Freedom from Alaska!

Month: October 2014

(video) Chris Bollyn: Israel behind the 9/11 attacks and post-9/11 wars


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[youtube=]Chris Bollyn: Israel behind the 9-11 attacks– and Iraq wars.

Todd Boyle

Published on Sep 28, 2014

Christopher Bollyn, speaking in Seattle, Sept 27th, 2014, the author of “Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World” – See more at:…

(video) Have We Been Deceived About What Happened on 9/11? Christopher Bollyn
(Free Book) “Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World” by Christopher Bollyn

(video) ReThink911 Digital Billboard in Times Square Sept 11, 2014 — “The government SAYS FIRE brought it down, but anyone watching this video can see otherwise”

(video) A&E for 9/11 Truth Architect Richard Gage on C-SPAN 8/1/14 — “The ends of the BEAMS were partially EVAPORATED! That takes 4000 DEGREE temperatures. The only thing we’re aware of that can create that is thermite”
(6-minute video) 9/11 Incontrovertible Proof the Government is Lying — Low-temp kerosene/paper fires could not have MELTED, radically bent WITHOUT CRACKING, and even FUSED steel
(video) Top architect explains why 9/11 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and Al Qaeda didn’t have the technology or access to do it. Who did? Two months before the ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT, Nick ROCKEFELLER predicted a 9/11-like event to trigger war!
(video) POWERFUL 9/11 Documentary Airs on PBS Across Colorado!!!!!!!
(audio) Airline Captain Philip Marshall with John B. Wells on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 9/8/12: “The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror” — Fasten your seatbelt — the sad truth is that all of the solid evidence points to a dark collaboration between members of the Bush Administration and a covert group of Saudi government officials. The hijackers were trained at a CIA-operated airport in Arizona.
(video) Bush & Cheney Knew About 9/11 Months Before It Happened Says Whistleblower, Susan Lindauer, Charged Under Patriot Act
(audio) The Other 9/11 Suspects: Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc. — Insider, Kevin Ryan on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ with John B. Wells, 8/31/13 — WTC was designed to survive an impact of airliners and certified to withstand intense fires!
Joel Skousen: Best Evidence – 9/11 attacks a government black operation from beginning to end
A PNAC Primer: How We Got Into This Mess
(video) Nick Rockefeller Predicted “Event” To Trigger War Eleven Months Before 9/11
[13-minute video] The Official 9/11 Story Defies Science — Experts PROVE that sooty black burning JET FUEL (kerosene) DOES NOT MELT STEEL!!!
(video) Psychologists Explain 911 Denial — Fear, Pride…. “We need the truth in order to heal.”
David Rockefeller: “I’m PROUD of” being “part of a SECRET CABAL working AGAINST the best interests of the United States”
(video) Molten Steel Found at Ground Zero Weeks After 9/11
Architect Richard Gage on 9/11 truth: “98% of those who watch this presentation end up agreeing with us…. We really only get called conspiracy theorists and kooks by those who are UNWILLING TO LOOK at the evidence.”
(video) 9/11 Masterminds – Explosive Connections
(video) 9/11 Molten-Steel Smoking Gun! Brian Williams (NBC) presents the WTC Metorite — “Exposed to TEMPERATURES AS HOT AS THE INNER EARTH”
Swedish Structural Engineer: WTC Towers Did Not Collapse from Fire
[Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Video] 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, Full-length
All of my 9/11 truth posts in reverse chronological order (latest posts appear first, 10 posts per page)
Ted Pike: The Jewish Kabbalah – Root of Mideast Violence — Kabbalah’s description of Gentiles as ANIMALS who must be slaughtered before “ORDER” can be restored helps explain not only Israel’s notorious MISTREATMENT of her Arab neighbors but also JEWISH POWER worldwide in *government*, *finance*, and *media*!
(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning” (contains many links to my other posts)
Walter Veith: Hidden Agendas — The deity worshiped in the shrines of secrecy is not the Deity of the Bible. “There are very, very, very few Rabbis in the world today that are not Kabbalists.”
(video) Prof. Tony Martin: Jewish Role in the African Slave Trade — Hamitic myth/’curse of Ham’ originated in the Jewish Talmud, not the Bible!
Hagee: “Unrepentant Heretic” — The church is embarrassed to name Christ to those He first came to redeem — the lost sheep of the house of Israel. It disobeys Christ’s great commission to spread the gospel to the whole world, starting with Jerusalem

(video) How The Jews Mock Jesus Christ — Seinfeld, Sarah Silverman, Israeli TV…

Study: American Jews Rate Evangelicals as Low as Muslims

(video) NSA Whistleblower William Binney: How NSA Lies to US — "They keep saying they don't build profiles of people. No they don't. The software does. They have the profile on everybody. They play all kinds of word games with people" • They have the keys to hack encryption software • Uploading to iCloud? Assume the NSA collects everything

Alex didn’t post this video for some reason, but I found this.
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“They keep saying they don’t build profiles of people. No they don’t. The software does. … They have the profile on everybody. … They play all kinds of word games with people.”

– William Binney

Transcribed by me

[youtube=]William Binney on Alex Jones Show (9-5-14)


Viggo Mortensen Blasts Fox News and Israel’s ‘State Terrorism’ — "FOX NEWS' VERSION OF HISTORY is rarely based on fact" "No one in the media seems to have a problem with anyone criticizing Palestinian terrorism, but IF ANYONE DARES express any OBJECTION TO THE ISRAELI government’s acts of state terrorism against Palestinian civilians one is rapidly VILIFIED and CENSORED"

From: The Daily Beast

Viggo Mortensen Talks ‘The Two Faces of January,’ Blasts Fox News and Israel’s ‘State Terrorism’


I’ve heard that you’re not a fan of Fox News.

They lie—that would be the word for it.

You helped narrate The People Speak, a documentary on Howard Zinn, which presents a pretty different version of history than the one Fox News presents.

Howard Zinn’s version of history is based on fact. Fox News’ version of history is rarely based on fact. That’s the main difference between Howard Zinn and Fox News. Zinn’s version of history is a threat to the system.

You signed the Toronto Declaration back in 2009 opposing the Israeli occupation of Gaza, and Israel is back in the news. What’s your take on the current situation there?

Sadly, very little has changed in terms of the free rein that the government of Israel is given by the U.S. and other influential governments in terms of their handling of the Palestinian question. Sadly, too, the violent acts from a small minority of Palestinian terrorists also continue unabated. No one in the media seems to have a problem with anyone criticizing Palestinian terrorism, but if anyone dares express any objection to the Israeli government’s acts of state terrorism against Palestinian civilians, one is rapidly vilified and censored. Truly even-handed reporting and diplomacy are the only way to peaceful coexistence, in the Middle East or anywhere else in the world. Unfortunately, we are nowhere near seeing either of these happening in the mainstream U.S. or European media as regards the state of Israel and its behavior.

Entire Article Here

(video) Easy Neck Stretches to Relieve Neck and Shoulder Pain

Chiropractor Demonstrates Here

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