From: Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief

This week in the World Affairs Brief:
For some reason the presidential kingmakers don’t want Mitt Romney to be the Republican front-runner, let alone president of the USA. It doesn’t even take a particularly astute observer to notice the media manipulation when the controlled news suddenly starts pushing some new Republican star to knock Romney off his front-runner pedestal. This is happening frequently in this race as one newspaper after another starts raving about some new face in the race, almost as if someone is calling the shots. It’s not quite that obvious, but almost. You can request a one-time free sample of the briefs by sending an email to
Russia’s Hidden Rulers
Gun Running for Drugs Going on Since Bush
Why no EMP Protection for the National Electric Grid?
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The World Affairs Brief is a weekly news analysis service dedicated to providing an understanding of the hidden agendas behind the actions of world leaders and other powerful individuals who influence government from behind the scenes. Although the World Affairs Brief is provided to subscribers only, you can read samples of Mr. Skousen’s unique analysis in the archives section. The following daily news items are provided as a sampling of the crucial issues that Mr. Skousen may analyze in this week’s briefing.

Daily News Links
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Bombshell: Underwear Bomber Calls Haskell As Defense Witness
Story by

In a shocking development in the trial of the accused underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, Delta Flight 253 eyewitness Kurt Haskell has been called by Abdulmutallab as a witness for the defense, a move that could blow the whole case wide open. Detroit Lawyer Haskell has been a prominent skeptic of the government’s official version of events, having witnessed a well-dressed man help Abdulmutallab clear security before the incident on Christmas Day 2009 despite the fact that the bomber had no passport, in addition to the fact that his own father had warned U.S. intelligence officials of the threat posed by Abdulmutallab a month before the attempted attack. It later emerged that the State Department was ordered not to revoke Abdulmutallab’s visa by “federal counterterrorism officials” even though the accused bomber had known terrorist ties. Haskell maintains that Abdulmutallab was carrying a fake bomb and was the unwitting dupe in a case of government entrapment. …More
World Authority On Anthrax Disputes Government Explanation Of 2001 Attack
Story by

Three leading scientists, one a world authority on the composition of Anthrax, have produced a paper that presents evidence that directly calls into question the FBI’s version of events surrounding the 2001 anthrax mail attacks. Dr. Hugh-Jones said that the presence of tine “indicates a very special processing, and expertise,” directly contradicting the FBI’s assertion that microbiologist Bruce Ivins acted as the lone perpetrator of the attacks that killed five people and infected 17 others in the weeks immediately following 9/11. The paper contends that the tin may have been used as a chemical catalyst in a specialized silicon coating on the anthrax germs, in order to kill any other micro-organisms. This would indicate that whoever prepared the anthrax spores did so with a very high level of sophistication. …More
Infowars Examines Occupy Wall Street
Story by has filed in-depth reports on coordinated efforts to co-opt and takeover the OWS movement by so-called progressive Democrats and others on the false left who are eager to exploit the movement’s energy and momentum. On October 5, an OWS march included corporatized labor unions, the Soros front group, assorted socialist and community groups and other variegated spawn of establishment foundations and NGOs. Predictably, the corporate media played up this aspect of the march from Foley Square to the Financial District and presented a distorted view of OWS, even though the opportunists were in the minority. …More
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Fluoridation has 60-year history of being a touchy subject in Pinellas County
Story by Tampa Bay News

[Submitting note: Poor article but the comments link at the bottom has some good opinions and links to the real research that show Fluoride to be poisonous to people] …But it’s never been that simple in Pinellas. In 2004 the county was the last major system to add fluoridation in the eastern United States. And with last week’s 4-3 vote, it joined a scattered list of U.S. communities that have recently decided to stop it. …More
Fla. county nixes fluoride in water after heated debate
Story by USA Today

A Florida county has voted to stop adding fluoride to its drinking water after a polarizing debate that included warnings of reduced intelligence, cancer, Soviet-style tactics and forced medicating by government. The Pinellas County Commission voted 4-3 to halt fluoridation to about 700,000 residents of the county, the St. Petersburg Times reports. The city of St. Petersburg will not be affected, WTSP reports. …More
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Ron Paul: Unadulterated, Unfiltered, Uncensored, 100 Octane
Story by Lew Rockwell

Ron Paul triumphant at the National Press Club, against a hostile host and hostile questioners. …More
Issa: Heads should roll over ‘Fast and Furious’
Story by WND

…The weekly briefing memos, redacted significantly, still reveal notes to Holder from Walther through July and into August in 2010 where he talks about “Fast and Furious”: “This investigation, initiated in September 2009 in conjunction with the Drug Enforcement Administration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and the Phoenix police department, involves a Phoenix-based firearms trafficking ring headed by Manueal Celis-Acosta. Celis-Acosta and straw purchasers are responsible for the purchase of 1,500 firearms that were then supplied to Mexican drug trafficking cartels. They also have direct ties to the Sinaloa cartel which is suspected of providing $1 million for the purchase of firearms in the greater Phoenix area.” Similar memos to Holder are dated July 12, July 19, July 26 and other dates. Insiders already have estimated that hundreds of deaths might be attributable to the guns that the U.S. government let “walk” into the Mexican drug war. …More
FREEDOM LOST By Chuck Baldwin
Story by NewsWithViews

…no, America is not the freest nation on earth. According to the Index of Economic Freedom, which is produced by the Heritage Foundation and the Wall Street Journal, the United States just barely makes it in the top ten, ranked at number nine in the world. According to Deroy Murdock, “Among the 179 countries examined in the Index, Hong Kong is ranked first, followed by Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Canada, Ireland, and Denmark. These nations all outscored the U.S. across ten categories, including taxes, free trade, regulation, monetary policy, and corruption. “America barely made the top ten. Bahrain was tenth, with 77.7 points, one decimal point behind America’s 77.8 score. Chile reached No. 11 with 77.4, just 0.4 points behind the United States.” …More

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