Freedom from Alaska!

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The Money Masters—How International Bankers Gained Control of America


3 hr 35 min 19 sec

“The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole…Their secret is that they have annexed from governments, monarchies, and republics the power to create the world’s money…”

THE MONEY MASTERS is a 3 1/2 hour non-fiction, historical documentary that traces the origins of the political power structure that rules our nation and the world today. The modern political power structure has its roots in the hidden manipulation and accumulation of gold and other forms of money. The development of fractional reserve banking practices in the 17th century brought to a cunning sophistication the secret techniques initially used by goldsmiths fraudulently to accumulate wealth. With the formation of the privately-owned Bank of England in 1694, the yoke of economic slavery to a privately-owned “central” bank was first forced upon the backs of an entire nation, not removed but only made heavier with the passing of the three centuries to our day. Nation after nation, including America, has fallen prey to this cabal of international central bankers.

Segments: The Problem; The Money Changers; Roman Empire; The Goldsmiths of Medieval England; Tally Sticks; The Bank of England; The Rise of the Rothschilds; The American Revolution; The Bank of North America; The Constitutional Convention; First Bank of the U.S.; Napoleon’s Rise to Power; Death of the First Bank of the U.S. / War of 1812; Waterloo; Second Bank of the U.S.; Andrew Jackson; Fort Knox; World Central Bank; Loose Change 911 truth police state globalists NWO New World Order Federal Reserve Alex Jones Aaron Russo America From Freedom To Fascism zionist IMF BIS John Perkins 911 911 Globalism bilderberg Rothschild Rockefeller Schiff Warburg illuminati bohemian grove idi amin freemason

9/11 The Myth & the Reality: Dr. David Ray Griffin




1 hr 38 min 35 sec – Oct 18, 2006

Composed of two powerful speeches given the masterful Philosopher and Theologist Dr. David Ray Griffin at The Commonwealth Club in San Francisco (4/3/06) and at The Grand Lake Theater in Oakland (3/30/06), 9/11: The Myth and The Reality exposes the official story of 9/11 for what it truly is: a sacred myth.

Throughout this incredible video, enhanced with forceful images and video segments, Griffin details nine of the most commonly held myths and misconceptions about the events surrounding 9/11 and with logical precision proves the fallacies of each one.

Each speech is followed by an in-depth question & answer section featuring hard-hitting questions about 9/11 posed to one of the subject’s foremost scholars

Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement (Alex Jones—full length)




Overview: Endgame Rips The Lid Off Elite’s Final Masterplan

New Hampshire Voting Fraud Potential Caught On Tape




Patriot, Bev Harris’ website:

Video Proof: Media is Intentionally Dissing Ron Paul




Mrs. Ron Paul—Carol Paul Interview


[youtube=]Part 1 of 3

“Ron is a very forgiving type person.”

“Ron doesn’t like to ever attack people. He likes to attack the ideas.”

“They’re not walking around today saying, ‘yes, Ron Paul is going to win.’ But they are walking around and saying, ‘Ron Paul is a force, and this is a beginning, and that people are so enthused with the message.'”

March For Life—Ron Paul

Video is a bit shaky, but the audio is clear.




Ron Paul: $ House of Cards $



“If you don’t deal with the dollar

there will be no retirement for anybody.

We’re going to have chaos.”

 – Ron Paul

(video) Molten Steel Found at Ground Zero Weeks After 9/11

At ground zero, steel was still found in liquid form weeks after 9/11.

Yet sooty, black burning jet fuel (basically diesel) cannot melt any kind of steel, especially fire resistant, structural steel.


Firefighter: “You’d get down below and see molten steel—molten steel running down the channel rails, like you’re in a foundery…like lava.”


6 weeks after 9/11


Molten Steel discovered 8 weeks after 9/11


Frame by frame stabilization of WTC South Tower molten metal, by JKeogh of


Extreme temperatures of the WTC rubble. How was this created; fire, jet fuel, friction?

(videos) MOLTEN Steel Found at Ground Zero Weeks After 9/11

At ground zero, steel was still found in liquid form weeks after 9/11.

Yet sooty, black burning jet fuel (basically diesel) cannot melt any kind of steel, especially fire resistant, structural steel.


Firefighter: “You’d get down below and see molten steel—molten steel running down the channel rails, like you’re in a foundery…like lava.”


6 weeks after 9/11


WTC Ground Zero Molten Steel (Part One)

“Eight weeks later, we’ve steel got fires burning”


Frame by frame stabilization of WTC South Tower molten metal, by JKeogh of


Extreme temperatures of the WTC rubble. How was this created; fire, jet fuel, friction?

Twins for Ron Paul




My twin sister Rebekah and I (she’s in the blue shirt, I’m in the pink) respond to the “Huckabeevangelical” twin activists who recently made the national press. =) She did the video editing.


Russert: “Ron Paul is Someone to Watch”—But WHERE?

In for the long haul…

Ron Paul is someone to watch.”

– Tim Russert on MSNBC


But where?



You Decide 2008 FOX News? Fair & Balanced

The Spin Room


Note: Ron Paul ended up taking 2nd place by getting over 400 more votes than John McCain




What song is this?

