TSA screener sticks traveler’s iPad down his pants, steals $50,000 in other electronics

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
July 10 – For all the advanced security and screening techniques it uses against innocent air travelers, the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) sure has a hard time keeping its own corrupt workers from committing…

Report: North Carolina nuclear facility with superheated uranium leaking ten gallons of radioactive cooling water per hour

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
July 10 – A nuclear research reactor at North Carolina State University (NCSU) in Raleigh, NC, was recently shut down after it was discovered that the plant has been leaking about ten gallons of nuclear cooling water…

World to be force-fed test tube meat after livestock failure

By C.E Burch
July 10 – In vitro meat is one of the latest attempts from scientists and bio-engineers to create a substitute for traditional meat production. The technology for creating meats through meat cultures in vitro is far from…

Huge numbers of Obamacare waivers granted to luxury business in Pelosi’s district

By J. D. Heyes
July 10 – If you recall during the debate over the healthcare reform law that became known as “Obamacare” because it was shepherded through Congress by the president, one of its primary selling points was that it would…

Group sues cosmetic companies for falsely labeling products organic

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
July 9 – Kiss My Face, Hain-Celestial, and 24 other consumer and cosmetic product companies are the subject of a new lawsuit filed by the Center for Environmental Health (CEH), a California-based group that works to…

Important steps to help protect yourself against harmful radiation

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
July 9 – Damaging radiation comes from many everyday sources besides just damaged nuclear power reactors. Mobile phones and their signal towers, wireless cards and their network routers, airplanes, microwaves, and many…

‘Magic mushrooms’ create positive mental and physical health benefits that can last a year

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
July 9 – Taking just the right amount of a substance found in “magic mushrooms” can help to positively improve attitude, mood, behavior, and happiness levels, according to new study published in the peer-reviewed journal…

Record one in six Americans now on food stamps as depression escalates

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
July 9 – While the mainstream media has all but convinced most Americans that the nation is slowly climbing out of the “recession,” new statistics released by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) suggest otherwise…

Stink bug invasion strikes fruit, grain crops in North America

By C.E Burch
July 9 – Stink bugs are more than annoying for many people in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. One variety, the brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) is wreaking havoc on many crops in the region. This invasive…

Looking to grow strawberries at home? New Roseberry variety works great in gardens, hanging baskets

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
July 9 – Backyard gardeners will be delighted to know that a new variety of strawberry has hit the cultivar scene. Premiering in the online journal HortScience, the “Roseberry” strawberry plant is highly versatile, it…

US government openly admits arming Mexican drug gangs with 30,000 firearms – but why?

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
July 8 – It is now a widely-reported fact that under the Obama administration, U.S. federal agents actively placed over 30,000 fully-functional weapons into the hands of Mexican drug gangs, then halted all surveillance…

British government squanders millions conducting secret GM potato trials while non-GM variety already performs spectacularly

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
July 8 – For the past ten years, the British government has been quietly subsidizing research aimed at developing a genetically-modified (GM) potato resistant to blight, the fungal disease responsible for causing the…

Supreme Court Justice Kagan lied about ties to Obamacare

By J. D. Heyes
July 8 – President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law, dubbed “Obamacare,” has been in litigation since it was passed last year. A number of federal courts have already issued rulings on whether or not the provision…

FDA issues health warning about Zocor

By J. D. Heyes
July 8 – Federal drug safety regulators are calling for limits on the maximum dose of the cholesterol-lowering medication simvastin, more commonly known as Zocor, because they say the 80 mg version may harbor an increased…

Economics of the insane: Obama’s stimulus cost $278,000 for each new job created

By J. D. Heyes
July 8 – There is a reason why libertarian economists want the government to stay out of the business of business – it’s because government is not good at it. On that premise, then, it should come as little surprise…

Too little salt intake during pregnancy inhibits proper kidney development in offspring, study finds

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
July 8 – It has become common knowledge that consuming too much sodium is unhealthy and leads to high blood pressure. But a new study published in the American Journal of Physiology — Renal Physiology has found that…

Do vegans need more iodine?

By C.E Burch
July 8 – The vegan lifestyle can be quite healthy if the diet is composed of fresh, organic foods. This takes some planning. Vegans also need to avoid heavily processed vegan foods that give the false impression of providing…

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