By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
October 12 – It takes a special kind of humility for a medical professional to admit that something he or she was taught in medical school, and has long since clung to as fact, is actually false. But a growing number of dentists from around the world, many of whom formerly supported… |
By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
October 12 – The pet products industry is burgeoning, as 2011 figures released by the American Pet Products Association (APPA) show that Americans now spend more than $50 billion a year on food, supplies, and veterinarian care for their pets — up nearly 300 percent since 1994. And… |
By S. L. Baker, features writer
October 12 – Did your mother or father have a heart attack? Did your grandfather and a couple of aunts and uncles or maybe a brother or cousin die from heart disease? Do you feel doomed that having a bad ticker “runs” in your family? Actually, you may have good reason to worry… |
By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
October 12 – While industrialized nations like the US push human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines like Gardasil and Cervarix as a preventive measure in the fight against cervical cancer, rural villages in Thailand and other areas are taking a different, more natural approach. The New… |
By Michelle Bosmier
October 12 – A new study conducted by a team of researchers at Marshall University, and recently published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer, has revealed that just modest, daily amounts of walnuts are sufficient to significantly lower the risk of breast cancer in mice. To test… |
By Randall Neustaedter OMD
October 12 – Do you have relatives or friends who have received a diagnosis of cancer, and now you are really worried? Are you upset by the death of Steve Jobs? Or have you or your loved ones gone through cancer treatment and personally seen the dire effects of conventional treatment… |
By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
October 11 – For far too long, breakfast cereal makers have carried out highly deceptive product labeling and positioning campaigns through the use of the term “natural.” Consumers are easily misled by this term, believing it to mean the product is free from pesticide chemicals and… |
By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
October 11 – The breast cancer research group Susan G. Komen for the Cure seems more interested in keeping its chemical industry donors happy than it is in actually finding a cure for breast cancer. A recent story in Mother Jones explains that, despite the more than 130 scientific… |
By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
October 11 – There is a small endorsement on the company’s main website, but it has come to our attention that at least some Whole Foods Market stores in California, Florida and certain other areas have been openly endorsing Breast Cancer Awareness month, as well as a specific group… |
By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
October 11 – You know things are bad in the realm of tyranny when even Reuters runs a story that admits the White House openly engages in the outright murder of U.S. citizens whom the White House deems “enemies.” In an article entitled, Secret panel can put Americans on “kill list… |
By Kaitlyn Moore
October 11 – The issues surrounding the dangers of vaccines require a look into how they are made and to what we are exposing ourselves to. So, what are vaccinations exactly? Generally speaking, vaccinations are inoculations that attempt to confer immunity against a specific disease… |
By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
October 10 – Insanity prevailed in California once again today as Governor Jerry Brown signed bill AB499 allowing 12-year-old children the ability to consent to being injected with Gardasil vaccines without their parents’ knowledge; yet at the same time the Governor banned the use… |
By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
October 10 – Occupy Wall Street protesters are undergoing collectivist zombie training in Atlanta, where a large group was caught on film engaging in a weird sort of “one voice” hypnotic chanting ritual that characterizes the key principles of both Communism and Socialism. Watch… |
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