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Libya: NATO-backed rebel leader reportedly was held as a terrorist by the CIA in 2004 and tortured. Then he was repatriated to Libya and spent 6 years in solitary confinement.  Now he is an ally to the US and NATO and receiving funding for the new government. [Does this story sound familiar?]
NY Times 2011 Sep 1 (Cached)

US: 9/11 firemen are 19% more likely to get cancer; yet, Federal Health Director says there is not enough evidence to conclude that this is connected to the toxic dust they breathed on 9/11. Therefore, no benefits will be paid by the federal fund established for that purpose. DailyMail 2011 Sep 2 (Cached)

US: Earthquake safety survey of nuclear power plants shows that there is a high risk of core damage leading to meltdowns. In light of the Fukushima event, current rules are inadequate because they fail to account for larger earthquakes, floods, tornados and hurricanes. MSNBC 2011 Sep 2 (Cached)

US: Federal Court of Appeals rules that it is not illegal to videotape on-duty police officers in public. InfoWars 2011 Sep 1 (Cached)

Criminal charges are dropped against Michigan mother who threatened to shoot police if they tried to take her child to be forcibly injected with mind-altering drugs. She was released because the arrest warrant was not properly signed. [This is hailed as a victory for freedom-of-choice, but not so. If the warrant had been signed, the woman likely would be in prison. However, it is a victory for the spirit of resistance against tyranny.] Vaccine Liberation Army 2011 Sep 1

US: War spending fraud study shows that $60 billion has been pilfered out of a budget of $206 billion (29% stolen) for contracting alone in Iraq & Afghanistan over the last decade How much more through military theft is unknown.
2011 Aug 31 (Cached)

US: The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has stated that vaccines do not cause autism, but admits that they do cause seizures, inflammation of the brain, fainting, etc. The IOM report follows a request from the Dept. of Human Services that the media stop reporting on vaccine opposition.
Autism Key
2011 Aug 31 (Cached)

White House issues guidelines for celebrating 9/11: (1) Warn of more terrorist attacks and (2) Don’t question official story of 9/11. [Mainstream media will comply.] MSNBC 2011 Aug 30 (Cached)

US: Dick Cheney says that torture by waterboarding (authorized by him) was OK because it was only used on 2 or 3 people and it kept America safe for over 7 years. [That’s the logic of collectivism: Anything is justified if claimed for the greater good of the greater number.] RawStory 2011 Aug 30 (Cached)

China’s central bank issued a policy memo requiring higher down payments or other collateral on home loans to combat overbuilt real estate development and inflated prices. [If China (or any country) would stop managing the money supply, let money be based on gold or silver, and let the free market set interest rates, new building would match realistic demand, and prices would be exactly what they should be.]
The Australian
2011 Aug 30 (Cached)

Mexico will require all girls 9 and over to take HPV vaccine in 2012 despite fact that the vaccine has dangerous side effects and HPV causes cervical cancer in less than one one-hundredth percent (.013%) of the population. [Drug company lobbyists obviously have been busy in Mexico.]
2011 Aug 30 (Cached)

China plans to legalize the detention of dissidents in secret locations without telling their families, a process in which people simply disappear. [This has been common in China and other collectivist countries for many years but not legal. Now China will legalize it.]
Yahoo 2011 Aug 30 (Cached)

Google confirms that the goal of its social networking program is to create a profile of your identity so it can be sold to commercial firms [and government agencies]. Anonymity is not an option. Business Week 2011 29 (Cached)

Tennessee mother is told by police that she will be arrested if she lets her 10 year-old child ride her bike 1 mile to school again. If the mother does not make her daughter ride the school bus, they say she will be guilty of child neglect. [The collectivist state just grows and grows.] Bikewalk 2011 Aug 29 (Cached)

Monsanto’s genetically engineered corn was designed to repel root worm and other insects that like corn. Now there is evidence that, in Iowa, this may have caused the development of a new, “superbug” that tolerates the genetic insecticide. If so, farmers who have relied on this technology may be facing crop failures in the next few years.
CNN Money 2011 Aug 29

Time magazine says it is unconstitutional for states to require drug tests as a condition of receiving welfare. [There is nothing in the Constitution that dictates what states must do in this regard, unless one makes a far-fetched interpretation of the 14th Amend-ment and claims that the equal-protection clause covers it. The bigger issue is the unconstitutionality of welfare itself. If anything violates ‘equal protection’ of citizens, it is the redistribution of wealth from one group to another. Time remains silent on that issue] Time 2011 Aug 29 (Cached)

Don’t ever play billiards against this fellow! Click and be amazed. YouTube Posted 2011 Aug 29

