Related: Clearer photo of window damage and bullet holes in this video:
“You gotta remember, we’re talking about .223 rounds. They’re very difficult to see. So the hoaxers accomplished that by using blurry photos.” – C.W. Wade
(vid) Sandy Hook Conspiracy Debunked: Room 10 Window – Debunked again
James Fetzer’s Sandy Hook Book Debunked – Window and Flag Pole
Nov 23, 2015
In a brief few second segment of a show, Jim Fetzer spreads disinformation by intentionally spreading alt right disinformation
1) The Christmas candles in Room 10 were shot out during the “event”
2) That Alan Powell obtained “leaked documents” – a total lie, they came from the report “Meehan’s Parking Lot Photos”
3) That the flag pole was at full mast “proving” the photos were taken before the event.
Lies Lies and More Lies from the Dishonorable Disinfo King, James Fetzer.
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