Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Thomas Massie

Rep. Thomas Massie Reveals Deep State Secrets and Teaches You How to Live Off-Grid

U.S. Representative Thomas Massie entered Congress in November 2012 after serving as Lewis County Judge Executive. He represents Kentucky’s 4th Congressional District which stretches across Northern Kentucky and 280 miles of the Ohio River.

Chuck Baldwin: Rep. Thomas Massie – Every GOP Congressman Has An AIPAC Babysitter


‘Tucker’: Every congressman has a Talmudic handler except Thomas Massie!

Rep. Thomas Massie: Israel Lobbyists, the Cowards in Congress, and Living off the Grid

00:00 Intro
03:19 Where Does US Debt End?
10:32 Why Massie Voted 15 Times Against Funding Israel
14:53 AIPAC
34:04 Mitch McConnell
42:25 Area 51
50:32 Massie’s Relationship with Trump
57:09 Kill Switches in Cars
1:05:58 Mike Johnson and the Deep State
1:14:34 How Massie Got Into Politics
1:18:29 Living off the Grid

Thomas Massie wins primary despite AIPAC’s campaign against him!

Thomas Massie
AIPAC claims to have spent over $400,000 against me this election cycle. These were the results tonight:

Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie On AIPAC, the Federal Reserve, & CBDC’s


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