I transcribed these quotes from Gail (or Gayle?):
“There were shots that were higher pitched. There were shots that were lower sounding. They were going at the same time, and the lower shots were getting closer to us. And I’m thinking OMG, somebody walking in the crowd, spraying their gun back and forth and shooting people. And he was getting closer.”
“There was a girl that was standing right next to me that was shot in the stomach. She had a huge bullet hole in her stomach. … And she was bleeding profusely.”
“It sounded like the shots were getting closer to us. … To me, it sounded like somebody was actually walking from the crowd from west to east, through the crowd and shooting….”
Higher pitched and lower shots: “They sounded at the same time, and the one that was lower kept getting closer sounding to us.” [Could it be the higher sounds were getting closer instead — supersonic, high frequency cracks of bullets nearby or coming from a silenced gun of which only the supersonic cracks are heard. High frequencies cannot be heard from far away? The lower pitch is probably the report of the distant gun(s).]
Mandalay Bay was on our right…. How does a bullet make a left turn and hit her in the stomach? … We were facing due south.”
“How could a bullet be coming from our right, which was on our west. We’re facing direct south. A bullet would have to come straight up and make a 90° left turn, and go into her stomach.”
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Michael Savage interviews victim who was shot at Las Vegas shooting

Published on Oct 5, 2017