From: TPM
Palin Uses Crosshairs To Identify Dems Who Voted For Health Care Reform
Sarah Palin posted a picture on her Facebook page this week showing cross hairs over the districts of Democrats who voted for health care reform in districts that Republicans carried.
On the page, Palin writes:
With the president signing this unwanted and “transformative” government takeover of our health care system today with promises impossible to keep, let’s not get discouraged. Don’t get demoralized. Get organized!
Palin also tweeted the page:
Don’t Get Demoralized! Get Organized! Take Back the 20!
Commonsense Conservatives & lovers of America: “Don’t Retreat, Instead – RELOAD!” Pls see my Facebook page.
Here’s the picture:
Palin’s call follows several incidents of violence against Democrats who voted for the health care bill.
Can Sarah Palin be a real, going-to-heaven Christian?
Palin Goes Rogue Against Tea Party Candidates, by Valerie Richardson
Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???
Chuck Baldwin: A Warning To The Tea Party Nation — “Be careful about Sarah Palin…playing both sides.” “The Nation also needs to be careful about Glenn Beck.”
Globalist Kingpin, Henry Kissinger to teach Sarah Palin about foreign affairs
Joel Skousen: “One of my greatest disappointments is to see that the conservatives are being completely snookered by Sarah Palin”
Palin: ‘In MY WORLD,’ ‘it is OBVIOUS to me who the GOOD GUYS…and who the BAD GUYS are’
Chuck Baldwin: Sarah Palin’s Answers—Very Troubling
Sarah Palin: U.S. Troops in Iraq Doing God’s Will — “A Task that is From God”
Regarding the Jared Loughner shooting:
Sarah Palin defends ‘blood libel’ remark
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords discussed Sarah Palin’s Crosshairs on TV 3/25/10
And now the 4th one on the list has been shot.
Is there any limit to how idiotic, dangerous and fcuked up this woman is? She needs to be stopped.
is there limit to the vigilanty nonsense that the libs and Dems do always this knee jerk reaction always never do they stop to “THINK” and walk through a situation no they just want to go blow up the other side make matter worse right off the bat. I just do not understand they libs are the first to scream out on the streets all about tolerance and love and light and the first chance they get to display their character they just blow it. Look at the Democrat maps and language it is just as similar as Sarahs and a movie was made stating to kill President Bush now how that for ya? It hasgot to stop. Sarah did not do this and this man or kidboy/man was insane and he could of gotten mas because Santa Claus didnt come by and took it out on the good congresswomen and so many others he was just insane and you and so many other sit there and lash out a blame Sarah and others Shame on you look in the mirror. What we need in America is statesmen and women and great leadership and downright good manners that was taought to the little kids years ago but as of the 1960’s all the children of the 60 young adult have seen is people ging out in the streets yelling their fool heads off and that how they think it is to take care of problems. thats not how to sovle Americas issues yes there are times for protest and calm good positive protest not like Bill ayers and the like you know President Obama good buddies. It is time we all took a look back at they way our good folks handled the crises in oue country and I tell you I have asked the elderly and not one of them said go out to the streets and yell your damn fool head off. Cuss and call each other names. Write letters have committees come up with positive ides work together as a community.
They both have the exact same intent, you can’t hit the target unless it’s in your sights. To claim one is any different then the other is completely disingenuous
what I am reffering to it the dems called their map and their targets Bullseyes and Sarahs used the term crosshairs so read the above and you get the same intent. if that is how you libs want it that way. I feel that at the time the Tea Party and the conservatives felt that the Democrates were placing a Bulleye on the backs of their candidates and now they know how it feels not to funny Democrats they need to what what they spew out of their think tanks. I been thinking about all this I am a recent Graduate major in Political Science and I have come to the conclusion that this hate speech and personal attack all started in depth is duriing the Clinton Years and haviing James Carville and the heqd he attack everyone that said one word against the Clinton up to the rumors of death of some. Whitewater and suspious deaths so Yeah It I think that a college review of those years is a coming. No doubt.
The vicious rhetoric that she spews results in this kind of tragedy. I hold her partly responsible.
I hold you personally responsible not Sarah for nt doing something positive and teaching your children and others good positive ways to improve your community and reach out to sister cities and help them as well with good manner and love and carefull thought. Nor just sit a be ready to blame like a vigilanty gang, Shame on you and others like you , You bunch of vigilanty just like the old weaterns blaming without any proof and getting a rope and high e high,you and so millions of others have no idea what this crzy kisman did what he did for he could of gotten mad cause Santa did come bt his house we dont know stop blamig sarah or others vigilanty member.
Oh, Sarah, go back to school. Pray. Search your soul. Find a way to express your political beliefs without using images of hate and violence. Your vocabulary may be limited, but if you speak from a place of love and concern for Americans your messages will become engaging helpful. Engage in conversation and don’t be afraid of exploring ideas and things of which you know nothing.
First of all you who has no sins cast the forst stone. Next have you reasd any of Sarah books her vocb is not limited and neither is her speeches. she is smart and loves to reach out to the working folks who understand her she is not putting on aires if she did that you would complain abot that too just like you all did about President Bush That guy was blamed cause it rained or the sun was out. It was crazy just like the libs and DEms are. They have a pattern of just feeling and not THINKING THING OUT. nOW AS FAR AS sARAH IS CONCERNED YOU ARE NOT HER JUDGE RIGHT? If you are you must have changed places with God. So what is it? Sarah has not nor ever has use words to terrorize a person olace or thing that my dear is all in your limited imagination. She used a map to show where in her political discourse her next plans are going to be . This is not anything new to politics nor did se cornor the market on this idea , the libs and dems have used the same lingo and maps and crosshairs idea for years infact they have the same map with the same crosshairs circles jsut like good Sarah just take the time to do some internet researh and you will discove them. Yep you sure will and if you look back in history you will find that President Clinton Campaign headqarters was called The WAR Room and they used war languague all the time when discussing their plans to attack the other side. So stop blaming Sarah. Educade yourselves people and do not tell me about my spelling it late at night I am tired and typing on my laptop on my tummy it difficult so there.
Sarah Palin Crosshairs information…….
Michael White
I think Jesus would start raising them from the dead