In a comment, Jake explains why he took the previous video exposé of Binsack down:

After posting this new video of mine, I chose to remove the first video as a goodwill gesture. Like I said in that original video, I really do not enjoy fighting or unnecessary drama. My video had accomplished its purpose of alerting the community to the problem. I wrote to Mr. Binsack and explained my concerns about the uncredited use (and distortion) of my work and offered to let matters go at this point. I’ve said my piece and have moved forward. How Mr. Binsack chooses to go forward is his business.

One guy commented:

It appears as if Binsack made a deal with the feds to muddy the water concerning the Vegas shooting in case they have more old charges against him.

One lady wrote:

i think mr. binsak’s reflection theory, on the glass of the mandalay ‘s bronzed windows is interesting. backoff guys and don’t make things worse, by petty arguements. the important thing is what you are finding out. the more people pass on the information the better we are able to stop this.

To which I responded:

A lot of Binsack’s theories have been interesting, especially the tower(s), as to where many of the shots probably came from. He’s usually wrong about his strobe theories though. I don’t see any way that a reflection from the Tropicana could be that big from that far away.

And Jake disproved Binsack’s theory that there was ‘gunfire’ in the taxi mirror, which Scott said he would prove with Adobe, but never did. I still watch his stuff, as he does bring up new ideas.

He was wrong in saying there were no shootings at the other hotels too.

In his last video, he said the same line over and over, about halfway through, for about 20 minutes. Strange guy. He has an Alex Jones’ speaking gift.

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Beware of Disinformation Operations – Las Vegas Investigation Part 16

Published on Oct 18, 2017

It is a fact that the FBI flips criminals and turns them into assets to infiltrate opposition movements and disrupt them from within. We must be vigilant in vetting information that is put out into the public square and when misinformation (or disinformation) arises, we have an obligation to protect the sanctity of the truth by pointing out falsehoods.