Related: High Enough Vitamin D – Freedom From Covid Fear — Summary Info / Studies / How Much to Take / New Standards

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Penny is a school teacher who was diagnosed with severe depression about 25 years ago. She’s been “hospitalized in a mental hospital.” She’s taken anti-depressants, some of which made her depression worse, and made her more suicidal, one of the side effects. So she decided to go the natural route.

She learned how to be functionally depressed, so she wouldn’t end up homeless. “So it was imperative that I got up and showed up every day; even though, it was the last thing I wanted to do. In public, I was functional; in private, I cried rivers of tears.”

She recently watched Dr. John Campbell’s December-2021 video, “Vitamin D in Israel,” after which she started taking 10,000 iu per day consistently.

“It was the only thing that I changed in my life at the height of a pandemic, at the height of me wanting to quit my job…. It was the only thing I changed that could have made that difference in my life. … It’s the vitamin D. I am fine, I am fine. I am not depressed anymore. I can say that. I’ll never stop taking vitamin D.” – Minute-8:20 in the video

“I am happy. I am cured of my depression.”

She’s also taking a Tumeric tonic (linked below) and cold showers.

3 Things I Did to Cure/Erase My Depression | Penny Gets It Together

Feb 21, 2022

Penny Gets It Together

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all well and still staying safe! I am excited to share this video with you. …

Video’s and Channel’s Mentioned:

1. Dr. John Campbell channel:…

2. Vitamin D in Israel:…

3. Supplements I Take For My Depression:…

4. Spicy Turmeric Tonic (with Ginger and Black Pepper):…

5. Improve Your Gut Health It’s Always Sauerkraut Season How I Make my Sauerkraut :…

Items mentioned:

The items linked below were mentioned in the video and they are affiliate links. This means I’ll receive a small commission if you purchase the items through my links. The links do not affect the price your would normally pay.

1. Depression Cure:

2. Vitamin D:

3. Vitamin C :

4. Zinc:

5. Vitamin K-2:

6. Hot Cocoa Mix with Reishi Mushroom Powder: (I do not purchase this anymore. I make my batch)

7. Anthony’s Turmeric Powder: (this is a LOT of turmeric but I shared it with friends)

8. Anthony’s Red Reishi Mushroom Power:
