A lot of ink has been spilled on the latest allegations that Obama wiretapped the Trump campaign last fall, but very few people have gotten at the heart of the issue. As usual, Ron Paul is the only one from the mainstream realm willing to state the truth plainly: They are wiretapping everyone, and they don’t need paperwork or special signed orders to do it.
This video has good information on the extent of surveillance in society, Though Corbet talks about US politicians, I think ifs safe to say this is all over the west. Yes, big brother is always watching, but more importantly does the US or any western country need a NSA? I think not, if you (meaning the government or special interest group, truly care about my opinions or ideas, you can dam well ask me). The Reich Was Right!!!
Reblogged this on alexanderrados and commented:
This video has good information on the extent of surveillance in society, Though Corbet talks about US politicians, I think ifs safe to say this is all over the west. Yes, big brother is always watching, but more importantly does the US or any western country need a NSA? I think not, if you (meaning the government or special interest group, truly care about my opinions or ideas, you can dam well ask me). The Reich Was Right!!!
This video has good information on the extent of surveillance in society, Though Corbet talks about US politicians, I think ifs safe to say this is all over the west. Yes, big brother is always watching, but more importantly does the US or any western country need a NSA? I think not, if you (meaning the government or special interest group, truly care about my opinions or ideas, you can dam well ask me). The Reich Was Right!!!
Reblogged this on alexanderrados and commented:
This video has good information on the extent of surveillance in society, Though Corbet talks about US politicians, I think ifs safe to say this is all over the west. Yes, big brother is always watching, but more importantly does the US or any western country need a NSA? I think not, if you (meaning the government or special interest group, truly care about my opinions or ideas, you can dam well ask me). The Reich Was Right!!!