Al Gore would like to see global-warming skeptics become marginalized and despised just the same as racists are. He says that skeptics are “deniers” and must be confronted. [Bold talk, but Gore has refused to publicly debate the issue. That is because, in any such debate, he would be forced to “deny” that the sun has an influence on global temperature and “deny” that the Earth has been through many cycles of warming in its history, long before man-made hydrocarbons were a factor. In other words, he would reveal himself as a pathetic denier of scientific fact and would loose the debate.] DailyMail 2011 Aug 29 (Cached)

Japan: Radioactive debris is being burned, and the ashes are being buried. Some scientists worry that this will pollute groundwater with radioactive cesium. They believe that smoke from the burning will cause radioactive rain, even in the US and Canada. Salem News 2011 Aug 29 (Cached)

US: Federal agents raid Gibson Guitars and confiscate over $1 million in wood without explaining why. Some of the wood came from foreign countries and may have been harvested from trees that are said to be ‘endangered’. The U.S. prohibits the importation of any plant or animal claimed to be endangered.
New American
2011 Aug 29 (Cached)

US: Ron Paul delivers ‘rocking’ responses in a Fox News interview. He advocates abolishing FEMA, challenges central planning, says Lybya’s next leader probably will be no better, exposes the madness of US global wars, explains Austrian Economics, and makes a strong case for a gold-backed currency. YouTube 2011 Aug 28

Scientists show (again) that global warming is related to the Sun’s effect on cloud formation, not man-made production of CO2. Mainstream media (again) is ignoring this story.
2011 Aug 27 (Cached)

Illinois man may be sentenced to 75 years in prison for filming on-duty police officers and recording his court hearing because he was refused a court reporter. [Illinois is one of several states with such laws. It is unclear at this time if the Sept 1 decision of the federal appeals court that said such recordings are not illegal will have any effect on state law.]
Posted 2011 Aug 27

This will make you angry. Armed officers of the Los Angeles County ‘Nuisance Abatement’ team are forcing people out of their homes in the remote desert, using zoning and code violations as the excuse. Some of these ‘off-the-grid’ residents have been jailed and others forced to destroy their own homes. YouTube Posted 2011 Aug 27

US: Federal government pays for airline flights with no passengers to rural airports. The ‘Essential Air Service’ program is a $200 million boondoggle. Altogether, transportation subsidies for highways, aviation, and maritime cost taxpayers $45 billion ($376 per household). SF Gate Posted Aug 27 (Cached)

Gulf: Video shows fresh oil slicks forming above the Deepwater Horizon site, indicating that the damaged oil well may still be leaking.
Posted 2011 Aug 27 (Cached)


Reports and commentaries that look beyond the news to identify historical facts and trends that must be understood to place the news into perspective. This is our “think-tank” section that makes it possible to anticipate future events.

Prize-winning amateur video illustrates the enormity of the federal debt. You will be surprised at the ending. YouTube posted 2011 Aug 31

Why are energy prices in the US so high? It has little to do with the cost of energy and much to do with political corruption. Dick Cheney has been a key player. Here is the story. MorphCity 2011 Sep 1 (Cached)

“Big Parl” is a country-music lampoon of federal plans to steal rural property by way of eminent domain to create so-called Public Lands. YouTube posted 2011 Aug 31

Here is a list of false-flag operations in which governments or organizations have staged attacks and blamed them on their enemies in order to engineer public opinion. [Most of these events are not acknowledged as false flag by mainstream media.] GGArchives 2011 Aug 28 (Cached)

US: TSA’s naked-body scanners and pat-downs are ineffective as security measures. Bomb-sniffing dogs are far more efficient and less expensive. Here are the facts. I Am Free America posted 2011 Aug 27 (Cached)

5-star rating for this one: Tom Woods explains to Democratic Progressives that Ron Paul is more aligned with their core values than their own party. YouTube 2011 Aug 29

If the word ‘transhumanism’ is unfamiliar, you need to drop everything and watch this video. You will be shocked and amazed as Tom Horn explains how scientists, with government funding, are developing part-human creatures and, at the same time, preparing to allow elitist humans to improve their genetic makeup to become a superior race. No kidding! And it’s already underway.
posted 2011 Aug 18
Freedom ForceUnfiltered News is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.

Two blondes were going to Disneyland. They were driving on the Interstate when they saw a sign that said Disneyland LEFT. They started crying, turned around, and went home.

When they got home, they went out on the porch and were looking at the moon. One said to the other, “Which do you think is farther away… Florida or the moon?” The other blonde turned and said “Helloooooooooo, can you see Florida ?????”

 Not sure if this is scary or funny. Click and decide.

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