Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Science & Tech Page 2 of 8

Proof: Mt. Everest Once Underwater — Genesis Flood

James Perloff: The Case Against Darwin (S3, EP6)

James Perloff writes:

I’m Paul Wittenberger’s latest guest on his Framing the World podcast. Our topic was Darwin’s theory of evolution. We discussed the impact of the theory on Christian faith, and then examined three major areas of evidence (and there are others, of course) that debunk the theory.


Bill Gates’ Lab-Grown ‘Meat’ 25 Times Worse for Climate than Beef, Study Finds


The 10 Best Evidences from Science that Confirm a Young Earth

The 10 Best Evidences from Science that Confirm a Young Earth

1. Very Little Sediment on the Seafloor

2. Bent Rock Layers

3. Soft Tissue in Fossils

4. Faint Sun Paradox

5. Rapidly Decaying Magnetic Field

6. Helium in Radioactive Rocks

7. Carbon-14 in Fossils, Coal, and Diamonds

8. Short-Lived Comets

9. Very Little Salt in the Sea

10. DNA in “Ancient” Bacteria

Fully explained HERE

How to get rid of conservative talk radio? Eliminate AM radio in cars

Apparently, it’s not the radios interfering with the electric cars, but the electric cars interfering with AM radio, causing “unwanted noises, static and poor reception,” I’m reading. AM radios are just receivers; don’t transmit any signals to interfere with anything.

Anything they can do to destroy America right now, the globalists are doing, including the push to ban fossil fuels and gasoline powered cars.

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Major car manufacturers such as BMW, Mazda, Tesla, and Volkswagen are sidelining a staple of American life: AM radio, removing AM receivers from their new electric vehicles, and saying that the radios create electromagnetic interference with the electric-powered engines.

Ford, a stalwart of the U.S. auto industry, said it will exclude AM radio from nearly all its new vehicles – both gas and electric – by 2024, citing data that suggests less than 5% of in-car listening comes from AM stations.

The transition isn’t just a switch of radio frequencies; it’s a fundamental disruption to the conservative talk show ecosystem. Talk radio has long dominated AM radio, while the alternative NPR has dominated FM radio. Some conservatives are crying “foul.” …

In Alaska, AM radio is woven into the fabric of emergency response, capable of reaching remote areas and relaying urgent messages about floods, fires, or earthquakes. This function of AM radio is part of the nation’s Emergency Alert system; Americans rely on it for timely, crucial information.

The AI Effect: A New Era in Music and Its Unintended Consequences

The CO2 scam! If it’s cut in half, plants die — and grow bigger when increased!

At 0.04% of the atmosphere, how can a gas have such an impact? Must be pretty toxic. Yes, I just exhaled some of it a second ago! At 0.02% CO2, plants die! And industrial greenhouses pump it times 5 if they want increased yield. Even Patrick Moore, one of the Greenpeace founders talks about the CO2 scam. There are many scientists on the logical side, check YouTube.

– Peter at Earth’s Atmosphere Composition: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon and CO2



Key findings:

  • 95% of teachers are aware of ChatGPT
  • 98% of teachers use ChatGPT
  • 79% approve of student use
  • 84% of teachers that approve of its use have spent time teaching their students how to use it
  • 35% believe most or all of their students turn in assignments they used ChatGPT to complete
  • 71% say their school doesn’t have a policy surrounding ChatGPT use

97% of teachers are using ChatGPT to write lesson plans


Why You Can’t Take Your Phone to The Masters

AI And ChatGPT Is More Dangerous Than You Think – Jordan Peterson

In this video, Jordan Peterson explains how AI and Chat GPT can actually be very dangerous. We are told that they aren’t a threat. but in reality that is simply not completely the truth.

Success Now

Jan 3, 2023

Mike Winger: My MAIN challenge to Flat Earth Proponents

Where did God come from ? – Best answer Kent Hovind vs Reinhold Schlieter Debate

Link to full debate here:…

What Is Spatial Audio?

Creationist Stumps Evolutionary Professors with ONE Question!

How fast is the Milky Way moving?

Our galaxy,, the Milky Way, containing about 400 billion stars is both spinning and moving. It’s spinning at a little over 450,000 mph. And is moving through the universe even faster at 1,300,000 mph!

