This video has gone viral, but something is seriously wrong with Dr. Ardis’ theory. Vaccines and Remdesivir wren’t available until maybe a year after Covid hit. It couldn’t have started with either.

And it couldn’t have started from the water unless someone dumped it in everyone’s water, during which everyone would have gotten sick at the same time.

And many towns and cities have municipal water sources that aren’t polluted, like ours.

More inconsistencies:

Skousen: The Covid Snake Venom Claims

Dr. Mercola: Yes, SARS-CoV-2 Is a Real Virus — has been isolated, photographed, genetically sequenced, and exists as a pathogenic entity

The plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did Covid really spread, and did the Satanic elite tell the world about this bioweapon ahead of time? Dr. Bryan Ardis ( has unveiled a shocking connection between this pandemic and the eternal battle of good and evil which began in the Garden of Eden.

Published April 11, 2022