Many concertgoers were convinced some shooters were firing from within the concert venue. Also, a number of bullet sounds in the videos have no crack > report delay, which also indicates there were nearby shooters. Actual shooters videoed here?
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Three Guys Out of Nowhere (Las Vegas Shooting)

Published on Nov 2, 2017
Original Video @4:55
Thanks to whoever saw this @…
Could be just concert goers or staff trying to escape as a second before there is someone jumping the fence so people are everywhere. But no one is seen on the catwalk. These guys just pop up out of nowhere and appear to be all dressed in black. Looks too suspicious to me to just dismiss out of hand. Certainly enough for reasonable suspicion to warrant further investigation but doubt the LVMPD, FBI or MGM are interested. The big white building with the blue lights in the background is the Excalibur Hotel & Casino.