By S. D. Wells
September 28 – Reports are still streaming in of girls in Texas as young as 9 years old having outbreaks of genital warts, going into convulsions, becoming paralyzed, slipping into comas, and even dying after being force-vaccinated by the highly controversial HPV vaccine Gardasil. Thousands… |
By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
September 28 – Representing one of the most agriculturally bio-diverse nations in the world, India has become a primary target for biotechnology companies like Monsanto and Cargill to spread their genetically-modified (GM) crops into new markets. However, a recent France 24 report… |
By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
September 28 – The social media empire Facebook has unveiled some new “features” on its platform in recent days that many allege are a total and compete privacy-breaching nightmare. But one hidden feature, discovered by Nik Cubrilovic, an Australian entrepreneur and writer, that few… |
By S. L. Baker, features writer
September 28 – When elders have cognitive problems, like forgetting things, and when imaging tests show their brains are actually shrinking, the diagnosis is often a hopeless one — some form of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. But what if the problem in a lot of these people… |
By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
September 28 – Massive public outcry against the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) proposed guidelines for New Dietary Ingredients (NDI) in supplements appears to be having a significant impact, as the agency recently announced a 60-day extension period for the public to submit… |
By Danna Norek
September 28 – Vitamin C is one of the most well known, cost effective and universally beneficial antioxidants that we know of today. This vitamin topically and internally encourages beautiful skin, helps boost the immune system, and aids in the prevention of several types of cancer… |
By Mark Sircus., AC, OMD
September 28 – This entire phase of my life began just over eight years ago when I first began writing about vaccines. My first book on the subject was called Cry of the Heart and I named it that because just about every day when writing I would meet up with parents who had lost their… |
By Christina Luisa
September 28 – America may boast some of the most advanced medical technology in the world, but the health of the American people continues to decline every year, with ever-growing rates of degenerative diseases. Approximately two-thirds of the population is overweight, and around… |
By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
September 27 – Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s failed plot to force Merck & Co.’s Gardasil vaccine on millions of young girls in the Lone Star State has sparked renewed interest among Americans, as to what all the controversy is about concerning the vaccine (… |
By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
September 27 – The benefits of being a subscriber to our NaturalNews email newsletter just keep getting better. Today we’re announcing something we’ve never done before, and you’ll like it! From today forward, all subscribers to our email newsletter (which is FREE) receive a LIFETIME… |
By Tara Green
September 27 – The excruciating pain of passing a kidney stone usually makes sufferers go to the hospital. In most cases, physicians aren’t able to do much except send the patient home with a prescription for painkillers. In instances where a stone is particularly large, doctors use… |
By S. D. Wells
September 27 – The general public is still shopping at Walmart and common drugstores for synthetic multivitamins and calcium supplements. The bad news is what you don’t know might hurt you. Walking into a nutritional nightmare is easy if you don’t know about supplements. Dangerous… |
By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
September 27 – Despite a renewed interest in small-scale, organic, and urban farms, most conventional crops continue to be cultivated on ever-expanding, mega-sized industrial farms composed of thousands of acres. And according to a recent report in The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), modern… |
By John Phillip
September 27 – More vindication for a natural Mediterranean-style diet, including plenty of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) and nuts, was revealed in an advanced study published by the prestigious journal Atherosclerosis. Early results from a Spanish study with more than 7500 participants… |
By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
September 27 – Last month, the US Geological Survey (USGS) released a report showing that air, rainwater and rivers across the Midwest US agricultural belt are routinely contaminated with high levels of glyphosate, a pervasive herbicide produced by biotechnology giant Monsanto. And… |
By J. D. Heyes
September 27 – In a sign of the divisive political times in which we live, there have been more calls in recent years for a reassertion of local sovereignty over federal control. And in at least one case, the governor (and a current presidential candidate) of one of the nation’s… |
By Connie Strasheim
September 27 – Inflammation, infections and excessive levels of insulin in the body are major instigators of cancer. Often, they occur together, and most people in modern society suffer from some degree of all three. Yet, it is possible to reduce their influence upon the body and thereby… |
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