World Affairs Brief, February 21, 2014 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


Obama Begins His Big Push for the Globalist Agenda

Obama to Offer UN Climate Agreement Without Congress

Setting Iran up for Failure in Talks

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Ukraine Protests Become Deadly: Who’s Behind What?

How the Debt Ceiling Vote was betrayed in the Senate 

The Dead Bankers Conspiracy

Sandy Hook Critic and His Bad Analysis



This video interview with a very credible Wolfgang Habig, a former Florida State Trooper, school principle and National School Safety Officer, is making the rounds of the internet, recounting all his sincere attempts to gain the facts from Connecticut authorities on the contradictions about the official story surrounding the Sandy Hook massacre.

He tells the very disturbing story, which I believe, about how the Connecticut authorities got two Lake County police investigators to go over to Habig’s home and threaten him to stop investigating or “bad things would happen to him.” That’s great evidence of conspiracy and collusion, especially when Habig was never radical, always polite, and always went through official channels to fulfill the letter of the law with FOIA requests. They all ignored him, as we would expect, but he was persistent so they set out to cower him into silence. That’s a conspiracy.

All of the contradictions he lists are correct: Sadly, he comes to a grand and incorrect conclusion, as have too many others on the net, that the shooting was a total hoax and didn’t happen at all—that no children died. Children did die (I have personal contact with friends of the victims who have confirmed that). The evidence just as well points to a cover-up of government involvement of the shooting, and the falsification of the type and caliber of weapon used, as well as the number of shooters involved—and much more.

It would have been a quantum leap in difficulty to cover up what happened if it were all a hoax, and way too many people to convince something happened when nothing did, compared to falsifying some of the evidence about who did it, why and how. [END]