Good discussion; though, NO ONE talks about this:

(vid & text) Gaza Made Simple For Christians by Ted Pike (2009) — Real history & God’s *CONDITIONAL* terms still apply to Israel

God repeatedly instructed His people, the Israelites, that the land of Canaan was to be holy. It could only be occupied by a holy, obedient people. When they rebelled, God allowed them to be driven out. They could only reenter in repentance. …

Today, American Christians and Jews both believe the opposite of the Bible. They say God no longer requires obedience! …

From its beginning, Zionism was birthed in violence. Jewish terrorists committed major atrocities against the Palestinians in the months preceding and following independence in 1948. 

Then the Irgun terrorists proclaimed throughout Palestine that any Arabs who remained would receive the same fate. Eight hundred thousand native Palestinians fled Israel. These innocent refugees were interned by Israel in squalid concentration camps such as Gaza and the West Bank. They still suffer there today. … Is it surprising that after more than 60 years of imprisonment, humiliation and deprivation by Israeli overlords, many Palestinians have turned toward violence?

True Christians have no business assisting a nation which has driven human beings to such acts of desperate madness. If we do, Scripture warns we “become partakers of their evil deeds” (II John 1:11).

Out of the Great Tribulation, a remnant of beleaguered disillusioned Jews will at last obey Christ. Then and only then will He sanction their return to Palestine. … Until then, Christians are way out of line in bidding Godspeed to the bully of the Mideast: Israel. …
