1:13:00 “This is basically government takeover of health care” — hospitals firing doctors and nurses for not taking the vax, so instead of standing up for their rights, Governor Dunleavy brings in workers from outside to replace them at the tune of $87,000 for three months!

1:18:25 “The stupid Ivermectin study was underpowered. They just treated them with like one or two doses of Ivermectin, which has never been the treatment protocol that actually worked. And you have to do the zinc, Aspirin and the vitamin D with it. It’s a full combination.  People have to get their vitamin D levels, their zinc levels up on board. And if they get Covid and they’re not allergic to it, they need to take Aspirin immediately to try and prevent the blood clots that kill so many with this disease.”

Farr recommends people look at the FLCCC, Mercola and Fleming outpatient protocols. And FLCCC has an in-patient protocol now too, for use in hospitals [which most hospitals reject].

Farr: How successful Ivermectin is, but local pharmacies won’t make it available. Out of over 600 patients cured with no deaths, Farr has now lost one patient who had to go to Soldotna to get it, and then her doctor wouldn’t give it to her.

Fagan: Anne Zink said Ivermectin doesn’t work in Dunleavy’s press conference yesterday, and Dunleavy didn’t say a thing.

Farr: 3.7 billion doses of Ivermectin with only 16 deaths reported; much safer than Tylenol and Aspirin; won the medicine Nobel Peace Prize in 2015, and we can’t even get it. Use the FLCCC, Mercola or Fleming protocols.

Merk is making a patentable version of off-patent Ivermectin that they’ll make a fortune out of.

1:28:00 Mike Porcaro won’t let Farr on his show anymore (afternoons on KENI). Farr is asking for other health care providers to speak out, as she’s the only one.

Starts at 1:13:00

Dan Fagan Show/Thursday 9/23/2021