“He ‘Trump” also told me he wanted to end the grip of the neocons on US foreign policy,” which is why I believe they (the Talmudic, NWO warmongers) tried to assassinate him.

“He told me he wanted to end the censorship. We know that a government that can silence its opponents has license for any kind of atrocity.”

“Don’t you want an American president who is going to protect our freedoms and how is going to protect us against totalitarianism?”

Trump is also going to open up the JFK assassination files, which have been sealed likely to protect this same country that also now likely tried to assassinate Trump, because Trump would shut down their Talmudic, NWO and Greater Israel wars.

He Can Prove Israel Was Behind JFK’s Murder and 9/11: Interview With Documentary Filmmaker Matthew Tower

And it looks like Trump will appoint RFK Jr to a position that will watchdog Big Pharma!