Separating Climate Facts from Fiction with James Corbett — “This is not about science, but the agenda”

“This is not about science. This is about the agenda.” – James Corbett

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On this episode of The Activation podcast Derrick Broze interviews returning guest James Corbett regarding his work on climate change. James has been researching the claims about climate change since 2007 and has produced dozens of reports and podcast dissecting the various claims about anthropogenic climate change. Derrick and James discuss what the climate change propagandists have right and what they have dangerously wrong. They also discuss the agenda behind the climate change movement.

Supersonic Ping Pong Ball vs. 3/4 inch Plywood — 9/11 Planes penetrated WTC walls at bolt and weld points

How fuel filled, aluminum jet aircraft wings could travel through the WTC steel facade at 500 mph at the weak points (breaking the bolts and welds).

The government’s calculations put the speed of the first plane at 494 mph, and the second at 586 mph. The MIT analysis determined the first plane was traveling 429 mph, and the second 537 mph, The Times said. (source)

E=MC squared (energy=mass • speed squared)
Ken Jenkins on the Pentagon
attack: Final approach of the plane accelerated from 300mph to when it hit Pentagon at 561 mph, at about 100 tons. An object going 500 mph is 10 times faster than 50 mph, but has 100 times the energy! (source @ 51:30)

Wayne Coste says the planes broke the WTC steel facade where there were bolts or welds. (source @ 1:09:30)

’60 Minutes’: eVTOL: The flying vehicles that may be the future of transportation


World Government Summit

University Debate SMACKDOWN! God Created The World

…enjoy this epic smack down from Dr Hovind at Rutgers University. To see the full debate click the link:…

Bitdefender vs. Avast: which antivirus is better?

Norton 360 vs McAfee Comparison: which antivirus is better?


Malwarebytes | Real test: does the free version offer enough protection?

Scientism: the Progressive religion — Treating Fauci’s every utterance as if it emanated from a burning bush

“The Scientism surrounding the Wuhan panic has turned reasonable people into fanatics – from the “Karens” who call the police on anyone who is not religiously following Dr. Fauci’s edicts to the politicians and journalists who treat Fauci’s every utterance as if it emanated from a burning bush.

“Believing in science, like believing all women, has become a mark of cultural virtue. Yet the people most likely to say that they believe in science are the least likely to value objectivity and healthy skepticism. Science, for such people, has taken the place of religion in providing certainty in an uncertain world. When science is used to signal virtue and provide certainty, it’s not science, but a hollow religion.

Scientism: the Progressive religion

[Slideshow] COVID Shots, DNA & Transhumanism, With Dr. Madej

23:35 Believes RNA ‘vaccines’ can permanently alter DNA. PubMed preprint:

SARS-CoV-2 RNA reverse-transcribed and integrated into the human genome

40:10 The only benefits: partial immunity for 2 months and prevention of one positive PCR test

40:40 The many, serious risks!

47:30 “They purposely keep us in fear, lies, deceit and panic because that keeps us in low energy. And it makes us forget who we are.”

49:05 “I’m a believer in Jesus Christ…. If we remember how to be human, start connecting with one another, gathering together, worshiping, praying, singing, dancing, standing up for our rights, defending one another, we will become who we always were and always are.”


April 29, 2021

In this presentation with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman, Dr. Carrie Madej explains that the elites peddling the COVID shots are also pushing transhumanism… and the two are closely related. Genetic modifications and new technologies are on the verge of changing what it means to be human, and the elites are really pushing the boundaries.


Mike Rivero: ‘Big Bang’ Evidence Starts to Crumble — Red Shift Not Uniform

The ‘Big Bang’ never made sense to me. It’s wonderful to see this theory taught as fact in all public schools finally crumble.

This does NOT disprove the Biblical creation account as Rivero, still an atheist suggests. God made everything as is. He made Adam, the trees and the garden full grown in their places on Earth. There was no need for our Creator to create matter together in one area and then explode it out, where multiple billions of stars (our sun being an average sized star) somehow ended up being perfectly formed and function independently of one another, displaying their light across the universe for thousands of years now.

An explosion would destroy what God made. And the tremendous gravity of all of the matter in the universe in one tiny area would have crushed everything unless God would have changed how gravity now works.

The most logical explanation for creation is that God created everything near where it currently is. Everything was full grown, ready to go. Then God put Adam in charge of the full grown Garden.

