The guy doing the debunking video seems to be sensical and balanced, showing what is true and what seems to be fiction. He says the MIB video was read by an actor in 2018, not 2000. I didn’t watch the entire 2 hr 5 min video, but may revisit this someday.

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The video in question: Joseph Spencer – REAL Man in Black Whistleblower Also here, and claims:

“The world will witness a massive invasion of aliens, thousands of holographic alien warships.”

The video talks about Project Skybeam, and predicts:

In the year 2024, a global event will alter the course of mankind’s future. The world will stand witness to a massive alien invasion. Thousands of projected holographic alien warships will blanket the skies sending people into a global panic. Real military crafts within the holograms will inflict actual damage to the surrounding areas to sell the beginning. As a result of the ensuing human chaos, a one-world government will immediately form without any resistance from the people. (full transcript)

This video’s description:

You might have seen a recent video clip making the rounds online showing the reading of the deathbed confession of an alleged Man in Black (MIB) named Joseph Spencer. The confession divulges on the apparent reality of things like alien abductions, MK Ultra, underground bases, Project Blue Beam and the true nature of the MIB themselves. In today’s episode of TPN, we will take a look at the accuracy of claims made in the video, in addition to validating the origin and validity of the video itself.

#17: Debunking MIB Joseph Spencer

Oct 2, 2020