More Ultra-Vivid Headlines from
G. Edward Griffin’s

2012 MAY 5 – MAY 11

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US: The Federal Reserve has approved China’s acquisition of American lending institutions. [This has sparked concern that China will subsidize these operations with state funding so they can underprice US banks and capture the American lending market.]Bloomberg 2012 May 11

JP Morgan announces a $2 billion loss in the derivatives market. [What may sound like everyday news from Wall Street actually gives us a glimpse into the bizarre world of the US banking cartel. JP Morgan manages derivatives that are twice the dollar value of the bank’s entire capitalization, and the derivatives market itself, estimated at $700 trillion, is 10 times larger than the GDP of the planet Earth. Major banks make incredibly huge gambles in this market with no fear of loss, because the government says they are too big to fail, so their losses are passed on to taxpayers. This $2 billion loss allows us to see the whole scam in just one event.] ABC News 2012 May 11 (Cached)
US: The Department of Justice is suing Arizona Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, supposedly for violating Latinos’ civil rights and failure to work within the federal model of immigration enforcement. [This may be motivated by the fact that Arpaio is conducting a high-profile investigation into Obama’s eligibility for the ballot based on his questionable citizenship. This could become interesting.] WND 2012 May 10 (Cached)
Famous investor, Jim Rogers, recommends staying away from stocks and buying gold, silver, and agricultural commodities – because the Dollar is approaching collapse. [He must be reading Unfiltered News!] ETF DailyNews 2012 May 10 (Cached)
Documents for a US military training class advocate ‘total war’ against the world’s 1.4 billion Muslims and targeting civilian populations like was done with the bombing of Hiroshima. [The military has ordered all such documents to be destroyed, but the personnel who wrote them and taught from them continue in their assignments.] Wired 2012 May 10 (Cached)
FDA advisory panel approves first drug to allegedly prevent HIV (at a cost of $11,000 per year). [Keep in mind that HIV is a theoretical virus. It has never been seen under a microscope, has never been clearly identified, and may not even exist. But that does not stop Big Pharma from marketing a ‘prevention’.] 
USA Today
 2012 May 10 (Cached)
US: Study predicts that fracking (using high-pressure water and chemicals to fracture subterranean rock to release oil and gas) will pollute water supplies with harmful chemicals within a few years. [If this happens, cancer rates could increase dramatically.ActivistPost 2012 May 10 (Cached)
Michigan: A Chinese group plans to construct a 200-acre ‘China City’ modeled after China’s own cities and culture. [It appears to be the developer’s intent, not just to build a city based on Chinese architecture, but to prevent assimilation into American culture, which is not good news. Cultural unity is the backbone of any nation. Without that, the nation becomes weak and riddled with internal conflict. Funding for such projects is made possible by the fact that China holds billions of Dollars derived from US government bonds. That money must be spent quickly before it loses value. There is no better way to spend it than to buy up US land, gas and oil fields, mineral deposits, corporate stocks – and politicians.] American Dream 2012 May 9 (Cached)
 US: Two million illegal immigrants who pay taxes using a special IRS ID card now are receiving huge refunds by claiming tax credits for children who live in Mexico. [This is costing taxpayers over $4 billion per year. The IRS is fully aware but does nothing about it.] Posted 2012 May 9
US: A new ‘underwear bomb’ scare is being used to expand the use of x-ray body scanners and to blunt the effort of Senator Rand Paul to disband the TSA. [The latest so-called terrorist with the so-called bomb was recruited by the CIA – just as most, if not all, previous terrorists have been recruited and controlled by either the CIA or FBI. The purpose is to frighten the American people into meekly accepting the continuing growth of a police state in the name of national security.] EndTheLie 2012 May 9 (Cached)
US: Mitt Romney criticizes Ron Paul’s budget plan to cut $1 trillion in the first year, saying it will shrink the economy too much. [We must assume that Romney thinks $1 trillion in taxes to maintain the present level of spending will not shrink the economy. He may be right. Instead of shrinking the economy, it could destroy it altogether.] New American 2012 May 9 (Cached)
Connecticut Legislature and Governor have killed a landmark bill that would have required GMO foods to be labeled as such. [This was in response to lobbying efforts on the part of Monsanto, which included a threat to sue the state if the bill were to be passed. Vermont has put a similar bill on ice. The California version has a better chance of success because it is a citizens’ initiative, beyond the reach of politicians.] Daily Darien 2012 May 9 (Cached)
 US: Disturbing video of police brutality in Fullerton, California, shows police officers beating and tasering a non-violent homeless man, who later died from his injuries. [Unbeknownst to the police, the episode was captured by a surveillance camera.]
InfoWars 2012 May 8 (Cached)

