeting reference, if at all. Yet in his choice of running mate, Romney has chosen a loyal Bush Republican and reliable supporter of the programs and policies that made the Bush administration an anathema to genuine conservatives and an embarrassment to the nation.

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