More Ultra-Vivid Headlines from
G. Edward Griffin’s

2011 DECEMBER 31 – 2012 JANUARY 6

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Saber rattling in the Hormus Strait: US and Israel plan a massive military exercise in the Persian Gulf in response to Iran’s threat to shut down the Strait of Hormuz over a proposed EU embargo on Iranian oil. The UK will join in military action if Iran stands firm. DailyMail 2012 Jan 6 (Cached)

Zimbabwe rejects GMOs. The official explanation is that GMOs endanger health, pollute the environment, contaminate essential crops, and are more expensive in the long-term. [Bravo! They got it exactly right.] Bernama 2012 Jan 6 (Cached)

US: General Accounting Office says that the government has been secretly funding the UN’s IPCC, which is the home of climate disinformation and the driving force for expansion of government based on the myth of global warming. [He who pays the piper calls the tune.] WattsUpWithThat 2012 Jan 5 (Cached)

Head of radiology at Florida Cancer Center says that TSA body scanners can cause cancer, especially among those over 65. Naturalnews 2012 Jan 5 (Cached)

Argentina: GlaxoSmithKline vaccine manufacturers recruited doctors to persuade illiterate families to sign over their children for illegal medical experiments. 14 babies died in the program. NaturalSociety 2012 Jan 5 (Cached)

Pepsi is sued by a man who claims he found a dead mouse in his can of Mountain Dew. Pepsi denies responsibility, claiming that a mouse would have disintegrated within 4 days in anything as acidic as that. [What’s the real story here? Toxicity from a dead mouse or from drinking a substance that can disintegrate a mouse in 4 days?] NaturalSociety 2012 Jan 4 (Cached)

China rejects US-led sanctions against Iran. Says that diplomacy is the correct path. [If other nations reject sanctions, the US may be on its own in which case it will suffer more than Iran. Higher oil prices and international isolation would be the consequence.] PressTV 2012 Jan 4 (Cached)

Virginia residents file a class-action lawsuit against Monsanto for Agent-Orange pollutants from its chemical plants. Currently, Dow Chemical is seeking deregulation of GMO corn that is resistant to Agent Orange ingredients. [If GMO crops are resistant to Agent Orange, then farmers can spray them freely with the hope that only weeds will be killed. There is a potentially huge market for both Dow and Monsanto: one for the seeds and one for the pesticide. The health effect on livestock and humans? Well, that’s another story.] NaturalNews 2012 Jan 4 (Cached)

The Republic of Belarus now bans its citizens from using the Internet to visit any web site outside the country. Emails to or from other countries are also banned. Violators will be fined and prosecuted. Cryptogon 2012 Jan 3 (Cached)

US: After a 3-year battle, a Georgia court will allow attorney Orly Taitz to depose Obama about his birth certificate and social security card.
Orly Taitz 2012 Jan 3 (Cached)

US: Nephew of Presidential candidate, Rick Santorum, says he supports Ron Paul and that his uncle is a big-spending interventionist.
DailyCaller 2012 Jan 3 (Cached)

Leaked documents show the US government intends to wage military-style trade wars with nations that ban GMO foods. Also revealed is that some US ambassadors work directly for GMO producers like Monsanto. [Here is yet more proof that the US government has been captured by transnational corporatons.] NaturalSociety 2012 Jan 3 (Cached)

World’s largest model railroad – and still growing. Click & be amazed.

Obama signs the National Defense Authorization Act that provides for the indefinite detention of Americans without charges or trial. He previously said that he disagreed with this feature of the bill but he put pressure on Congress to make sure it was included. This bill is a companion to the new law that gives the President power to order the assassination of US citizens. InfoWars 2012 Jan 2 (Cached)

Library in Charlton, Massachusetts, sends police to the home of a 5 year-old girl because her books were overdue. CBS Boston 2012 Jan 2 (Cached)

US: Whirlpool has petitioned the Department of Commerce to impose stiff import taxes on its Asian competitors. [The argument in favor of this is that it will help protect American jobs. The argument against it is that the cost of protecting some American jobs is passed on to all Americans in the form of higher prices for their appliances, so the few benefit from the many. Which view do you favor? Send your response to the Forum.] New American 2012 Jan 2 (Cached)

US: The Enemy Expatriation Act, now in committee, allows the government to strip away US citizenship and rights from any person said to engage in or support hostilities against the US. [Those terms are not defined and can be interpreted as any criticism of the actions or policies of those who rule.]
Loss of Privacy
2012 Jan 1 (Cached)

Obama signs into law an all-out trade war against Iran. Countries or corporations continuing to deal with Iran’s central bank or oil industry will be barred from trading in American markets. Countries will have to choose between Iran and the US. [Retaliation by Iran is likely, and may be what the Obama Administration wants — a harsh reaction that could be used as justification for a full US military attack. Another war is in the air.] DW-World 2012 Jan 1 (Cached)

