The most likely place for the main second shooter, from what I’ve seen so far, is the towers south of and behind the stage.
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Bullets reach the target before the sound.
Lag time tells the range.
High frequencies fall off quickly, due to shorter wavelength. Distant rifle sounds have lower frequencies remaining only.
0700 Sound examples
16:30 “The FBI can actually pinpoint the exact location of the second shooter using the following method. …triangulation.” [if they wanted to – ed.]
26:20 Where the bullets are found indicates direction of shooter.
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Forensic acoustic proof of SECOND shooter in the Las Vegas massacre
Published on Oct 9, 2017
Reblogged this on Matthews' Blog and commented:
Just wondering why the American security and intelligence must be taking out their frustration in the loss of the American Presidential forecast on the ordinary American people. Why have they been lying about the Las Vegas incident? Some cover up I guess. It does imply, therefore, that they are complicit.