The answer becomes evident halfway through




Andre Eggelletion: ‘Federal’ Reserve Causing Economic Failure


[youtube=]Part 1 of 4

Powerful Ron Paul Video with JFK & MLK! [YouTube banned this clip]

If this gets pulled by YouTube, again, please let me know. They may leave it up, now that it’s getting so much attention. See: About This Video. There is nothing here that Americans shouldn’t see.




The picture of the girl and how they laugh at Ron Paul, the peacemaker, reminds me of Roger Waters’ The Bravery of Being Out of Range:

… Hey bartender over here
Two more shots
And two more beers
Sir turn up the TV sound
The war has started on the ground
Just love those laser guided bombs
They’re really great
For righting wrongs
You hit the target
And win the game
From bars 3,000 miles away
3,000 miles away
We play the game
With the bravery of being out of range
We zap and maim
With the bravery of being out of range
We strafe the train
With the bravery of being out of range
We gain terrain
With the bravery of being out of range


The media’s manipulation of these wars and now Ron Paul’s campaign amounts to pure, unconstitutional censorship.

Related: Making Fun of Ron Paul at FOX’s S.C. Debate, 1/10/08

Lou Dobbs: Unrecountable, Paperless S.C. Voting Machines




Song: “Doctor Ron Paul”—”Your hope for America has inspired us all”




Ron Paul: What is ‘Strength?’


“Something has happened along the way,
that we’ve interpreted our strength as that of
being a military powerhouse that bullies ourselves around the world.

That is not strength.
Strength is to believe in freedom and liberty
and setting a good example to the world.”

– Ron Paul

[transcribed by jeff fenske]

Amazing Shadow Puppets: “A Wonderful World”




Ron Paul @ Comma Coffee — Carson City, NV 1/14/08


[youtube=]Part 2 of 3

“Today, everybody is screaming:
‘the Fed has to act…and lower interest rates,
and save the economy!’ …
How do they lower interest rates?
They print money.
That’s how they lower interest rates.
So you can’t solve the problem of inflation
with more inflation.”


[youtube=]Part 3 of 3

“Inflation is 10% & you’re getting a 2% raise”


Part 1 is here

Americans Must Turn to Russian TV for Coverage of Ron Paul




Ron Paul Fans Who are Getting It—It’s Not Just About Ron Paul




Ron Paul: Republican Debate Highlights


Ron Paul video footage from each debate he’s been allowed to be in


Ron Paul on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno 1-7-08






Related: Ron Paul on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno 10/30/07

The Fox / Leno Miracle
Posted January 8th, 2008 by zenpiper

If there is one amazing aspect to this campaign is that miracles happen all the time. Or, for the non-spiritual readers, that no matter how many lemons are thrown at Ron Paul, he comes up with lemonade. I like the idea of miracles better because so many unexplained windfalls have happened that it defies the odds.

When Fox stated last week that RP was not invited to the event, many of us reacted in shock, dismay and anger. It was not fair nor justifiable by any measure: it was dirty politics. Everybody saw that. Many posters (including me) mused about ways we could give Fox a kick in the shins (or worse) including stock sell-off, barrages of emails and phone calls and generally sticking a finger in the Fox eye. It was maddening.

Then a little miracle appeared in the form of The Tonight Show and Jay Leno. Not only did RP get a lot of air time, a good solo intro by Jay, Ron’s message was carried to many more viewers than the Fox debate would have offered. Ron was in top form and the audience was clearly stoked to hear him. It doesn’t get much better.

But the real message is that–no matter what happens in terms of negative stuff–something wonderful comes out of it. It is though an unseen hand is guiding this campaign, and has been all along. This is just amazing to me.

Ron Paul Town Hall Meeting: Response to FOX’s Banishment (1/6/08)

Since FOX News banned Ron Paul from their 1/6 debate, Congressman Paul held his own, 1-hour, town hall meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire on the same night!

Stuck in the center of the tiny, round rug, it takes Ron about 10 minutes to get warmed up. The meeting then becomes very lively and great intro to Ron Paul!

One even asks “who owns the Federal Reserve?”






6 Delightful Minutes with Ron Paul: The Candidate Cafe (CNN 1/6)




An Open Letter To Ron Paul Supporters: Never Give Up for Liberty!




Huckabee’s I’m-the-“CHRISTIAN LEADER” Ads VS Ron Paul


The Ad: “Believe”






The Ad: “What Really Matters”



“It’s only a bookshelf” Screenshot




RON PAUL: “I happen to be a believer. I’m a Christian. And I do write about it. But I specifically say I don’t carry my religion on my sleeve. Sometimes I had been annoyed about the prayer breakfast in Washington. I never attended the prayer breakfast in Washington, although I am a believer. I just thought that was more publicity. And, you know, the Bible does teach us that we should say our prayers in a closed room, and not flaunt it, and not to pretend you’re holier than– others. So, I’ve approached it that way.”

From: Ron Paul with Bill Moyers (PBS) 1-04-08

Ron Paul vs Mike Huckabee – A Soldier Speaks Out

[some strong language]




Ron Paul with Bill Moyers (PBS) 1-04-08


Now we’re living in an age today in this post-9/11 atmosphere where our civil liberties are being undermined constantly, all in the name of safety and security, we’re supposed to give up our rights for our privacy? We’re allowed now to accept the idea of secret prisons and secret renditions, and the loss of habeas corpus.

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