Excellent information; though, Stein is unkind to his staffer, trying to be funny.

Gage: “Molten iron at 4,000°F… nano-thermite!” “Pools of molten steel!” “An incredible feat of explosiveness” — laterally discharged, freely flying, structural steel sections weighing four and eight tons delivered laterally at 600 feet away at 80 mph… impaling themselves into buildings, destroying the Winter Garden 600 feet away.”

Fourth tower almost came down: the core of Building 6 was taken out, and molten iron was pouring down the outside of that building too.

21:00 Afghanistan: The Taliban had shut down the poppy fields, which went into full production after our invasion. Osama bin Laden was never on the FBI’s most wanted list, and the government offered him up, but we invaded anyway.

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