[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWpIA6l4V4U]Mystery Illness Confirmed By Doctor In Louisiana, Gulf Oil Spill To Blame

Uploaded by on Apr 21, 2011

READ THIS ARTICLE http://theintelhub.com/2011/04/22/mystery-illness-confirmed-by-doctor-in-loui… A mystery illness that has plagued citizens in the Gulf of Mexico has now been confirmed by Dr. Mike Robichaux, a doctor based out of Raceland, Louisiana.

“What’s been really unique about it is that patients have come in with a severe amount of memory loss. Very high blood pressure — blood pressures that are going sky high and then coming down to normal, and then blood sugar levels that are fluctuating. Lastly would be some pulmonary problems and some fairly serious (gastrointestinal) problems,” Robichaux told CNN on Thursday.

This comes four days after Michelle Jones, reporting for The Intel Hub, released an article on the mystery illnesses in the gulf, documenting at least three clear cut cases of citizens and former BP workers who have been sickened due to the BP oil spill.

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