US: Uninsured people are able to get routine health and dental services at bargain rates through Groupon deals. DailyMail 2011 Dec 31 (Cached)

US: Federal government launches new program to grab even larger chunks of state and private land in the name of protecting animal migration corridors. Promoters admit that they are trying to spin the describe the program in an emotional manner to gain public acceptance.
Washington Examiner
Posted 2011 Dec 31 (Cached)

US: The FBI wants to prosecute ‘food activists’ (those who expose unclean food-processing plants or inhumane livestock treatment) as terrorists. [Once again, we see the hand of large corporations pulling the levers of government power.]
Posted 2011 Dec 31 (Cached)


Reports and commentaries that look beyond the news to identify historical facts and trends that must be understood to place the news into perspective. This is our “think-tank” section that makes it possible to anticipate future events.

US: 17 reasons that a vote for Mitt Romney is a vote for the New World Order.
American Dream
2012 Jan 3 (Cached)

Professor Walter Block explains why he, as a Jew, supports Ron Paul for President and destroys the claim that Ron Paul is anti-Semitic.
2012 Jan 2

US: Proposed new Constitution reflects the laws already in place in America and would make everything much easier to understand for the average citizen. [This is powerful satire.]
2012 Jan 1 (Cached)

Important discovery: Beehives in cities are more successful than those in the country. This urban beekeeper thinks it is because modern farmlands are saturated with pesticides and cities are not.
YouTube Posted 2011 Dec 31

Nancy Banks, MD, explains that autism and auto-immune disorders in children are caused by vaccines. Manufacturers cannot admit guilt because too many people have been injured, the lawsuits would be astronomical, and the cash flow would end. YouTube Posted 2011 Dec 31.

Here is what to expect now that China and Japan have dumped the dollar for use in trade within Asia. An Asian Union is being formed to wage trade war with the West. The U.S. is economically doomed, because the government and the Federal Reserve, by creating an endless fountain of fiat money to bail out banks and fund the warfare/welfare state, have killed the dollar as an international trade currency. Alt-Markets 2011 Dec 30 (Cached)

“Vote Ron Paul and let my people go.” This message from Israel is as unexpected as it is inspiring. The writer is Rafi Farber, a member of Jews for Ron Paul. He advocates an end to US foreign aid to Israel. SettlersOfSamaria 2011 Dec 29 (Cached)

Most vitamin studies are misleading because they use low quality vitamins and formulations that contain toxic additives. This is the reason many studies find that vitamin supplementation either is of no value or dangerous. Some of the most popular brands, such as Centrum, are in this category. [In short, not all vitamin supplements are beneficial.] NaturalSociety 2011 Dec 27 (Cached)

Vitamin D can radically reduce your chances of premature death, and it prevents many diseases. Here are the basics of what you need to know, including information on correct doses. [Sunlight is the best source but supplements also can do the job.] Mercola posted 2011 Dec 27 (Cached)

Precious-metals ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds) are risky. Here’s why: Banking cartels created the gold and silver futures market primarily to manipulate their prices and keep them artificially low. For decades, short-term futures and spot prices have been disconnected from the forces of physical supply and demand. Gold and silver ETFs do not trade precious metals. They trade promises (contracts) to do so. Typically, sellers have very little bullion on hand but they promise to acquire it if buyers actually want to take physical delivery when their contracts mature. Most of the buyers are speculators, not users of precious metals, so they prefer payment in dollars, so most of the trades are merely a form of gambling. However, if many buyers really want physical bullion, this forces up the price as sellers bid against each other to obtain the real thing. If this rise in price is beyond the ability of sellers to honor their contracts, they declare bankruptcy, and buyers lose their money. This is what caused the recent collapse of MF Global, which was a reality check for many bullion buyers who now insist on physical-delivery only. Seeking Alpha 2011 Dec 27 (Cached)

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Freedom ForceUnfiltered News is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.

A reporter did a human-interest piece on the Texas Rangers. The reporter recognized the Colt Model 1911 the Ranger was carrying and asked him “Why do you carry a 45?” The Ranger responded, “Because they don’t make a 46.”

The old sheriff was attending an awards dinner when a lady commented on his wearing his sidearm. “Sheriff, I see you have your pistol. Are you expecting trouble?” He promptly replied, “No Ma’am. If I were expecting trouble, I would have brought my shotgun.”

Gun-control advocates say that those who have guns are compensating for something. I guess that’s true. I am compensating for the fact that I am smaller and weaker than most violent criminals.

Gun control is based on the theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own pantyhose, is morally superior to a woman explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound.