When I heard about the coronavirus on January 21, this vision was the first thing I thought of, having heard Paul Cain discuss this a number of times around 1989, especially in his interviews with Mike Bickle, but also in person.

Will this happen during this COVID-19 pandemic? Sporting events are being cancelled. Hospitals may fill up. Or could this happen during a future, more serious pandemic?

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Paul Cain Vision The End Times

The End Times: A Vision by Paul Cain


Paul has had several specific burdens and prophetic expectations for the Body of Christ today and in the days to come. He has had reoccurring visions concerning the end times, which he believes are rapidly approaching. About 30 years ago the Lord gave Paul a vision that has occurred to Paul more than 100 times and still reoccurs to this day.

It is a vision of the last days when sports stadiums all over the United States are filled with thousands of people. In this vision, people are being healed and miracles are happening to thousands in the name of Jesus Christ. People are turning to the Lord in droves and the whole nation is in revival. It seemed the whole earth was turning to Christ.