At minute-3, Tyler says a girl was shot from this southerly angle. The theory is these are bullet holes in the concrete barrier, shot in tight groups from it looks like really low, such as the mound:
At 05:16, the dirt mound and the towers can be seen in one frame. The mound seems to be behind the concrete footing with rebar sticking out, and may be about 140 yards or so, based on a ruler measurement in Google Earth.
We discuss this in Jake Morphonios’ post, in which Jake says:

I was with Jason and Laura when we saw this. Laura also got some photos of holes in the tarp (or whatever that covering is) on the chain link fence in the background.

Holes in the tarp behind the barrier would definitely signal that bullets caused the barricade holes too. Perhaps some type of bullets could leave holes specifically like this. In Mike Adams’ acoustic report, and in some of the videos, some of the shots definitely start with loud clicks from bullets hitting something hard, like concrete shot straight on. And then the gun sound comes after that. In at least one burst, all of the click sounds seem to sound the same, instead of some hitting people and other things instead, along with the solid ground.
One guy comments under this video:

The bullet holes in the concrete barriers all look the same because when fbi removed the bullets they would have to use a drill with drill bit.

Also, was the chain link fence on the other side of the street there during the concert, or put up afterward? It would have gotten shot up if it was there.
Could depleted uranium rounds burrow into concrete, and then would have to be drilled out to be removed? Since this was likely black ops, they’d have access to such rounds.
Jake Morphonios said he saw holes in the tarp above*.
A *green stain looks like it’s covering some of the concrete exposed by whatever did this.
It looks like *6 tight groupings*, which probably wouldn’t line up with what we hear in the videos?
The groupings aren’t uniform enough to be part of structural design.
This may be close enough to the stage that the high frequency sound of strikes hitting this concrete would sound very close.

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Talking With Tyler on The Las Vegas Strip

Streamed live on Oct 18, 2017