I commented:

Photo at 7:00 shows much more black residue to the left of the hole, indicating a shot from the right. Also, the paint is chipped off drastically on the left and above, which would indicate a shot from the right and perhaps even from below. The lip may have trapped energy between it and the hole, which could also be a factor in the result of more paint being removed above the hole.

In the photo at 3:10, the east-west plane is probably to the right of what you indicate. The v-shaped bar in front is almost perfectly edge on, and the opening on the right v-shaped bar is larger than on the left, indicating that the photographer would have to be further to the right to be at a 90°. This indicates that these v-shaped bars aren’t perfectly aligned at 90° to the fence. One could return to the location and check this out, or further analyze the videos.

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Las Vegas: Fuel tank update

Mr Visual
Published on Feb 10, 2018
This is an update on the top bullet strike into the fuel tank. First, we’ll cover another claim that the shot was impossible. We’ll then go over a few points related to the claim of a ground-based shooter. Finally, as new data comes in, we’ll show an updated bullet trajectory, since we want to keep the reconstruction as accurate as possible.
1. Horizontal angle claim
2. “Ground shooter” claims
3. Visibility
4. New data
5. Updated trajectory
“Las Vegas Shooting: What Tank 202 Tells Us” (AmericanEveryman)
“Debunking Speculative Theories on the Las Vegas Strip” (Jason Goodman)
“Las Vegas Shooting FBI Clean Up Part 1” (hangman1128)