I copied this from Gio Rios’ Facebook page before the posts were removed.
Gio Rios Facebook page
Where Gio was standing when the shots started
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Discussion from Gio Rios’ October 4th post:

[Comment/Question] So wat are your thoughts on ppl thinking the shots came from the 12 floor? There’s a lot of video that show muzzle flashes from that lower location. Did you see anything like that?

Gio Rios I saw the muzzle flashes coming from up high in Mandalay Bay as soon as it all started so it added up once the windows were busted the next morning.
That’s what I saw and I will only speak of what I experienced.

[Reply] Interesting. There was also two windows broken on the 32 floor. … No there was no broken window in the lower levels too

Gio Rios Yeah I only saw the muzzle flashes from up top.