US District Court judge rules that a man who handed information to jurors regarding ‘jury nullification’ (the right of jurors to judge, not just the lawbreaker, but the law that was broken) was entitled to do so. [The government argued that this was an attempt to influence a juror’s decision; but the court ruled (correctly) that, because the information did not relate to any specific case, it was merely educational in effect and entirely legal. Hurray for this judge!] NaturalNews 2012 May 8 (Cached)
US: Chemical company says its artificial cow’s milk is healthier for calves than their own mother’s milk. Why? Because it is possible for disease to be transmitted through milk that is not pasteurized.[So, what goes into this ‘healthy’ replacement? Pig’s blood!] FarmWars 2012 May 8 (Cached)
 Tea Party Republicans who campaigned against bank bailouts now are receiving generous donations from the very banks they promised to block from public funds. [It is no coincidence that these candidates have failed to introduce any legislation to put teeth into their campaign promises. It’s not just Republicans who play this game. Obama is doing the same thing by railing against Wall Street while accepting its money. Both parties pander to bankers.] Fox 2012 May 8
Data shows that the average Arctic ice thickness was the same in 1940 as it is now (6.5 feet). [So what were you saying about global warming, Mr. Gore?] Real Science 2012 May 7 (Cached)
US: Ron Paul won the majority of delegates at both the Nevada and Maine Republican conventions, despite phony ballots and other dirty tricks by his opposition. InfoWars 2012 May 7 (Cached)
 Canada is unveiling ‘MintChip’, a digital-currency version of the Canadian dollar. [It is not yet ready for implementation, but it gives us a glimpse into the future of what collectivist governments hope to develop – a currency that replaces cash. Cash cannot easily be tracked, but MintChip will allow computer tracking of every financial transaction, no matter how small.]
Wired 2012 May 7 (Cached)

JP Morgan banker is fired, then blacklisted after reporting corruption to her boss. [This story has a disturbing twist. It is outrageous to be punished for trying to expose wrong-doing, but this article implies that the proper response is to pay large awards to anyone who is discharged or harassed for whistle blowing. It’s all about getting paid (often by taxpayers), rather than punishing the wrong-doers and stopping the fraud. Until individuals are held personally responsible for their unethical or illegal acts, nothing will change.] 
Huff Post
 2012 May 7 (Cached)
 Can you believe this? A full-blown Ron Paul rally in Spain. Amazing! YouTube Posted 2012 May 7
Afghanistan: US is releasing top Taliban prisoners in an effort to convince the rebels to curb their violence. [So far, it has not worked.]
DailyMail 2012 May 7 (Cached)
China is exporting pills made from dried and pulverized human baby flesh. [They are hyped as a medicinal cure-all.] DailyMail 2012 May 7 (Cached)
France and Greece have voted out their pro-austerity governments. [This is an expression of voter anger at the politicians who spent those countries into bankruptcy, but it does nothing to raise the money to pay back the debts they incurred; so the problem remains. If voters will not allow their government to raise money through austerity measures and they reject higher taxes, then the government must default and will not be able to get new loans. That may be a good thing in the long run but, either way, austerity is inevitable – with or without voter consent.] 
National Post
 2012 May 7 (Cached)
Outbreaks of measles across Europe and the US contradict the UN World Health Organization’s claim that vaccines have eradicated the disease.[This outbreak is among those who have been vaccinated.] Occupy Corporatism 2012 May 6 (Cached)
US Military plans to implant nanochips in soldiers’ heads that will monitor their health, diagnose and treat them, and even deliver drugs. Civilians may be next. [Chip implants also can be used to control people. Oh, yes, they also cause cancer.] WND 2012 May 5 (Cached)
Mexican drug cartels increasingly are using gold for money laundering, because it is difficult to trace. [We expect governments to use this fact to justify new limitations on the ownership and transfer of gold, concealing the fact that the real targets are not drug dealers but normal citizens trying to preserve their savings from the effect of inflation.] 
 Posted 2012 May 5 (Cached)
US government issues a ‘shoot to kill’ order against any planes that go into the no-fly zone in Chicago during the NATO Summit in May. CBS ChicagoPosted 2012 May 5 (Cached)

Reports and commentaries that look beyond the news to identify historical facts and trends that must be understood to place the news into perspective. This is our “think-tank” section that makes it possible to anticipate future events.
 Tom Woods explains how Teddy Roosevelt, as President of the United States, helped to destroy the nation’s Constitutionally limited form of government and why he was considered insane by Mark Twain. YouTube posted 2012 May 7
US: The Department of Justice recently has filed criminal charges against hundreds of ordinary Americans for financial fraud; but no one from the largest banks and firms on Wall Street have been similarly charged for events leading to the financial crisis. [Could that be because top DOJ officials have come from the same banks being investigated?]
Forbes 2012 May 7 (Cached)
 House of Numbers. Here is a documentary that challenges the common view about HIV and AIDS.[Be prepared to learn that (1) HIV testing is bunk, (2) AIDS statistics are manipulated to justify funding for AIDS programs, (3) the most common AIDS drugs are deadly even to healthy people, and (4) HIV has never been seen under the microscope, is entirely theoretical, and may not even exist. This is a blockbuster.]
YouTube Posted 2012 May 3

Former Federal Reserve attorney explains that banks do not lend their own money or even money from depositors but merely create new money as a bookkeeping entry. [They do this by converting a promise to pay into checkbook money and then ‘loaning’ it to the borrower. This fact lies at the center of the controversy over banks foreclosing on mortgages when, in fact, they never lent any of their own money in the first place. You will want to be informed on this issue.] Unfiltered News Posted 2012 May 3
 Michael Murphy & meteorologist Scott Stevens explain why chemtrails are being used for weather control. YouTube 2012 May 3