CREEPY JOE BIDEN PUTS HANDS ON CHILDREN OF SENATORS Earlier this week, Joe Biden openly touched the wives and female children of the male senators in some fairly sexual and questionable ways. In fact, it seems as if the parents are offering their children to Joe Biden is a kind of sacrifice of their born (in this case, allowing Joe Biden to get his feel on). In today’s society where most men are unfairly labeled predators, it’s amazing to see those in power get a free pass to touch whoever they like, whenever they like. Most revealing is how this is being shown to you on purpose via networks like CSPAN. Why would they behave like that so openly before a camera capturing the event for millions to watch and see?
I personally don’t believe it is an accident and instead appears to have a programming effect on the viewers and participants. The media has downplayed the recent actions of Mr. Biden and some commentators like David Pakman actually find it funny and not a big deal. Link here:…
In conclusion, we should be very concerned about the mental health (as possible spiritual sickness) of those people that find this behavior acceptable. I’m sure they will show themselves in the comment section sooner or later.
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