I believe in respecting police, unless they were clearly committing an obvious human rights violation. Much of this I would never do or would like to see being done in this way; however, some of this is tongue and cheek, and is actually pretty funny — considering that what Julio is saying is totally true.
Also, Alex has pointed out that these policemen were really mostly wonderful, and some were even listeners of The Alex Jones Show. Some were even looking up in their hand-held computers the terms and points that Alex and others were suggesting they look up.
One police officer even told the protestors that he wanted them to know that he was not in favor regarding what was going on in the building behind him.
– Jeff
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[youtube=]Bullhorning the New World Order Police at Bilderberg 2012

Published on Jun 1, 2012 by 

Julio and other activists call out the police protecting Bilderberg.

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[youtube=]War Criminal Henry Kissinger Filmed at Bilderberg 2012

Published on Jun 1, 2012 by 

Noted war criminal Henry Kissinger is filmed by crew. HUGE NEWS! If you pause the video at 1 second you get a clear shot of him. We are also going to take a screen shot of the original video blown up so you can see better but this is him FOR SURE.

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[youtube=]Bilderberg 2012 Protest Around the Security Perimeter

Published on Jun 1, 2012 by 

A group of activists, including Alex Jones, has some fun with the Bilderbergs around the security perimeter that was put up to protect the criminal globalists.