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UPDATE: Dark matter still MIA after most exhaustive search yet

UPDATE: No Big Bang? Quantum equation predicts universe has no beginning

UPDATE: Universe is Not Expanding After All, Controversial Study Suggests

by Michael Rivero

… In 1929, a Cal-Tech astronomer named Edwin Hubble observed that objects which appeared to be much further away showed a more pronounced shift towards the red end of the spectrum. …


A dusty mistake? ‘Groundbreaking’ Bicep2 Big Bang signal was just interstellar debris in the galaxy, scientists reveal

‘There Was No Big Bang’: Brazilian Scientist Turns Cosmic Theory Upside Down A scientist in Brazil has proposed a way of overcoming the problem presented by the Big Bang theory, the need for the singularity of spacetime, by doing away with the theory altogether.

So pervasive is this bias to see the universe as created in a Biblical-consistent “Big Bang” that when William G. Tifft submitted his first article on the quantization of the observed Red Shift to Astrophysical Journal, the Journal published it because they could not find errors in it, yet still felt compelled to editorially distance themselves from the conclusions.

The conclusions derived from quantized red shift are devastating to the conventional view of the universe created in a single Big Bang, as devastating as Galileo’s first telescope was to the theory that the Earth was the center of the universe.

Georges Lemaître (like Aristotle) assumed there was no other explanation for the red shift he observed than the motion of the observed objects relative to Earth. But given the theory that the universe is expanding uniformly, the amount of red shifts would have to be uniformly and randomly distributed.

But they aren’t.

The observed red shifts in the sky are quantized, falling into discreet intervals. This is not explainable by the theory that the red shift is produced solely by relative velocity as the distances to remote objects are uniformly distributed. Some other effect must be at work. And that means that the assumption that the universe is expanding based solely on the red shift is invalidated. Some other effect IS at work that explains the observations, quite possibly one that triggers a quantized red shift over vast distances without respect to relative velocity.

Which means the universe is not expanding. Which means there was no moment of creation, no “Big Bang”…. [No “Big Bang” does NOT mean “no moment of creation.” It actually makes more sense for God to just create the universe as it is, instead of starting from an explosion, which would have been order from chaos. – editor]


Nick Begich II: Hidden Monks Masterclass, 13-Hour Empowering Virtual Event

Total time approx. 13 hours 15 minutes!

“WELCOME TO THE MASTERCLASS” – Part 1. (approx. 30 minutes)

Dr. Nick Begich Teaching The Hidden Monks Masterclass Empowering Virtual Event

Starts at 2:35


Shatner And Musk Two Actors For Transhumanism

Noah’s Ark Resistivity Scans Pt 1 – A tour of Noah’s Ark as the scans are done

Related: All of my Ron Wyatt posts at ONEcanhappen

In 2014, resistivity scans were done on Noah’s Ark by John Larsen of New Zealand, assisted by Randall Lee of Tennessee. This was the first real research done since the work by Ron Wyatt in the 80’s which led to it’s acceptance by Turkey as Noah’s Ark. In this part 1, Mary Nell Wyatt Lee takes the viewer on a tour of the ark as the work is in progress. It begins with the long hike down to the ark from the Visitors Center, then explores the entire ark. Mary Nell’s commentary was videoed onsite. This is especially for those who would like to see the entire ark site and understand the remains. It also shows the scans in progress and explains briefly how they work to later provide a 3d image of the entire ship. The results of the scans will be explored in Part 2.

PLEASE NOTE that I made an error in math when I was filming- This took place in 2014. When I went to the spot that the mini excavation took place in 1990, mistakenly said it was “14 years” ago (from 2014) when it was actually 24 years ago.

Skousen: The “Great Reset” Threat is Real — 50% of jobs will be gone by 2025 due to automation & Amazon won’t need a single human within 10, says Lee. People will cry out for universal income.

World Affairs Brief, January 29, 2021 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


I have covered the “Great Reset” before by saying that this globalist conspiracy to replace free markets with various forms of socialism is linked to the Covid 19 shutdowns of small businesses. The main purpose of the shutdowns have been not to protect people from contagion, but to get people used to a permanent level of government control through emergency orders and damage local economies sufficiently to make them dependent upon regular government bailouts.

That is happening. Not only is the money creation and deficit spending scheme disastrous to the value of the dollar, long term, but inserted into those bailout bills are various “poison pill” pieces of legislation slowly replacing capitalism with socialist programs and other globalist initiatives like “climate change” regulations.

The Off-Guardian organization has produced a very professional video presentation of where this Global Reset conspiracy is going to lead. The formal plan is being presented in a series of lectures at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos Switzerland. I usually don’t have time to watch long videos, but this is a must-watch. For those of you short on time, I present the following summary. Read my paraphrasing of what is presented and then go back and watch the video when you have more time.

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