Emergency Levels Of Japan Nuclear Radiation Found In Forecasts Censored From Public: Contrary to previous reports that NILO has stopped making Japan nuclear radiation forecasts, the forecasts are still being produced, they are just not being released to the public. Nuclear radiation forecasts discovered today on the site show emergency levels of radiation in the latest forecasts censored from the public. Japan recently announced a massive censorship campaign to silence so-called “irresponsible rumors” about the nuclear radiation being released from Fukushima. more
Nuclear Meltdown At Fukushima Plant: Engineers from the Tokyo Electric Power company (Tepco) entered the No.1 reactor at the end of last week for the first time and saw the top five feet or so of the core’s 13ft-long fuel rods had been exposed to the air and melted down. Previously, Tepco believed that the core of the reactor was submerged in enough water to keep it stable and that only 55 per cent of the core had been damaged. Now the company is worried that the molten pool of radioactive fuel may have burned a hole through the bottom of the containment vessel, causing water to leak. “We will have to revise our plans,” said Junichi Matsumoto, a spokesman for Tepco. “We cannot deny the possibility that a hole in the pressure vessel caused water to leak”. more
Postgenetic Code: The accumulated and integrated gains in science, technology and human culture have generated a new period of evolution, the postgenetic era. In postgenetic evolution, the accelerating expansion of our species’ knowledge base has taken humanity beyond being mere DNA-transport vehicles. We now have the capacity to consciously build on evolution’s engineering by multiple means: more
The People vs. Goldman Sachs: They weren’t murderers or anything; they had merely stolen more money than most people can rationally conceive of, from their own customers, in a few blinks of an eye. But then they went one step further. They came to Washington, took an oath before Congress, and lied about it. Thanks to an extraordinary investigative effort by a Senate subcommittee that unilaterally decided to take up the burden the criminal justice system has repeatedly refused to shoulder, we now know exactly what Goldman Sachs executives like Lloyd Blankfein and Daniel Sparks lied about. morego to archives
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