Filmed from the NE area of the concert. Shots seem to start at 03:11. Gio Rios said firecrackers went off during this time too, which happened right by him, hurting his ears. He thinks to distract, so people ignore the actual shooting.
Later, shots can be heard which sound like they originate somewhat nearby this photographer, starting at 11:15, and even closer at 12:35. He even says that was close. Some say at 05:07, two bullets can be heard whizzing by.
I wonder how many other videos are recorded that would help solve where the shooters were. The sounds could be coordinated with the others to compare sound volumes of the shots.
Scott Bisnack theorizes some shots were fired from a building lit up in purple near Hooters. I don’t know if that is one that is seen here or not. Gio Rios said he heard shots coming from the Hooters/MGM area.
Helicopter seems to be what is often heard in this video, chopping air — could be mistaken for gunshots. [UPDATE: a helicopter pilot friend confirmed these are chopper sounds. They fly in a continuous loop above the city.]
Video also available HERE HERE.
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Las Vegas Shooting First Actual Shots – Rare

Published on Oct 7, 2017

Most footage doesn’t capture the real, initial, non automatic shots shown here that the shooter probably used as test shots before using the bump stock and continuous fire when the next song starts. People are clearly trying to leave the scene shortly after the initial shots which start at 3:12.