WoW! This really is mind boggling! I’m just blown away! Most Americans don’t have a clue! And our media acts like Pollard’s release is no big deal, mentioning almost none of what Pollard and Israel really did. It really is Zio-controlled!
Please listen to this extremely illuminating, real-history discussion!
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“The fact that Israel could spy on America, steal its top secret intelligence information, and give it to America’s worst enemy at the time, causing the death of hundreds of American operatives, and get away with it, folks, is mind boggling!”

“What happened in the case of Israel? Israel continued to receive billions of dollars of weapons of mass destruction and cash. And folks, if that’s not proof of the absolute Zio-treason and tyranny that runs both the government and the media of America what do you have to show for truth? This is a terribly shocking day in the history of the United States that this guy would be released.”

~ David Duke [transcribed by Jeff Fenske]

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“This is not an isolation, folks. This is typical. Read Gordon Thomas’ book, Gideon’s Spies: The Secret History of the Mossad. Read Victor Ostrovski’s book, By Way of Deception [The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer]. This is typical of the way these people operate.”

~ Mark Dankof

Mark also discusses: Robert Maxwell, Israel’s Superspy: The Life and Murder of a Media Mogul, by Gordon Thomas, and Seeds of Fire: China And The Story Behind The Attack On America, by Gordon Thomas, under which Mark wrote this review at Amazon:

The Secret Mysteries Chronicled in Seeds of Fire

By Mark Dankof on January 13, 2002

Gordon Thomas’s Seeds of Fire is a thorough and frightening expose of Israeli and Communist Chinese intelligence operations against the United States. Thomas documents the role of the Israeli Mossad and LAKAM intelligence agencies in stealing the PROMIS computer software program from Inslaw, Inc., doctoring the program with a backdoor computer microchip, and subsequently employing British media magnate and Mossad asset, Robert Maxwell, to sell the pirated copies to intelligence agencies and commercial banks worldwide, including the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Communist Chinese CSIS. This operation enabled Israeli and Chinese intelligence to siphon American nuclear secrets from the Los Alamos computers, courtesy of the PROMIS computer software. Establishment Republican figures like Ed Meese and former Texas United States Senator John Tower also play a disturbing role in the PROMIS tragedy, chronicled in detail by Seeds of Fire. …

The reader will be amazed at the comprehensive information presented by Seeds of Fire, along with the absence of this information in the mainstream American media up to the present time. It is a must buy-and-read.

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David Duke’s show summary:

Today: The Zionist Devastating Treason Proven by the Israeli Pollard Spy Case!
NOVEMBER 20, 2015

Dr. Duke  discussed the outrageous release of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard from prison. Jonathan Pollard was a Jewish American intelligence analyst who sold national security secrets to Israel, which then sold the information to the Soviet Union. According to then Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger, himself half Jewish, Pollard caused more damage to American national security than any spy in history.

Pastor Mark Dankof joined the show and talked about the sources of Jewish power in America, which has been used for a number of nefarious objectives over the decades. He and Dr. Duke named the names of the Jewish individuals who buy and sell our politicians.

This show lays out all the easily verifiable basics regarding the take over of our republic by a tribal minority with a hostile agenda. Please share it widely.

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Listen Here:

[youtube=]The David Duke Show 11/20/15

Andy Greatstory

Published on Nov 20, 2015

Today: The Zionist Devastating Treason Proven by the Israeli Pollard Spy Case!

mp3 available at:

Former Israeli double agent shot dead near Putin’s office

According to the CIA, Kalmanovich was responsible for passing on to Moscow sensitive American intelligence that Israel had acquired from Jonathan Pollard, an American national now serving life in prison for spying for Israel.

Seeds of Fire: China And The Story Behind The Attack On America, by Gordon Thomas

Author Gordon Thomas – whose new book, Seeds of Fire: China and the Story Behind the Attack on America, skyrocketed to 49 in sales rank listings in two days, has just learned that Jonathan Pollard – the spy convicted of espionage against the United States 17 years ago – was secretly visited in his U.S. Federal Prison on Monday, January 7 by former Israeli Prime Minister, Benyamin Natanyahu. Pollard – who is a central figure in Thomas’ Seeds of Fire – was convicted of espionage against the United States. “But I am told on the highest authority in Israel that Natanyahu’s visit is the first step in persuading the Bush administration to set him free so he can go to Israel, the country for whom he spied,” said Thomas. The author is renowned for his contacts in Mossad, the Israeli secret service. His book was the preview bestseller to Seeds of Fire. Titled Gideon’s Spies, it took Thomas two years to research and write. Mossad directors and other key officers granted him exclusive interviews. In Seeds of Fire he details how one of those officers, former Operations Chief Rafi Eitan, ranks Pollard as the most effective spy Israel has ever had. Eitan told the author in a taped interview that he would “only wish to have Pollard free again before I die.” “His targets were the innermost intelligence secrets of the U.S. He stole more than the Russians ever did,” said Thomas. Esther Pollard, the spy’s wife, … said that previously Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu had tried to secure Pollard’s release as part of a package deal with former President Bill Clinton at the Wye talks – but failed. “But CIA chief George Tenet has let it be known that if Pollard is freed it could be a resignation matter for him,” said Thomas. “Tenet regards Pollard as a man who nearly wrecked the CIA intelligence gathering operations throughout the globe,” said Thomas. “He believes that if Pollard is sent back to Israel he could have something useful to do for Mossad,” he added. “Seeds of Fire describes Pollard’s never before revealed role in the theft of the most important software in the U.S. intelligence arsenal.” Seeds of Fire is backed by over 100 pages of never before published documents that not only show how the theft was carried out – but also how it eventually led to China having a copy of it. “Seeds of Fire shows how China used it to prepare itself to become a new Superpower. Quoting from a CIA Briefing paper – prepared by incumbent CIA director George Tenet for President Bush – Thomas reveals the agency’s fear about a coming conflict with China. …