By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
January 27 – Last week we released a stunning new Food Investigations video ( showing that many of the blueberries used in popular cereals, muffins, bagels and other foods are faked. Instead of… |
By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
January 27 – Modern society seems convinced that social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter keep them connected and thriving socially with their friends and peers. But a new book called Alone Together by Massachusetts… |
By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
January 27 – Investigators working on behalf of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, a United Nations (UN) alternative funding organization, have found that much of the group’s $21.7 billion development… |
By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
January 27 – It’s one of the biggest underground secrets of the medical world: Cancer can be cured. In fact, the human body already knows how to cure cancer; it merely needs to be activated in the proper way (because your… |
By S. L. Baker, features writer
January 27 – Cancer and Alzheimer’s disease are usually described as the two most dreaded health disorders. But there is probably no more ghastly way to suffer and inevitably die than to contract so-called mad cow disease… |
By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
January 27 – Controversy over the safety of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine has led to a resolution to end mandates requiring young girls to receive it. If passed by the Virginia state Senate, a bill recently passed… |
By David Gutierrez, staff writer
January 27 – Grocery prices increased at more than 50 percent the rate of inflation in 2010, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Food prices increased an average of 1.7 percent between November… |
By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
January 27 – America’s Founding Fathers understood that the encroachment of federal power over the states was a threat to free society, so they carefully framed the U.S. Constitution as a protection for the People. And the… |
By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
January 26 – In light of new evidence that has emerged clearing Dr Wakefield of the allegations that he fabricated study data involving MMR vaccines and symptoms of autism, Dr Wakefield is now publicly demanding a retraction… |
By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
January 26 – New documents have emerged that clear Dr Andrew Wakefield of the allegations of fraud recently made by the British Medical Journal and its reporter Brian Deer. This new evidence “completely negates the allegations… |
By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
January 26 – Former President and CEO of the International Oil Spill Control Corporation, Dr. Thomas B. Manton heroically fought to expose the truth about the massive Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, which was caused by a BP… |
By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
January 26 – In the not-so-distant future, instead of buying manufactured food items at the store, you may instead just “print” them right in your own kitchen. The technology is called “food fabrication,” and it allows you… |
By Neil Z. Miller
January 26 – Many “scientific” studies are literally nonsense. This is not a conspiracy theory. For example, the Journal of the American Medical Association [2005;294(2):218–28] published a paper showing that one-third of… |
By S. L. Baker, features writer
January 26 – When a young woman is moody or bursts into tears easily, it’s not unusual for someone to joke “oh, it must be near her ‘time of the month’.” But if you actually suffer from Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS), the… |
By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
January 26 – Arnold van Huis and his research team from Wageningen University in the Netherlands believe that insects and other bugs are more sustainable food source for humans than traditional cows and pigs are, and they… |
By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
January 25 – It’s one of the most common false arguments of GMO pushers: There’s nothing to be worried about with genetically modified foods, they argue, because almost everything is genetically modified, they claim. What… |
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