More Ultra-Vivid Headlines from
G. Edward Griffin’s

2011 NOVEMBER 12 – 18

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50,000 Egyptians take to the streets to protest the current military dictatorship and push for elections in April 2012. Their main objection is to the new constitution that gives the military final decision-making power. MSNBC 2011 Nov 18

Mexico calls for extradition of six US citizens involved in the scandal-ridden ‘Fast and Furious’ gunwalking program. Mexican President Calderon says the violence that has killed nearly 50,000 people is the fault of the American government for providing guns to the drug cartel and also because of American demand for street drugs. [He conveniently makes no mention of the corruption within the Mexican government that allows the cartels to flourish while pretending to oppose them.]
Hispanically Speaking News
2011 Nov 18 (Cached)

Russian military chief warns NATO to stop expanding eastward. Otherwise, it will increase the risk of drawing Russia into a large-scale nuclear war. Yahoo 2011 Nov 17

Philippines: Secretary-of-State Hillary Clinton’s vehicle is attacked in protest over an agreement that protects US military personnel from prosecution for crimes committed in that country.
2011 Nov 17

Italy faces riots as it braces for austerity under its new unelected banking regime. Yahoo 2011 Nov 17

Australia agrees to permanently host a US Marine base with the initial target of deploying 2500 soldiers. The stated objective is to counter China’s growing military power. BBC 2011 Nov 16 (Cached)

Newt Gingrich, CFR member and establishment candidate for President, reportedly has been paid $1.6 million by Freddie Mac over the last 8 years. [They called it a consulting fee.]
2011 Nov 16 (Cached)

US: Department of Justice wants to make it a crime to lie or use a false name on Internet social-networking site – to prevent fraud and abuse, of course. InfoWars 2011 Nov 16 (Cached)

US: Sealed court documents have disappeared in the ‘Fast & Furious’ murder case of US Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. The theft appears to be an inside job. Townhall Nov 15 (Cached)

Patients who accept chemotherapy for cancer lose significant activity in parts of their brains associated with memory and planning. [This leads to memory loss and foggy thinking, a condition known as ‘chemo-brain’.] DailyMail 2011 Nov 15 (Cached)

US: Over $30bn in tax dollars given to the rich and famous like Springsteen, Bon Jovi, and Ted Turner, in government subsidies EVERY YEAR.
2011 Nov 15 (Cached)

60 Minutes reveals how Congressmen gets rich from having confidential information. Congress writes laws against insider trading but its own members are exempt. Politicians become wealthy from this corruption – and it’s all legal.
2011 Nov 14

New leaders of Italy and Greece are members of the Trilateral Commission. [That means they are part of the elite club of international bankers and politicians dedicated to world government based on the model of collectivism. They can be relied upon to continue the legalized plunder and covert dictatorship of their own people.] RT 2011 Nov 14

UK: Girl, 13, left in ‘waking coma’ (unable to walk or talk and sleeps 23 hours a day) in reaction to multiple HPV vaccines that were required by her school. Thousands of girls have been injured in this program. DailyMail 2011 Nov 14 (Cached)

Fordson snow tractor, a great invention from the 1920s. Click and be amazed.

Exposure to industrial solvents, such as trichloroethylene (TCE), can increase risk of Parkinson’s Disease six times. TCE may contaminate 30% of America’s drinking water.
2011 Nov 14 (Cached)

US: Presidential candidate, Herman Cain, reveals that he knows very little about world events or US foreign policy as he fumbles to answer a simple question about Libya. YouTube 2011 Nov 14

Obama says he will make the government ‘efficient’ by limiting spending on souvenir mousepads, coffee mugs, and other non-essentials. He hopes to cut $4 billion from a $14 TRILLION debt. [That’s like cutting a single blade of grass in hopes of creating a well-maintained lawn. It is, of course, a publicity stunt.] DailyMail 2011 Nov 13 (Cached)

Professor at a Chinese university, who also is a popular TV host, says that China is bankrupt, inflation is 16%, and taxes are too high. He reports that GDP is overstated, because 70% is from government projects. He warns that a financial tsunami is on the horizon. [His remarks were intended to be off the record but were secretly recorded and posted on Yahoo.] Epoch Times 2011 Nov 13

Arab League (formed after WWII in response to growing Western power) voted to suspend Syria’s membership over its killing of protesters. Syria says the protesters were extremists pushing a foreign agenda to destabilize the government and set the stage for intervention by international forces.
2011 Nov 13 (Cached)

Washington DC: An automatic weapon (AK47) is recovered after shots were fired near the White House. [D.C. has some of the most restrictive gun-control laws in the nation; so here is further proof that, when guns are outlawed, only outlaws have guns.] DailyMail 2011 Nov 12 (Cached)

Ron Paul is slighted (again) in the latest CBS Republican debate on foreign policy as he is allowed only a few minutes to explain his popular platform. Here are the highlights of his remarks.
2011 Nov 12
In spite of being given less time than other candidates, Ron Paul wins the CBS debate by a landslide, so CBS removed the poll. This is the second time in one week this has happened.
YouTube 2011 Nov 12

Libya: Gadhafi planned to switch to gold in place of the US dollar for oil purchases. This would have further devastated the dollar and might have caused it to be dumped as the world’s reserve currency. [Surely, this had nothing to do with the fact that the US backed Libya’s rebellion and demanded ‘regime change’. Right?] New American Posted 2011 Nov 12 (Cached)

The oil industry is employing military-style psy-ops (psychological operations) against activists and local governments who oppose their ground-fracturing techniques. [‘Fracking’ includes pumping chemicals into the ground and may contaminate water supplies. The chemicals are a secret.] CNBC Posted 2011 Nov 12 (Cached)

US: Nuclear power companies are re-organizing as Limited-Liability Companies (LLCs) so they can declare bankruptcy and walk away from their debts. That means the losses will be paid by taxpayers. [They can do this because they have ‘friends’ in Washington who write the rules.]
Posted Nov 12 (Cached)


Reports and commentaries that look beyond the news to identify historical facts and trends that must be understood to place the news into perspective. This is our “think-tank” section that makes it possible to anticipate future events.

Doctor says chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer is ineffective; yet it is a $1 trillion-a-year industry. Only 1% of research funding is used for prevention, because the cancer business thrives on its own failure. A cure would be terminal for profits. NewsWithViews posted 2011 Nov 17 (Cached)

Excellent interview with Ron Paul who explains the basics of monetary policy, inflation, how the present system hurts the common man’s purchasing power and, more important, destroys freedom for everyone. YouTube posted 2011 Nov 14

GAVI Alliance is a public-private partnership between the UN, the World Bank, the Bill Gates Foundation, Big Pharma, and other so-called philanthropists that plan to push HPV vaccines in underdeveloped nations. Their program will generate huge profits from government funding that, ultimately, will come from taxpayers.
Posted 2011 Nov 12 (Cached)

Peter Eyre makes a clear and correct analysis of how the global debt crisis is engineered by what he calls the New World Order and how banks and investment brokers are stealing the money of naive investors. [Be aware that this was broadcast by Russia Today, a source that is quick to report the truth about corruption in Western nations but has little to say about corruption from Leninist-oriented nations. Nevertheless, in our view, this report is painfully accurate.]
Posted 2011 Nov 12