It’s GREAT to see Jake on the ground in Vegas continuing the research!
I wrote these comments under the video:

“Jake, UFO UK Hunter’s video is misleading. Paddock’s guns fired *full metal jacket rounds that don’t expand,* like the video’s pistols do. The door is probably also *not wood, so would not splinter* like UFO’s video shows. Maybe you could determine what type of door that is, and then *do a test* on a similar door using 5.62 full metal jacket rounds.”

More evidence these are exit holes: The *entry holes in the Sutherland Springs Baptist church don’t show any damage around the bullet holes:* that these photos do. These were also shot with *AR-15 5.62 full metal jacket, non-expanding rounds:* PHOTOS: Many Bullet Holes in Sutherland Baptist Church — The only damage seen in most photos is the large hole in the window. That’s because AR-15 rounds are tiny. 

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DEBUNKED! Paddock Did NOT Fire 200 Bullets At Campos – Las Vegas Shooting – Part 71

Published on Jan 6, 2018

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